Published at 6th of March 2023 08:52:04 AM

Chapter 713

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"No way!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I'll spend the night here at night. I must leave as soon as possible tomorrow morning."

"Why?" Xiaoding asked curiously.

"No place is suitable for staying long!" Xiao Han seriously analyzed: "if you fight here, you will easily expose your position, and you will be attracted by someone soon. So, early tomorrow morning, we have to change places immediately. "

"Oh Several people nodded.

It's getting dark.

Xiao Han took some dry food out: "let's eat something. Have a good night's rest. Bai Lai is very tired! "

"Well!" The crowd nodded.

After eating some food and drinking some water, they lay down on the tree trunk to rest. You can't stay under the tree. If you don't meet people, you can easily meet wild animals. It is said that there are many birds of prey on this desert island. Especially near the center of the island. It is also said that there are spirit animals. It's just that no one has seen it.

Xiao Han made a little calculation and said, "we are about 10 kilometers away from the coastline, and I'm afraid there are more than 20 kilometers away from the center of the island."

"Master, are we going to the middle?" Asked Xiao Ding.

"Every step is a step!" Xiao Han replied.

In the dead of night, tired for a day, except Xiao Ding and Xiao Han, the other three fell asleep.

Just as Xiao Han was preparing to go to sleep, suddenly, a rustling sound came. Xiao Han immediately raised his vigilance. "There are enemies," he said hastily

Xiaoding a listen, originally confused, suddenly wake up, he quickly wake up several other people.

Five people were hiding in the treetop.

At this time, three figures appeared on the ground. The other party actually went together. However, before these figures, there is a spirit beast.

The clan that can possess the spirit and beast must not be a common sect. Xiao Han is careful.

All of a sudden, the spirit beast gave out a sharp professor.

The three men immediately opened up a fighting posture.

"Tun Tun, where is anyone?" A girl's voice.

The spirit beast in front of him raised his head and turned in place.

"On the tree!" Another girl said hastily.


The three quickly soared into the air and climbed the tree between a few jumps.

"Come out!" Dressed in green, a little mature girl snorted coldly.

Xiao Han slowly came out of the leaves and said, "Alas, you people are really disturbing people's dreams. I want to have a good sleep, but I was woken up by you

"Hum!" The youngest girl, dressed in a black casual dress, snorted coldly: "give up your token, and you will not die!"

"Tut Tut, some people who said this to me today were kicked out of the game by me!" Xiao Han sneered.

"You The little girl glared at Xiao Han and said, "sister Ying, let me kill him."

"What sect are you from?" Asked the mature girl.

"You don't have to worry about it!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "you just need to know that I'm not a good one for you, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Sister Ying, he is bluffing us!" Said the little girl.

In fact, Xiao Han is also a little curious. In such a big night, they are able to know the road, and they are able to shuttle freely here. This makes Xiao Han a little curious. Xiao Han grinned and said, "try it!"

The Nightingale took a look at him and said, "come up with some real kung fu."

Then, the Nightingale's slender thigh leaped, and the whole person fell from the sky like a beautiful girl. The elegant long skirt was incomparably beautiful. She held a flute in her hand. In the process of falling from the sky, she even played the flute. The flute sounds harsh and aggressive.

"Ah Little dington couldn't stand it, and quickly covered his ears. Unfortunately, it was useless to cover his ears with this kind of acoustic attack.

Xiao Han also felt very uncomfortable, he said in a hurry: "use the air in the body to block the ears."

Xiao Han carrying Ruyi stick, quickly toward the other side rushed up.

"Witch, eat me a stick!" Xiao Han will not be merciful because the other side is beautiful.

Unexpectedly, the Nightingale moves very fast, and Xiao Han's several attacks are all empty.

At this time, the other two girls quickly rushed up. Xiaoding and Xiaoding lost their fighting power under the attack of flute sound, so they can only rely on Xiao Han to fight alone. Facing the three people's siege, Xiao Hansi is not afraid.


Twelve spirits rushed out quickly.

During the day, Xiao Han did not dare to release the spirit of the spirit, for fear of being found, but now he is completely fearless.

Twelve spirits in the dark appear incomparably creepy.

"What is this?" The little girl was terrified. Girls are very sensitive to this kind of ghost.

"Damn it, he controls the ghost!" The Nightingale paled in shock.

"Go on Xiao Han roared.Twelve evil spirits quickly rushed up. Naturally, the sound of the Nightingale's flute has no attack on them. However, she has to sacrifice her own weapon, a delicate long sword, which is very thin and long.


The Nightingale was so angry that she threw her sword away. Several swords are very aggressive.

Ordinary people may be afraid, but Xiao Han is not afraid at all. He carried the Ruyi stick and quickly rushed over. Ruyi stick blocked those swords. Xiao Han took the stick and drew towards the nightingale.

"Sister Ying, be careful!" Cried the little girl.

Another girl rushed to remedy it, but it was obviously too late.

The Nightingale knew that she could not dodge and had to resist. Therefore, she resolutely raised the sword in her hand and met her.


This is a contest of Qi in the body.

Although nightingale is already a master at the peak of Qi refining, Xiao Han is superior to her in physical fitness, strength and level. This attack is a high and low judgment.


Nightingale immediately vomited a mouthful of blood, people flew out, and heavily hit a big tree.

"Sister Ying!" At this time, the little girl rushed up.

"Asshole, you dare to attack our elder sister!" Another girl angrily rebukes a way, she holds a short knife, madly stabbed toward Xiao Han.

Xiao Leng hum a, way: "she is not my opponent, what qualifications do you have?"

Finish saying, Xiao Han two words don't say, Ruyi stick heavy draw down.

With this stick, the opponent was beaten away on the spot.

Three fell two, leaving the youngest girl. Xiao Han walked slowly towards them. The little girl bit her teeth, stood up and held the nightingale with her hands open. "You villain, you don't want to take away our token!"

Xiao Han was slightly stunned and asked with a smile, "are you going to die or want a token?"

"I..." The little girl is silly.

"Give him the token," said the nightingale

"No way!" The little girl shook her head and said, "sister Ying, if you give them the token, we will be eliminated."

"It doesn't matter if we eliminate it!" The Nightingale shook her head and said, "I will have other ways. But you can't lose your life here! "

The little girl still shook her head and said, "I will defeat her!"

"You dare to try it!" Xiao Han's face sank and said, "believe it or not, I'll take you down immediately, and then I'll kill you first and then rape you."

"You The little girl turned pale with fear.

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Han showed an evil smile and said, "I am a man I like to rape the dead

"Ah! Oh, my God Thinking of Xiao Han controlling more than ten ghosts, she suddenly burst into tears.

"Don't kill us!" "All our tokens are for you!" said the nightingale

"Hum!" Xiao Leng hums a, way: "to us, thought hand over token to solve?"

"You What do you want? " Asked the nightingale.

"If you three sisters are so beautiful, why don't you Stay with me all night Xiao Han laughs with evil intention.

This smile, the other two girls scared silly, two people hiding behind the nightingale.

"You The Nightingale listened and said, "if you dare to do this, you will be punished by Penglai Island."

"Ha ha, I'll kill you first and then rape. So No one will know! " Xiao Han laughs.

"You Nightingale's face was green. She didn't expect to meet such a abnormal killer here. She had goose bumps all over her body. She gritted her teeth and said, "you dare not move me. If you dare to move me, I have a hundred ways to die with you!"

At the peak of Qi refining, a monk really has a way to destroy himself. At the same time, it will spread to each other.

"On your account?" Xiao Han said scornfully: "the strength of gas refining peak period dare to challenge me!"

“……” Nightingale really has nothing to say. Who let himself lose in the hands of the other side, however, it can be seen that the other side's strength is above himself, and his cultivation is also above himself. Otherwise, he will not be defeated so miserably just that blow.

Also blame their own bad luck, the first day met the master of the golden elixir, and still a pervert.

"What? No more talking? " Xiao Han asked.

"You..." Nightingale face a red, way: "if you want to vent, you can vent on me, don't mess with them!"

"Sister Ying!" The little girl was shocked.

"Elder sister, don't..."

Xiao Han is a little moved, in order to protect his little sister, at the expense of their own, this spirit is really moving. However, Xiao Han's intention is to test each other. He laughed and said, "are you sure?"

"Well!" The Nightingale nodded.

"You don't know what to do with it?" Xiao Han asked.

"No The Nightingale shakes her head."I'm not afraid of your tricks." Xiao Han waved his hand.


The twelve spirits immediately surrounded the three of them.

Xiao Han said with a smile: "if you dare to resist, I will let them die without a burial place!"

The Nightingale turned green. In fact, she just wanted to kill Xiao Han when he insulted him, but she didn't expect that the other side played such a mean way. This time, the Nightingale can't get off.

"What? No more talking? " Xiao Han asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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