Published at 6th of March 2023 09:24:25 AM

Chapter 7

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"Don't you have ten minutes to go to class?" Xiao Han frowned.

"I tell you, the court has been found." Li daphou said excitedly, "the rent is 3500 yuan a month. There is no deposit or transfer deposit. How about it? "

"How big is it?" Xiao Han asked in a hurry.

"It's a big venue." Li said with a grin: "more than 300 square meters. It's just on the second floor. "

"It doesn't matter on the second floor." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "we don't need Wangpu on the street. We just need a site with good location and large enough area."

"Are you sure you want it?" Li Da Pang asked.

"Of course Xiao Han nodded.

"Well, I'll rent it for you." Li daphou's face was dignified and said, "I'm afraid I'll be robbed if I'm late."

With that, Li daphou quickly pedaled his worn-out bicycle to the city.

"Class, class now." Xiao Han shouts at Li daphou's back in a hurry.

"No, I'm going to skip class!" Li big fat head also does not return to shout.

It's hard to find a meaningful thing. Naturally, Li Da Pang would like to exert all his strength. Anyway, class is also sleep, why waste that time? Looking at Li daphou's back, Xiao Han has a helpless feeling.

In the classroom.

Jiang Xiaoliang is very angry, this guy is uniting many people to slander Xiao Han behind his back.

"The boy dares to come today. I'll break his leg!" Jiang Xiaoliang said triumphantly.

"Well, of course." One side of the students have a smile: "Xiao Han this learning slag where can and you this learning bully than."

"He's just a piece of rubbish!" Jiang Xiaoliang said without politeness.

"Xiaoliang, when are you going to move back to Chen Zihan?" One side of the boys have asked with a smile.

"Sooner or later." Jiang Xiaoliang snorted coldly.

Chen Zihan is very anxious. Xiao Han hasn't come to the classroom yet. It's eight o'clock immediately. If he doesn't come, he will be late. Looking at the last minute at eight o'clock, Xiao Han this guy is actually walking towards the classroom. When Chen Zihan saw Xiao Han, she immediately relaxed, and her face also showed a happy smile.

"Good morning, Xiao Han!" Chen Zihan said hello happily.

"Good morning Xiao Han nodded slightly, then stuffed his schoolbag into the desk.

"What's the matter with you? You look listless? " Chen Zihan asked curiously, "didn't you sleep well yesterday?"

Last night, Xiao Han alone to do exercises Leng is to do more than two in the morning, do a thick solution. Although sleepy, but the heart is still very excited.

"Well!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I listened to your words yesterday, so I went home and read the book very seriously all night."

"Ah?" Chen Zihan's face turned red at once. Did not expect that yesterday's words even inspired Xiao Han, Chen Zihan heart is very happy. She blushed and said shyly, "really Really? "

"True, of course!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I will try my best."

"That's good." Chen Zihan blushed.

At this time, Liu Jinmei came into the classroom with the teaching plan in her arms. She had a stiff face, but there was a surge of anger in the woman's body. Xiao Han quickly found that she did not have any expression in the classroom.

"Where's Li Da Pang?" Liu Jinmei asked in a sharp voice.

"Mr. Liu, big fat is not feeling well today. He specially asked me to ask for leave." Xiao Han stood up calmly.

"Leave?" Liu Jinmei's mouth twitched slightly. How dare her class escape?


Liu Jinmei slapped on the table and said angrily, "there are only 200 days left for the college entrance examination. This bastard dares to skip class. I have to deal with him. "

"Miss Liu, it's normal to ask for leave when you are ill." Xiao Han took a look at Liu Jinmei and said: "everyone has a time when he is sick. Learning can make up for it, but his body can't make up for it. What do you say? "

"It's not easy to make up for three years of high school." Liu Jinmei said with a cold smile.

"Why not?" Xiao Han disdains smile way.

"Xiao Han, can you?" Liu Jinmei looks at Xiao Han coldly, spitting out a kind of ridicule and contempt in the eyes. Xiao Han's grades have been ranked at the bottom of the class. It's the representative of poor students. If he can attack back, it's like a sow can climb a tree.

"Of course Xiao Han nodded without hesitation.

"Oh?" Liu Jinmei smiles and says: "the mock exam in October will come soon. Can Xiao Han get the second place in the class this time? Second to last

Ha ha ha

Originally the silent class, suddenly burst into a burst of laughter!

Xiao Han's face suddenly turned red. This is a kind of irony, which is a kind of teacher's abandonment and humiliation to students. What's more, it's the social education system.What can be tolerated!

Chen Zihan on one side can't listen any more. She is just about to argue for Xiao Han. Xiao Han raised his right hand high, his face dignified, and said word by word: "in October simulation test, if I Xiao Han can't get the second place in the class, I'll quit school immediately!"


All the people at the scene took a breath of cold air. There was an unbelievable look in everyone's eyes. Even Liu Jinmei frowned. If it wasn't for Xiao Han's performance yesterday, I'm afraid Liu Jinmei would have kicked him out on the spot. However, even if yesterday's performance no matter how excellent, it is impossible to suddenly soar from the bottom of the class to the second place in the simulation test in October.

Chen Zihan's eyes beat with a flame of hope. She looked at Xiao Han in disbelief, as if she had seen the excellent, ideal and ambitious youth three years ago. All of a sudden, Chen Zihan felt that Xiao Han in front of him was so familiar and strange. However, her heart is full of fearless appreciation of Xiao Han in front of her. The youth in front of me is like a mystery.

"Xiao Han, I appreciate your courage." Liu Jinmei put down her fist and said, "but it's impossible for a man to have courage."

"I have not only courage, but also confidence!" Xiao Han said coldly: "a month after the mock exam, it's a deal."

"No!" Liu Jinmei's mouth slightly raised, evil said: "if you don't get the second place, I don't need you to quit school. You just need to clean the toilet for a month. "

"Good." Xiao Han nodded.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoliang seemed to seize the opportunity. He quickly stood up and said, "Mr. Liu, if Xiao Han doesn't get the second place this time, he will move back to the last row. Give me my seat back. "

"Yes!" Xiao Han readily agreed to come down and said, "but if I get the second place, what should you do?"

"How could it be!" Jiang Xiaoliang said scornfully: "the second place in the class is always mine. How can you take this crane tail from me?"

"Everything is possible." Xiao Han said lightly.

"If you take the second place from me, I I just Jiang Xiaoliang was about to say that he moved to the last row. However, he soon found himself in the last row.

"You move to the front, side by side with the podium. How about accepting the gaze of the students every day and letting the whole class stare at you with scorn Xiao Han said very calmly. What kind of calmness and indifference is not his age at all.

"Well, I promise you!" Jiang Xiaoliang had been angry for a long time. He agreed without hesitation.

Liu Jinmei mouth slightly raised, she likes this kind of learning atmosphere, as long as can improve the academic performance, stimulate students' learning motivation. No matter how much they make trouble, she will.

"OK, now we have a normal class." Liu Jinmei said indifferently.

The learning content of senior three is relatively loose, but everyone is like an arrow on the string, ready to launch at all times. Liu Jinmei is a special grade teacher in Linjiang No.1 middle school, and has won the honorary title of top ten teachers at the provincial level. Liu Jinmei's teaching method is very special. She has created a set of mathematics learning methods. So, the math she teaches is basically not bad. Although a little grumpy, but, teaching ability is still very strong.

After a morning class, Xiao Han learned a lot.

A few classes in the morning, Liu Jinmei also paid special attention to Xiao Han, and found that this guy was no longer as usual wilting and not pulling a few, but very serious, very focused in the class. This makes Liu Jinmei feel very happy. Because she already felt that Xiao Han was making progress. As long as she worked hard, everything would be hopeful.

After school in the morning.

"Xiao Han." Liu Jinmei suddenly exclaimed.

"Miss Liu!" Xiao Han smiles and greets Liu Jinmei's seriousness.

"You..." Liu Jinmei looked at him and said, "come to my office!"

With that, Liu Jinmei turned and left.

"Oh, somebody's miserable!"

"This is terrible. I think someone will be criticized."

In the classroom, a group of people immediately roared.

Xiao Han didn't think he would suffer at all. He went to the office in a big stride.

In the office, other teachers have gone to dinner, leaving Liu Jinmei in the office. Seeing Xiao Han come in, Liu Jinmei immediately put down her textbook.

"Miss Liu, what can I do for you?" Xiao Han asked.

"You are very serious in class today, so I want to praise you." Liu Jinmei said with a smile.

"Thank you, teacher." Xiao Han is neither humble nor arrogant.

"If you work hard, your study will certainly improve." Liu Jinmei sighed and said: "don't abandon yourself like before. The teacher knows that you used to be the No.1 student in Wangjiang district's high school entrance examination. You are a gifted child in learning. As for your father's death Don't think too much about it

"Teacher, if you're OK, I'll go first." With that, Xiao Han turned and , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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