Published at 6th of March 2023 08:53:45 AM

Chapter 669

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"Ha ha..."

The people of the Golden Lion Gate burst into laughter.

Zuo Xiu laughed and said, "sure, we can't beat you. However, it seems that the people of the Golden Lion Gate are closed in our water prison

"You put our men in a water prison!" Kirin was furious and said, "you don't treat people as human beings."

"The people of the Golden Lion Gate are not human beings here!" Zuo Xiu sneered and said, "I'll behead tomorrow anyway."

"You Hearing this, Qilin was furious and said, "you dare!"

"Dare you." Left repair disdain's return a, way: "do not believe you come to see tomorrow noon to know."

Qilin gritted his teeth and said, "the disciples of the Golden Lion Gate will follow me and kill them together to save our people!"

"Kill!" Yelled the man behind.

"Line up Zuo Xiu roared.


The two sides immediately started fighting. At the same time, the two sides quickly prepared to break through.

Xiao Han raised a smile around his mouth. He laughed.

Left Xiu raised a strange smile and said, "Whoever dares to rush inside will kill the first one!"

"Kill, kill!" Naturally, the people of the lost track gate are not fools. Their dignity needs to be guarded by themselves. A group of people immediately picked up the confidence and guarded the gate here.

The people watching the lost track gate are so powerful. On the contrary, some members of the Golden Lion family retreated.

The two sides were at daggers drawn.

"Kill!" Kirin takes the lead in rushing out.

He took the lead to run into Zuo Xiu, who quickly stabbed the Kirin with his sword in his hand. As soon as Qilin's head deviates, his sword moves towards the other side fiercely. Instead of cutting, the big knife hit Zuo Xiu's chest with its face.

Zuo Xiu stepped back two steps. At this time, a disciple of the lost track sect immediately filled his place.

This array is very mysterious. It can bring the strength of a group of people together. So that the other side can't break the array. The purpose of this array is to protect, not to attack.

The gate of the lost gate.

Entangle both sides. Zuo Xiu takes people to guard the gate of the lost track gate. When the array is opened, the people of the Golden Lion Gate are immediately trapped. Only when the other party breaks through from inside, can they have the hope of survival.

However, it is not the first time that Qilin is trapped by this array. The last time Qilin was trapped, he easily rushed out of the array. This time, although the strength of the disciples of the lost track sect has been improved, this does not mean that the array is unbreakable.

Qilin and more than 20 disciples of the Golden Lion Gate rely on each other, looking for opportunities to break through the array.

The last time it broke was at the end of last year. This time it was the end of September.

Kirin looked at each other and said, "Zuo Xiu, you can't stop me!"

"Is it?" Zuo Xiu smiles. This time, he has great confidence in his formation. The last time I lost to the other side, it was because I was not good at strength and was not familiar with the array. But this time their own strength has been improved, eager to match the law also has a certain degree of familiarity, and even some minor improvements. Therefore, Zuo Xiu is very confident.


All of a sudden, the array changed greatly. The two disciples provoked the sword and suddenly stabbed at each other.

"Good come!" Kylin yelled.

At the same time, several disciples of the Golden Lion Gate rushed up with Qilin.


When the weapons are handed over, there are bursts of sparks.

The disciples of the Golden Lion Gate were extremely excited. They tried their best and almost gave their milk. Crazy attack on the other side.

Zuo Xiu is in the middle of the array, with a long sword in his hand. He may attack at any time. Seeing that the people of the Golden Lion Gate were about to suppress their own people, Zuo Xiu immediately rushed to the middle of the array. Qilin is staring at Zuo Xiu all the time. Seeing him coming, he resolutely gives up attacking the disciples of the lost track sect and rushes towards Zuo Xiu instead.

"Your opponent is me!" Kylin yelled.

"Hum!" Zuo Xiu looked at him scornfully, and then said, "then I'll beat you first."

With that, Zuo Xiu picked his sword and pricked Kirin's eyebrows. This is a false move, and the real opportunity is still ahead.

No matter the disciples of the Qilin sect or the lost track sect, neither of them has internal mental skills. Therefore, their attacks are just physical attacks. There was a fierce fight between the two sides. Qilin has seen Zuo Xiu's empty move. Without thinking about it, he directly cleaves to the other side.

In the face of Kirin's indifference, Zuo Xiu is anxious, and he stabs him in the past.


The sword swung open the long sword of Zuo Xiu.

Both of them stepped back several steps. Kirin grinned and said, "I didn't expect that your strength has improved very fast."

"Hey, hey..." Zuo Xiu grinned and said, "is that still necessary?""Hum!" Qilin snorted coldly: "let you taste my power!"

After that, Qilin waves his sword again and rushes towards left Xiu.

The two sides are hard to part with the players on both sides showing incomparable heartburn. Zuo Xiu suddenly made a mistake and was kicked to the ground by Kirin.

Kirin raised a smile and said, "this time, I'll see where you're going."

Left trim looks flustered.

At this time, Zhou Jiansheng and others came in a hurry. They heard that the two sides were fighting at the gate. Zhou Jiansheng could not sit still. Originally, he planned to accompany Xiao Han, but Xiao Han offered to go to the gate to have a look.

"Shizu!" Lu Yin was also at the scene, and she felt anxious for the disciples of the lost track sect.

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded slightly.

I don't know why. Today, being called Shizu all the time, Xiao Han can't help but have a noble temperament. No matter where he goes, he puts on a senior posture, which makes people look more like an old man who has lived for a hundred years.

"How is it going?" Xiao Han asked.

"It's not very good!" The green grass shook his head and said: "go on, in less than an hour, our people will be defeated by them, and the array will be broken."

"Is it?" Xiao Han smile, way: "or, you go up?"

"Ah?" Hearing this, the green grass blushed and said, "Shizu, don't make fun of me. I've only been a beginner for one year, and my strength is not enough."

Lvyin is still very modest. Her strength is not bad in the maze gate, at least it is medium. However, compared with those disciples of the lost track sect, she is not so good. In particular, compared with Zuo Xiu, Zuo Xiu's strength is top-notch in the maze gate. He is very skillful in his swordsmanship, and his speed and agility are also very high. Xiao Han is still optimistic about him.

"Don't worry, since I ask you to go, it means that you are sure to win!" Xiao Han smiles.

"Is it?" Green eyes open.

"Come on Xiao Han waved to him.

Green grass bumps along with Xiao Han to the outside of the crowd.

At this time, all the people focus on the array, focusing on the fight between the two sides, who is still in the mood to observe the surrounding environment. This also created a good opportunity for Xiao Han.

Xiao Han laughed and said, "turn around!"

The green grass is very obedient, cleverly turned the past.

Xiao Han put one hand on the back of the green, and a breath came out of Xiao Han's body. Then, the wisp of Qi quickly passed through the green grass's meridians and slowly settled into the Green's body, swam in her eight meridians, and finally fell into the elixir field.

"Ah..." The green gave a light cry.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hansong started.

"Feeling It's hot all over The green grass said in a hurry.

"Haha That's right Xiao Han nodded and said, "it means that you have a feeling now. By the way, have you found that there are more things in your body?"

"Qi!" The green grass's face was slightly red.

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "hold your breath, now it's your turn to play. Go and teach the Golden Lion Gate a good lesson!"

"I Can I? " Asked the green.

Xiao Han thought about it and said, "see that stone tablet?"

"I see it!" The green grass nodded.

Three meters away, there is a stone tablet with paint falling off. It used to be the stone tablet of the lost track gate. Later, it was repaired again. This stone tablet was discarded and ignored.

"You have your sword." Xiao Han laughed and said, "inject the Qi in the body into the sword, and then chop the stone tablet."

"I..." The green grass hesitated for a moment.

How could it be so easy to chop that thick stone tablet with a sword? Even the master can't touch his silk. Not to mention myself? However, since Shizu opened her mouth, Lvyin still followed Shizu's advice and walked slowly.


Suddenly, the green green eyes a Lin, in the hand of the sword suddenly split past. A sword flashed by.


With a loud noise, the stone tablet cracked and broke into two parts.


Green immediately gaped. She looked at her hands and the sword in her hands. "Why How could it be? "

"What are you doing Xiao Han glared at her and said, "go and teach those who don't know the height of heaven and earth!"

"Yes The green grass nodded immediately.

Lu Yin has the hatred of killing her father and mother, so she has a resentment in her heart. The more so, the more murderous. Now, she suddenly found that her strength was so strong that her desire for revenge suddenly came out.

The disciples of the lost track sect were awakened by the sound.

When they turned to look around, they found that the green grass rushed through the crowd and rushed towards the large array."Green grass!"

"Don't go!"

"Green grass, be careful!"

A group of disciples cried out one after another, even Zhou Jiansheng was confused.

"This What's going on? " Zhou Jiansheng looks at Xiao Han.

"Let the girl go and practice." Xiao Han replied.

"But she Her strength is not good! " Zhou Jiansheng said in a hurry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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