Published at 6th of March 2023 08:58:02 AM

Chapter 584

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Xiao Han Leng for a moment, and then looking at Chen Xiaowu, asked: "no need."

With that, Xiao Han immediately went to sleep with his eyes closed.

Chen Xiaowu suddenly felt bored and pursed his mouth and said, "do you hate me so much for my long appearance?"

"Not yet." Xiao Han shook his head and then said, "however, you'd better go back to your seat. I'll have a rest."

Chen Xiaowu was wronged. From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever despised himself. Moreover, there is always a large group of pursuers following his buttocks to pursue himself persistently. However, he did not expect this guy to ignore himself. Chen Xiaowu feels that her self-esteem has been hit.

"You Chen Xiaowu bit red lips, eyes red, she turned back to her seat, mouth muttered: "you when I like you?"

Chen Xiaowu left, Xiao Han's heart immediately calmed down.

At this time, Mo shaocong came from his seat and sat down in Xiao Han's position.

"What are you talking about?" Mo shaocong asked with a smile.

"Nothing, just a few words of thanks!" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Xiaohan, don't blame me for not reminding you, this woman you must not touch." Mo shaocong reminded.

"I don't have to remind me." Xiao Han nodded.

"Well." With a smile, Mo shaocong said, "when you get to the capital, you should be more restrained in your attitude and tone of voice. In the capital city, the minister who grabs at random is also a minister. In the capital city, maybe a humble old man is the national big yuan. So be careful at all times. "

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded.

However, his heart is very disdainful. In his opinion, the so-called "rich second generation" and "official second generation" are just a group of moths and a group of rice bags. If such people did not rely on their ancestors, how could they come to power?

Xiao Han raised a smile, the whole person is very calm.

After a few hours of flight, the plane soon landed at terminal T2 of the Capital International Airport.

Back to the capital, wenxiaobaodun was very proud.

"Mo Shao Cong, I must treat you all tonight!" Wenxiaobao patted Mo shaocong on the shoulder and said, "this time, it depends on you. If it wasn't for you, I couldn't come back safe and sound today."

"You're welcome!" Mo shaocong shook his head.

"Well You can do your own activities. I have to go home first and prepare it for the old man. " Wen Xiaobao said with a smile.

"Well!" Mo shaocong nodded.

As for Xiao Han, Wen Xiaobao really ignored him. In the view of wenxiaobao, Xiao Han is not even qualified to carry shoes for himself. Mo shaocong is qualified to be a small follower for himself.

Now that he has returned to the capital, Wen Xiaobao suddenly feels that he has returned to his own territory, and there is no need to be afraid of anyone. When he was still in Myanmar yesterday, Wen Xiaobao was a brother of Xiao Han, and the other was Xiao Han on the right. That's because he needed to rely on Xiao Han. Now, Xiao Han is of no use to him. So, ignore it.

Wen's car directly into the apron, directly from the airport apron on the wenxiaobao and Chen Xiaowu took away.

Before leaving, Chen Xiaowu said to Xiao Han, "I can take you around the capital when I'm free."

Thank you Xiao Han nodded politely.

Looking at two people on the Mercedes Benz left, the license plate in front of Beijing AG6 began. This license plate is an extraordinary one.

In Beijing, the current license plates are Jing a, Jing B, Jing C, Jing e, Jing F, Jing g, Jing h, Jing J and Jing K. Among them, Jing B is a taxi; Jing G is a suburban car. The car license plates in Beijing are not divided by administrative regions, but in chronological order, starting from Beijing A. after using up the serial numbers in this letter, a new letter will be used. Because D and I are easy to be confused with other letters, they are not used. Instead, they are used directly with the following letters. Now l is used. Of course, O is a police car license plate, which is used by all provinces and Beijing is no exception.

Jing a is the license plate of government organs (except for those with white background and black characters, which are owned by foreign enterprises). In Jing a license plates, Jing AG6 is a well deserved cattle license plate among the cattle license plates, and the license plates of this segment are only issued less than 200 pieces.

Beijing A81 belongs to the State Administration Bureau directly under the central government, and Beijing GA belongs to the organ Affairs Administration Bureau of the State Council.

From the license plate of a car, you can see that the owner's identity is extraordinary.

Xiao Han looked at the license plate and asked curiously, "who is this wenxiaobao?"

"Don't ask!" Mo shaocong quietly reminded one, way: "know too much is not good for you."

"Well!" Xiao Han answered.

Indeed, the capital is at the foot of the emperor and the root of the imperial city. There are many high-ranking officials, from the head of state to the common people. No one knows whether the person he meets on the road will be a cadre of the power department.

Moreover, in the capital, the faction is complex and the root system is entrenched. Standing in line is a very important thing. If you stand in the wrong team, you will regret it forever. If you stand in the right team, you will be promoted to three levels in a short time.Therefore, as an ordinary person, Xiao Han naturally should not have too much to do with these officials, especially wenxiaobao.

"Let's go." Mo shaocong said with a smile, "I'll take you to be smart."

"To where?" Xiao Han asked.

"Hey, you will know when you go!" Mo shaocong raised a strange smile.

"Er..." Xiao Han looks puzzled.

Mo shaocong and Xiao Han go out from the airport. They stop a taxi and go straight to the city.

Although Mo shaocong is the son of a provincial official, he has no influence in the capital. If in Z Province, Mo shaocong's influence will be great. However, this is the capital city. Mo shaocong does not have any privileges. He can only take a taxi just like ordinary people.

In fact, Xiao Han has always had a question.

"Big brother." Xiao Han opened his mouth.

"What's the matter?" Mo shaocong turns his head and looks at Xiao Han.

"You say Anyway, you saved wenxiaobao. Now, you personally sent him to the capital, and he left you here alone. It's hard to make sense of emotion and reason. " Xiao Han looks at Mo shaocong in doubt.

"So I told you not to ask about his identity, background, or his background." Mo shaocong said with a smile, "I can't afford it. You can't do it even more. Even the boys who went to the provincial capital to fight black boxing with me that day were not as provoking as those


Xiao Han a listen, suddenly pour a cold breath.

At first, Xiao Han thought Wen Xiaobao was just the son of a cadre at the ministerial or vice ministerial level. However, it seems that it is far more than that. In the upward, Xiao Han some dare not think. Does wenxiaobao belong to the military region? Or a commander or a lieutenant general, or the grandson of a general?

Think of here Xiao Han some dare not think.

Indeed, as Mo shaocong said, such a person can not be provoked by himself, nor can he. If it was not for the background of the military region, there would be at least a deputy national level cadre in his family. Thinking of this, Xiao Han would not dare to think about it.

"Forget it." Xiao Han listened, shook his head, and said: "this is all between you, and I have nothing to do with it. This time, I should have helped my elder brother once."

"You're right to think so." Mo shaocong nodded and said, "how Wen Xiaobao treats me, it's all his business. I helped him, at least he owed me a favor

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded.

"In the future, such a favor will be used sooner or later." Mo shaocong laughed and said, "money and debt are easy to pay these days, but human relationship is difficult to pay."

The taxi soon reached the second ring road.

The housing price of the second ring road has soared to more than ten thousand square meters in the capital city. If it is linked with the school district, it will be more expensive and astonishing. Compared with the average price of less than 10000 yuan in Linjiang City, the room in Beijing is just like a car equipped with rocket engine, which can't be stopped.

"Where is this?" Xiao Han asked in doubt.

"The red chamber." Mo shaocong smiles, mysterious and yearning.

"Red Chamber?" Xiao Han was stunned.

"Yes." Mo shaocong nodded and said mysteriously, "follow me, and you will know."

With that, Mo shaocong walked across to the building that looked like an ancient building.

It was a house similar to an ancient brothel, with a gold plaque hanging at the door and two words on the door: red chamber.

The door was cold and clear, and there was no one coming or going.

However, at the door stood two security guards in black shirts and sunglasses. Hands crossed in the abdomen, standing upright, like the sentry at the gate of the provincial Party committee compound. It's amazing.

Xiao Han follows Mo shaocong.

At the door, Mo shaocong took out a black card from his pocket and handed it to him.

The other party took the card and took a card reader off the belt.


With a crackle, the card reader immediately displays the information.

Then, the security guard immediately bowed and said, "please come inside!"

"Go Xiao Han walks in with Xiao Han.

The two security guards kept bowing until Mo shaocong and Xiao Han went upstairs, and then they stood upright and resumed their upright posture. It seemed that they had just experienced nothing.

They walked up the stairs to the second floor. The gate on the second floor was a big one. The golden door was paved with huge woolen carpet, which was made by pure artificial wool imported from Australia.

At the door, a girl in blue and white porcelain cheongsam came up. Naturally, he took Mo shaocong's arm and said, "little, you haven't come for a long time."

"Ha ha..." Mo shaocong laughed and said, "today I'll bring my brother to broaden my horizons."

"Good!" The girl nodded in a hurry and looked at Xiao Han with charming eyes.

Xiao Han suddenly felt a shock all over his body.

This woman is not simple, you can see from the other person's eyes. This charming Kung Fu is definitely not refined overnight. Ordinary men will be addicted to her if they take a look at them. The other party is not only beautiful, but also has a very good figure. Wearing that cheongsam, her figure is outlined incisively and vividly and perfectly. The front arch and back warping, Qipao's opening position can just see her perfect , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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