Published at 6th of March 2023 08:52:52 AM

Chapter 692

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The first picture was taken by Xiao Han when he was a senior one in Linjiang No.1 middle school.

At this time, accompanied by elegant music, a baritone voice over appeared: "he, once ordinary, but not simple. He used to be No. 1 in the middle school entrance examination in Wangjiang District of Linjiang City, and later The death of his father was a great blow to him. However, the dragon is trapped in the shoal, and sooner or later, it will take off. As the saying goes, Jinlin is not a thing in the pool. Once the wind and cloud change the dragon. He tried to He struggled, and he proved his excellence with his own strength. In his heart, he was a man who did not admit defeat... "

The sound matched with the elegant music, and all the people on the scene were moved.

Even Xiao Han looked at himself with some admiration.

The photos all proved that I was successful step by step.

The first full score test paper, the first photo of the establishment of the cold door training class Later, Xiao Han scored full marks in the college entrance examination, Hanmen technology company was established, and Hanmen restaurant was established. Subsequently, Hanmen restaurants spread all over Linjiang city. Unconsciously, Hanmen brand has been established in Linjiang city. And quietly out of Linjiang City, to the provincial capital.

Blue father and blue mother take it very seriously.

Blue rain butterfly is secretly wiping tears, Xiao Han's step by step, as if they are all blood marks. Along the way, he must have experienced extraordinary experience. Some people can see the success of others, but can not see the pain behind the glory of others.

Blue rain butterfly took a deep breath and said, "Xiao Han, you are the best!"

Blue rain butterfly was moved by the rare, especially to see Xiao Han lying in bed again, but still do not forget the spirit of learning.

This half-hour video can be regarded as the struggle history of Xiao Han in recent years, and also a growth history of Hanmen group. After watching, everyone in the conference room was dignified and depressed.

Mother LAN is a woman with a mother's brilliance in her heart. She sighs and says, "my child, you've worked hard these years!"

"I..." Xiao Han didn't know how to answer the phone.

"Xiao Han, I still have some misunderstandings about you." Blue dad looked at Xiao Han and said, "I apologize to you!"

"Uncle, auntie, you Come on Xiao Han, embarrassed, said: "every entrepreneur has to go through some hardships and pains, which should also be. There are many people who have experienced more hardships and pains than I have, and their career has not even been successful! "

"Yes Blue father nodded and said, "I'm very happy and satisfied to see that you can have today's achievements."

"Thank you for your praise Xiao Han said with a quick smile.

"Silly boy!" Blue dad laughed and said, "it's a worthwhile trip today. Not only let me see the potential of Hanmen group, but also let me know a brand new Xiao Han. In this way, I can safely give my daughter to you! "


The scene burst out a burst of warm applause.

Xiao Han holds the hand of blue rain butterfly and looks happy. Blue rain butterfly not to mention, this girl is excited to jump up. She hugged Xiao Han excitedly and gave Xiao Han a kiss on his face.

Every woman has vanity. Some women have strong vanity. Some women's vanity is in the normal range.

Blue rain butterfly is a woman with no strong vanity. However, at this time, her vanity suddenly expanded to a limit. How can a woman not be happy when she looks at her future husband's success? No vanity?

"All right, all right!" Blue father said in a hurry: "today we visit here, can't continue to disturb your office!"

"Uncle and aunt, we are going to take you to other industrial bases in Linjiang city." Yang Lu said with a smile.

Blue father a listen, quickly shake his head, way: "no, no, can't continue to waste your time."

Yang Lu's arrangement is so. However, since blue dad doesn't go, the follow-up arrangement will be invalid naturally. Later, Yang Lu and Zhao Lizhong personally sent the three of the blue family downstairs.

Xiao Han Jue in Yang Lu ear, way: "sister Yang, thank you, labor you trouble."

"Don't be so polite!" Yang Lu said with a smile: "my girlfriend's family is coming, and you don't say hello a few days in advance."

"Oh, I don't want to be so hard-working." Xiao Han said with a bitter smile: "I just want to take them to have a look."

"The standard of treatment should not be less." Yang Lu poked Xiao Han's forehead with her finger, and then said, "remember later, women care about this most, and the family members of her girlfriend also eat this set. This is human nature. Why do officials like to be in front of each other? When you go out, do you like the traffic police blocking the road? It's just to satisfy the official prestige. What is Guanwei? That's vanity. Everyone has it. "

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Then the family got on the car. Yang Lu and Zhao Lizhong stood respectfully, waving until they went far away.

"Alas..." Zhao Lizhong sighed.

"What are you sighing for?" Yang Lu asked."Xiao Han is too young!" Zhao Lizhong said with a wry smile: "did not take into account the feelings of Liu Xiaolei."

"Well!" Yang Lu nodded and said, "it's no wonder that Liu Xiaolei wants to avoid seeing her. If it were me, I would be sad and sad."

"Yes Zhao Lizhong nodded and then said, "now the girl doesn't know where to hide and cry."

Yang Lu showed a puzzled smile.

Xiao Han is no longer Xiao Han before. Recalling Xiao Han at the beginning, she was just a very ordinary student. At the beginning, she borrowed money to save her mother. I am very grateful. Now, it's totally different. He is no longer in the hands of the chairman of the board of directors, but he has become a senior member of the group.

At the beginning, Yang Lu thought that she was too simple and thought that she could get Xiao Han's heart. Only later did she find that she was too stupid. From then on, she broke off that idea and turned to be an unknown woman behind Xiao Han. She knew that she could not pick out that layer of paper, otherwise, she and Xiao Han would not even be friends.

In the office of the group company.

In the vice president's office, a lonely figure stood by the window. She looked out of the window, looked very lonely, from her point of view, just can see the blue family three and Xiao Han's figure. Blue rain butterfly takes Xiao Han's arm. It used to be my arm.

Blue rain butterfly took a deep breath, she clenched her teeth, how she hoped to warn blue rain butterfly, let her let go, and told her that it was the arm he had once held. Unfortunately, she knew it was impossible.

Just as Yang Lu said to herself, if you want to be a woman of Xiao Han, you must have a broad mind, a mind of embracing all rivers, and a style of indifference.

Although Liu Xiaolei was ready, Xiao Han had already thought about this day when she chased herself back from Shenzhen. However, when this day came, she found that all this was not so easy to accept as she imagined.

"Alas..." Liu Xiaolei sighed.

Dong Dong Dong

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, please." Liu Lei opens her mouth.

At this time, Yang Lu pushed the door in from the outside.

"Sister Yang, is it you?" Liu Xiaolei took a look and said, "aren't you going to greet guests today?"

"Do you know better than I do that they have gone?" Yang Lu smiles.

"I..." Liu Xiaolei blinked her eyes and then said with a smile, "how can I know?"

"You can see clearly from the window." Yang Lu said with a smile.

"I..." Liu Xiaolei was unable to argue.

"Come on Yang Lu laughed and said, "in fact, it's not easy to be a woman of Xiao Han."

"Yes Liu Xiaolei nodded and said, "it's not easy to be a woman of hers, but even harder to be a woman of his."

"Now that you know it, you must know it." Yang Lu laughed, and then said, "since I know it in my mind, why think so much?"

"It's just a little uncomfortable in my heart!" Liu Xiaolei gave a bitter smile.

"There should be times when you feel uncomfortable." Yang Lu went over, softly comforted, and said, "Xiao Han is a very good boy, so there are no less women around him. However, there should not be many girls who can really stick to it. It is right to insist

"Why doesn't sister insist?" Liu Xiaolei suddenly said with a strange smile.

Yang Lu's face immediately turned red. She laughed and said, "it's not that I don't insist, but Xiao Han doesn't give me the chance to insist!"

"Is it?" Liu Xiaolei said with a smile: "my sister has been doing so much for Xiao Han. I think he has a mirror in his heart."

"It's just the relationship between the boss and the employees after all!" Yang Lu said with a smile: "at the beginning, Xiao Han gave me money to save my mother's life. If it wasn't for him, maybe my mother wouldn't live that long. If it wasn't for him, my relatives would have forced me to marry and pay my debts. I am grateful to him, so I am willing to do this for him in the dark all the time

"I see!" Liu Xiaolei said with a frank smile, "I will insist. As for whether you can become Xiao Han's ultimate woman, it depends on fate. "

"It must be!" Yang Lu nodded and then said, "believe me, it can be. What you do, Xiao Han can see

"Well!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

Yang Lu's words enlightened Liu Xiaolei to a great extent and made her feel better.

The two talked for a long time in the office.


The three members of the blue family left the company.

Xiao Han took them to Evergrande city by car. This is Xiao Han's house. He bought it at half the price. It was more than 160 square meters. The price was nearly two million yuan. Now, with the real estate boom, the price of the house has some room to , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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