Published at 6th of March 2023 09:01:31 AM

Chapter 512

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"Good..." Xiao Leng snorted and said, "I'll give you a chance."


With that, Xiao Han threw Qin Xiaotian out.

After Qin Xiaotian landed on the ground, he cried out in pain. He kept rubbing his tailbone.

At this time, the girl rushed to the past, helped Qin Xiaotian up from the ground, and said, "Xiaotian, don't forget it, let's go back and talk about it."

"No, I must fight him today." Qin Xiaotian gnaws his teeth.

Liu Yiyi took Xiao Han's arm and said, "Xiao Han, let's go. Don't be wise with him. I don't want to see him."

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

He is also lazy to pay attention to Qin Xiaotian, but take Liu Yiyi's hand and walk slowly towards other places. Xiao Han's indifference, is to stimulate Qin Xiaotian's self-esteem, he clenched his teeth, quickly toward Xiao Han in the past.

"Go to hell!" Qin Xiaotian roared.

Xiao Han didn't look at it. He turned around to swing his legs and kicked Qin Xiaotian's chest.


Qin Xiaotian hasn't had time to react, or Qin Xiaotian didn't expect Xiao Han to know that he was coming. This foot came, Qin Xiaotian was almost forced to get a foot. The whole person fell back, chest pain, the back of the head on the ground, is extremely painful. Xiao Han turned to look at Qin Xiaotian and said, "today is Liu Yiyi. Don't let me settle accounts with you. Otherwise, you will die today."

Finish saying, Xiao Han turns to leave.

Where does Qin Xiaotian have the courage to challenge. He took a deep breath, coldly looked at Xiao Han's back, gnashing his teeth and said: "bastard, I dare to humiliate me in front of women, this account I will not let go."

Liu Yiyi is in a low mood. The ice cream in her hand has melted, and the Milky milk drops down.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked with concern.

"Nothing!" Liu Yiyi shook his head and said, "it's just a little upset."

"Silly girl, what's bothering you?" Xiao Han said with a quick smile: "Qin Xiaotian is such a bedbug. What do you care about him for?"

"Yes Liu Yiyi sighed and said, "he is just a bug. I care what he does. However, what he said is true. I am a girl with incurable disease. I am not worthy of love and friendship! "

"Nonsense." Xiao Han glared at her and said, "believe me, your disease can be cured. With the current technology, leukemia is nothing, any incurable disease can be cured. Do you know? "

"Well!" Liu Yiyi took Xiao Han's arm and said, "when I get well, I can eat ice cream every day."

"Yes Xiao Han nodded and said, "when you are well, you can eat anything you want!"

"Yes Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "at that time, I want you to accompany me to eat."

"No problem at all!" Xiao Han nodded.

On Saturday morning, so passed, at noon, Xiao Han and Liu Yiyi returned to Liu's villa. The housemaid prepared lunch for them. Lunch is very simple food. Liu Yiyi can not eat too much meat, can only eat some light vegetables. But Xiao Han is a complete carnivore. Therefore, the kitchen specially made a large steak for Xiao Han. It's delicious.

After lunch, Liu Yiyi led Xiao Han into his room.

This is the first time Xiao Han entered Liu Yiyi's boudoir. This is a very warm room. Like all the girls, the room is full of dolls and dolls. The room is a beautiful princess bed, and Princess wardrobe. Inside the wardrobe hung a piece of high-end dress, these dresses are Liu Yiyi had worn. It's just that she can't wear it now. Even if he did, he couldn't follow his father out of the party.

Xiao Han raised a smile: "this room is really beautiful."

"I set it up myself." Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

"Is it?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

There is a balcony in the room. Standing on the balcony, you can see the artificial lake not far away, and the weeping willows swinging in the wind. It's like a girl with long hair standing by the lake and being blocked to tease her long hair.

Liu Yiyi was lying on the head of the bed. She bit her lips and said, "Xiao Han, can you play some songs for me?"

Xiao Han took a look at the piano in the corner.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

"I want to hear you play" find her "at the new year's party Liu Yiyi said in a hurry.

In fact, when Liu Yiyi heard this song, she already understood the meaning of Xiao Han's song. She also knew that there was a girl hiding in Xiao Han's inner world. The girl was very sensitive and sensitive to such things. Especially Liu Yiyi, a piano master, she is very clear.

"No problem!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han's ten fingers gently placed on the keyboard, fingers gently pressed. Soon, the sound of the piano was melodious, and the wonderful music came from the piano. Melodious and natural and unrestrained, it sounds very comfortable. That beautiful, wonderful, moving music. People feel very comfortable, as if the soul has been separated from the vulgar body, rushed to the sky.That light floating soul floating in the sky, enjoying the baptism from outer space, enjoying the different feeling.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, he turned to look at Liu Yiyi, Liu Yiyi closed his eyes, a tear fell from the corner of his eyes.

Behind the moving music, there is a sad beauty. Xiao Han's music is elegant and fluent. Behind the smooth and beautiful music, there is indeed a sad story. That is the story of Xiao Han hidden in his heart.


Finally, the sound of the piano stopped suddenly. The room was quiet again. However, the melodious sound of the piano seems to have not dissipated, but for a long time around the room. It's been floating around my ears.

"Xiao Han..." Liu Yiyi opened her eyes, and her beautiful eyes were staring at Xiao Han.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han looks at Liu Yiyi curiously.

"The sound is beautiful." Liu Yiyi bit her lips.

"In fact, to tell you the truth, this song was written for you." Xiao Han admitted frankly. Because he was afraid, he was afraid that one day Liu Yiyi left the world, then, the secret would never have a chance to say it.

"Ah?" Liu Yiyi listened, eyes suddenly wide open, she quickly sat up, looked at Xiao Han in dismay, said: "you What did you just say

"I said, in fact, this song is written for you Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Why?" Liu Yiyi looked at Xiao Han in disbelief and said, "you You're not lying to me, are you? "

"I didn't lie to you!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "in fact, the first time I saw you was in the school piano room. One night, I went to the school piano room to practice piano and saw you leave. I've been looking for you since that day. I can't tell what it's like to see you. So, I created such a piano piece

"Really?" She was surprised to hear this song with her eyes This makes Liu Yiyi feel incomparable shock and surprise.

"It's true, of course." Xiao Han nodded and said, "the second time I saw you in guzheng line, your father came to pick you up in an Audi. However, we still pass by. You don't know me, but I know you! "

"Then why don't you tell me?" Liu Yi Yi tears Susu to the whereabouts.

Xiao Han walked slowly past, sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "fool, you are so beautiful and so beautiful. I'm afraid you are a fairy from the sky, and I'm just a layman. I'm afraid I'll disturb you, and I'll never see you again."

"But..." Liu Yiyi bit red lips, still can't stop tears falling down, said: "but, I'm just a terminally ill patient, I don't even have the most beautiful long hair."

"I know!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "it's just because heaven hates your beauty, so the disease comes to you. You should strive to overcome the disease and move the heaven with your willpower. I'm sure you'll be well by then. "

"Well!" Liu Yiyi nodded, her red eyes, said: "Xiao Han, I still want to listen again, can you play to me?"

"Of course, you can listen to it as many times as you want!" Xiao Han nodded.

With that, Xiao Han sat down again in front of the piano, and then played this moving piece again.

Liu Yiyi lies on the head of the bed and quietly turns on the recording function of the mobile phone. Quietly recorded all this piece of music. Xiao Han had no consciousness at all.

Xiao Han played it twice in a row. When the last note fell, Liu Yiyi had closed her eyes and fell into a shallow sleep.

Xiao Han gently covered the piano keys and walked slowly towards Liu Yiyi. Help her cover the bedding, then bow his head and kiss her on the brow. After all this, Xiao Han turned around and walked out of the room.

After coming out of the room, Xiao Han went down from the upstairs.

"Would you like afternoon tea, Mr. Xiao?" Asked the maid.

"No more." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I went back first. After Yiyi woke up, you told her I went back to school."

"Good!" The maid nodded.


Return to school.

Just arrived at the dormitory, Liu Bin immediately found Xiao Han.

"You're in trouble." Liu Bin narrowed his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously: "I didn't do anything angry and resentful."

"Qin Xiaotian gave you a letter of war on the forum of Shuimu University." Liu Bin said.

"What war book?" Xiao Han asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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