Published at 6th of March 2023 08:52:06 AM

Chapter 712

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"Oh Several people nodded in succession.

They have seen Xiao Han's power. If it wasn't for Xiao Han, I'm afraid they're not enough to kill each other. They're afraid of each other. In fact, the strength of these disciples is not bad. Xiaoding is already a monk in the Qi refining area. The reason why he has just been caught off guard is that he has not adapted to the killing on the battlefield and the intrigues in the battlefield.

The tree is very big, tens of meters tall, and the trunk needs seven or eight people to be able to encircle. The six men were hidden in a leafy tree, completely undetectable.

Several people appeared very nervous.

"Master, what are we going to do next?" Asked Xiao Ding.

"Don't worry!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "this is the battlefield. You should always be alert."

"Yes Several people nodded.

"Besides, it's still early!" Xiao Han laughed and said, "this is just the beginning. We can avoid the edge first. It's a very exhausting thing for us to be involved in fighting at the beginning. Besides, what should we do if we are injured? "

People thought about it and thought it was reasonable.

"Master, however, we came in just to be able to fight!" Xiaoding said in a hurry: "only by defeating the other party, can we take the token from the other party's hand, and we can win!"

"Hey, what's the hurry?" Xiao Han grinned and said, "the token of this place is certainly not less. When they get enough tokens, we will rob and kill them on the way. We can take a lot of tokens from one person. "

When they heard this, they were very happy.

"Yes, I didn't think of it!" Xiao Ding listened to it and said, "master, this method is really good."

Xiao Han laughs and says nothing.

Natural selection makes the fittest survive.

This sentence has never been more suitable for this place. Anyone who can't do well will be eliminated at this time. Xiao Han is waiting for the opportunity. It's not suitable to shoot now. At the beginning, I'm afraid it's a big cleaning. Large door people will carry out a crazy cleaning on the small clan door people. Even if they meet each other, they will not fight easily. They will avoid each other, and then continue to kill the people of xiaozongmen and take away the other's token.

Xiao Han is very confident in his own strength, but he is not confident in the strength of the Golden Lion Gate disciples. With them on their own, they move slowly and easily expose their targets. The only advantage is that there are more people and more power. Now, on this battlefield, others are on their own, and few will act together. Therefore, this gives Xiao Han and them a good opportunity.


Suddenly, a flash of light,


A disciple of the Golden Lion Gate fell from the tree on the spot.

"Little Ben." Xiao Ding called out.

He jumped down. At this time, in the dark, a man jumped out of the treetop. He wore a half mask and showed an evil smile. He said, "Oh, I didn't expect that there are so many people here. Now, there are six tokens in total!"

"Who are you?" Xiao Han looked at each other coldly.

"You don't care who I am. Hand over the token honestly and you can spare your life!" The masked man looks very strong. He holds a dark sword in his hand, which was just made by him.

This guy's strength is unfathomable, and his sword Qi can be released, which is enough to show that the opponent's strength is good.

Xiao Han did not dare to take it lightly. He took a look at Xiaoding and others and said, "you should withdraw first. I will settle him by myself."

"Ha ha, what a big voice!" The masked man laughed.

"Is it?" Xiao Han's palm turns, Ruyi stick appears in Xiao Han's hand.

"Heaven and earth bag?" The other party immediately saw the heaven and earth bag on Xiao Han's waist and said with a grin: "Hey, it's interesting. When I take the token, I'll take your bag of heaven and earth. Let me see what's hidden in it. "

"Come on Xiao Han is holding Ruyi stick in one hand and looks like he is facing a big enemy.


Each other's legs jump, people fly from the opposite tree trunk. It seems slow, but it is fast.

The long sword in the other party's hand is extremely sharp, and the black long sword suddenly stabbed at Xiao Han. Xiao Han threw himself in front of him, and the Ruyi stick in his hand was filled with gas. Xiao Han had thought about it. Today, however, it has just begun. The other party will definitely not fight against himself. Therefore, as long as the other side to see their own strong, the other side should be able to retreat. No one wants to get hurt at this time, let alone compete with an expert at this time.


Xiao Han's Ruyi stick suddenly threw out. The masked man obviously felt the power of the stick, and he subconsciously avoided Xiao Han's blow.

Unexpectedly, behind, the big tree that could be surrounded by a few talents was split by Xiao Han with a stick. Moreover, a huge deep hole was exploded on the ground, and there were bursts of white smoke behind, without any smell of gunpowder.This blow made everyone dumbfounded.

The masked man suddenly took a breath of cold air. He was stunned. His face sank and said, "you He's a master

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Han grinned and said, "aren't you arrogant just now?"

"Hum!" The masked man sneered, and then said: "today is not suitable to entangle with you, next time I meet, I will take your life!"

With that, the masked man leaped on both legs, and he immediately jumped into a big tree. Between several jumps, the man had disappeared.

"Master, you How wonderful you are Xiaoding looks at Xiao Han in horror.

Several people did not run far away, just hide from afar. When they saw the power of Xiao Han's attack, they all showed a burst of excitement. One by one, they were so excited that they almost jumped up. D

little Ding raised a smile and said: "great, with the leadership of our predecessors, we can definitely get the place in Golden Lion Gate!"

"Yes The crowd reveled.

Hurt small Ben a face pain, way: "elder, I can't, I can't go."

"What to do?" Xiao Ding's face was solemn.

"I I have to quit! " "Although I would like to fight with you, if I continue to follow you now, it will only drag you down. So, I quit! "

With that, Xiaoding pulled out the token in his pocket.

"Master, my token has been given to you!" "Don't let someone get it!" he said with a smile

Xiao Han's face was dignified and said, "good!"

Exit, maybe the best way. If we continue to move forward, we may lose our lives if we don't talk about it. When you quit, you can be taken away for treatment, and you can send some news to wanzhangfeng.

"Tell wanzhangfeng that Xiao Han will definitely win a place!" Xiao Han said seriously.

"Good!" Little Ben nodded.

The positioning system has been started, and soon there will be disciples from Penglai Island coming to rescue.

Xiao Han looked at the remaining four and said, "withdraw!"


The crowd withdrew. It's not a matter of life and death. Ben will soon get effective treatment. So, we don't have to worry too much. Xiao Han has some doubts in his heart. Who is the masked man? Which sect's disciple? Why do you wear a half mask?

There was a scuffle here, and there was so much energy that it quickly attracted other opponents.

At this time, a young man in white flew over on a white crane.

The huge energy just made him feel that there are experts here. For yelongxuan, as a proud disciple of Wudang sect leader, he has reached the golden elixir cultivation at the age of 26, which is enough to be awed. Moreover, no one knows what kind of achievements ye Longxuan will have.

Ye Longxuan is so proud that he naturally doesn't pay attention to anyone. The fight just now has made him smell the smell of golden age Houston. Therefore, he plans to come and meet with the other party for a while. However, when he arrived, he found that there was no one here.


Night Dragon Pavilion dive down.

"Where is your token?" The night dragon Xuan looks at Xiaoben coldly.

"Taken away!" Xiao Ben is sitting on the ground. He looks up at the night Dragon Pavilion.

"Hum, rubbish!" Night long Xuan cold hum.


A dull force hit Xiaoben's tianlinggai. People died on the spot.


Night dragon Xuan quickly left the scene.

Before long, two Penglai disciples in black robes came down from the sky, stepping on a cloud.

"Dead?" A disciple frowned.

"I just felt his vitality." Another disciple said.

"It seems that someone has mended the knife in the back!" Said the disciple.

"Take it away!"

After that, the two men packed each other in body bags and took them away.

The killing on the first day was very cruel. The disciples of Penglai Island collected 21 corpses and more than 100 injured people. Moreover, the number of deaths and injuries is rising. When people of some sects saw their disciples dead, their eyes were red. However, if you want to take part in it voluntarily, you will be responsible for your life and death. No one will pay for your death.

The fighting was fierce during the day and continued into the night.

It was soon dark.

Xiao Han takes Xiaoding and others to hide in the jungle.

During this period, I met several mang bumping ghosts, which were picked up by Xiaoding and their partnership. Seven or eight tokens. In this way, Xiao Han has ten tokens. In fact, ten tokens are not many. Compared with those who are in charge of large-scale doors, they may have already won 50 or 60 yuan, or even more.

"Master, we already have ten yuan!" Several people said with a smile."Well!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "still need to work hard."

"Ah Several people repeatedly nodded and said, "why don't we just stay here and wait for others to rush in!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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