Published at 6th of March 2023 08:56:26 AM

Chapter 617

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"No Blue rain butterfly shakes her head.

"Then why can't you sleep?" Xiao Han asked softly in her ear. This kind of feeling is very comfortable, holding a person in my arms, smelling the fragrance of her body, as if I could feel that the happiness of the whole world was concentrated on myself.

"A lot of thinking." Blue rain butterfly sighed and said, "if the teacher of the school knows that we have lived here for one night, what will people think? If President Chen Aiguo knows, will he criticize me? "

"Love between men and women, we are lovers, who can control it?" Xiao Leng snorted.

Blue rain butterfly frowned and said, "however, this is a society, a society of one person. Since it is a human society, we should be alive, we should care about the feelings of the people around us, and we should also consider what kind of impact we will bring to them. "

"Isn't it tiring to live like this?" Xiao Han said.

"People are tired when they are alive." Blue rain butterfly said.

"Don't be so negative." Xiao Han laughed and said, "it's not good to be too negative. People should be positive and optimistic."

"Of course I know." Blue rain butterfly nods.

Deep in the night, people are not quiet.

In the room, they whispered and talked a lot. From life to ideal, from ideal to life, from life to philosophy, from philosophy to future

Until more than one o'clock in the morning, blue rain butterfly finally fell asleep.

"I want to sleep. I have to go to work tomorrow." Blue rain butterfly mumbled a word, and then went to sleep.

Then heavy sleep in the past.

Xiao Han is still energetic, mainly because he is holding a plump and colorful beauty in his arms and thinking about a lot of things in his mind. Of course I can't sleep. However, even if how can't sleep again, lie on the head of the bed, all around a pitch dark, finally still want to heavy sleep in the past.

After a while, Xiao Han also fell asleep.

Until the next morning.

When Xiao Han wakes up, he finds that blue rain butterfly has already got up, and the sound of water comes from the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of water, Xiao Han has a sense of happiness.

When blue rain butterfly came out of the bathroom, Xiao Han's face was filled with a happy smile, watching his favorite woman out of the bath, this is a very happy thing.

"Sluggard, get up soon." Blue rain butterfly looks at Xiao Han, then turns to change clothes.

"Good!" Xiao Han answered.

Two people soon tidy up, Xiao Han took blue rain butterfly's hand, way: "go, go down to have breakfast."

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded.

Blue rain butterfly nodded, and then said: "you said, my stomach is really a little hungry!"

Out of the room, Zhang Feng several people have been waiting in the dining room. Only Zhang Dagu has not come out yet.

"Are you up?" Zhang Feng's face is full of spring breeze, and the florets on one side are also ruddy. They are very young and have water color. It is estimated that he got satisfaction from Zhang Feng last night.

Xiao Han nodded and said, "well, you just came down?"

"Yes Zhang Feng nodded and said, "originally I wanted to call you, but Xiaohua refused to let me disturb you, so we came down first."

"Let's eat together." Xiao Han said.

Although it's a chain restaurant, it has its own restaurant, which has a buffet breakfast. Breakfast is quite abundant.

There are many varieties and styles. Of course, breakfast in such a chain hotel is certainly not as luxurious as that of a five-star hotel, and there is no national flavor.

Blue rain butterfly picked out some of her favorite food with her plate.

Just when a few people had dinner, Liu Bin and Guan Xiaotong also came down from the upstairs.

"Why don't you call us when you eat?" Liu Bin asked with a smile.

"Isn't it afraid to disturb you?" Zhang Feng looked at him and said, "if you want to do something in the morning, what can you do?"

Liu Bin a listen, a face helpless, way: "you think we are the same as you?"

"I got up earlier than you." Zhang Feng shrugged.

"All right, stop making trouble and have a quick meal." Blue rain butterfly says.

This is the end of their quarrel. Men are aggressive animals, especially when their girlfriends are around them, they are particularly aggressive and very belligerent.

The number of four people increased by six.

Until finished, Zhang Dagu and Zhang Xiaomei still did not come out of the room.

"This fat man, can't he be so powerful?" Liu Bin looked at Xiao Han awkwardly and said, "or was this boy too tired last night?"

"Who knows?" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "maybe Zhang Xiaomei drank too much yesterday, and has been sleeping till now?"

"Who knows that!" Liu Bin said evil.

Xiao Han smile, and then said: "OK, we ignore him, we still go back to school.""Well!" Several people nodded.

It was nine o'clock in the morning when I got out of the hotel. A few people came out of the room and headed outside.

It's sunny outside. It's very hot in early September.

The hot sun is like a ball of fire hanging over everyone's head, baking the ground. On the tree, cicada kept calling.

"It's hot!" Blue rain butterfly complained a word, and then said: "this ghost weather, when can cool up?"

"Summer is just beginning!" Xiao Han laughed and then said, "in winter, people expect summer to come earlier. In summer, people expect winter to come earlier."

"Yes, that's what people are like!" Blue rain butterfly smiles.

Back to school, blue rain butterfly into the teacher's work. Xiao Han went back to the dormitory.


In the provincial capital, Wangjiang villa area.

This is the most luxurious villa area in the provincial capital. It is also the place where the richest people live. People living in this place are either rich or expensive. There are almost one-third of the rich in the provincial capital.

The Qin family of the Qin family lived here.

At this time, the people of Qin family are discussing a matter. This is about Qin Xiaotian's future.

Previously, Qin Xiaotian because Liu Yiyi got cancer, so immediately under the marriage letter. It is also such a paper divorce book, so that Liu Yiyi in the provincial capital aristocratic circle has become a poor girl. It also won the sympathy of many people. Of course, many people also know that Liu Yiyi was originally abandoned by the Qin family. At that time, the Qin family issued a letter of divorce, saying that since then, the second son of the Qin family and the eldest daughter of the Liu family have no relationship.

Because of this, the relationship between the two families became very bad. Moreover, the Qin family and the Liu family cut off many business contacts.

However, Liu's father has also stepped out of the past failure, and now he does not need to rely on the Qin family to set off himself or rely on the Qin family to support himself. At the beginning, the reason why he gave his daughter to the son of a bitch in the Qin family was to help him tide over the difficulties with the help of the Qin family. Now the difficulties have passed. Therefore, the Qin family broke off business relations with themselves, and it did not have much impact.

But it's not the same now. Liu Yiyi is cured. She is still a living beauty.

Qin Xiaotian learned from a girl's mouth that Liu Yiyi's disease had been cured. At first, he didn't believe it. After all, it was leukemia. It was a terminal disease. What is incurable disease? That's the disease that can't be treated. That's the incurable disease. If it is so easy to treat, what kind of incurable disease is it? At first Qin Xiaotian didn't believe it. Later, he met Liu Yiyi in the street, and he believed it.

In order to verify the authenticity, Qin Xiaotian went to the hospital to see Liu Yiyi's case. I learned that she had a bone marrow exchange, and it was a success. From then on, there will be no recurrence, as long as you insist on taking medicine, which makes Qin Xiaotian heart again.

"Mom, no matter what, I will marry Liu Yiyi!" Qin Xiaotian is resolute.

"No way!" Mrs. Qin shook her head firmly and said, "although she is well, she has suffered from leukemia. Who knows whether the children born in the future will get it? I can't let the blood of our Qin family be threatened! "

"Mom, leukemia is not a genetic disease!" Qin Xiaotian said in a hurry: "besides, Liu Yiyi is so beautiful that we can improve the gene of Qin family in the future. You see, mom, you are so beautiful that you can give birth to such a handsome man as my elder brother and I

Qin Xiaotian clapped his horse for a while, and Mrs. Qin was dizzy.

"Or When your brother comes back? " Mrs. Qin said curiously.

"Why discuss with him?" Qin Xiaotian was not happy when he heard this: "elder brother, he is now the chairman of the company, but not the owner of the family. What makes me decide my marriage? If I want it, I don't have to discuss it with him! "

Qin Xiaotian grows up day by day. In the past, he has no desire for power, status and money. However, with the growth of age, he gradually understands the importance of these things. These things are a symbol of identity for a man, and the best proof of a man's success. Therefore, Qin Xiaotian more and more dislikes his elder brother, hates him to be in charge of Qin's group alone.

"This..." In fact, Mrs. Qin preferred Qin Xiaotian. However, the ability and strength of the Qin army were all witnessed by all. It was also approved by the family meeting that he took charge of the Qin family group. The board of directors is elected. From company strategy to family affairs, the Qin army has basically mastered them. Qin Xiaotian's marriage is an absolute event for the Qin family. So she couldn't just ask her eldest son.

"Mom, just make the decision." Qin Xiaotian said in a hurry: "I like you at home. You make the decision for me

"That won't do!" Mrs. Qin shook her head and said, "since you don't let your elder brother make decisions for you, I'll ask your father."

"Yes Qin Xiaotian nodded.

The Qin army seldom comes back for dinner.The family had dinner in the dining room. Today, the cook made a lot of delicious food. A big dinner table. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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