Published at 6th of March 2023 08:49:50 AM

Chapter 769

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The Qin army frowned and asked, "who are you? Do you know I'm the general manager of the dormitory group? "

At this time, Xiao Han slowly turned his head and took a look at the Qin army.

"Ah! It's It's you The Qin army was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this person is Xiao Han. He was stunned.

Qin Jun sneered and said, "Xiao Han, do you dare to tie me up?"

Xiao Han calmly smile, and then said: "calculate you know interest, also know me."

"What do you want?" Qin Jun asked.

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Han grinned and said, "what can I do? I hear you buy murder? "

"No!" The Qin army shook his head subconsciously.

Just now, he didn't mean to see the damage to the BMW. Now Xiao Han comes to the door on his own initiative, isn't it It's been revealed? The Qin army was a little puzzled. These wastes didn't handle affairs well with guns. We must deal with him well when we turn back.

"I'm afraid only you know that." Xiao Han looked at the Qin army and said, "today, I don't want to kill you. I just want to warn you, don't mess with me, let alone blue rain butterfly, otherwise, you will lose your life

"You The Qin army was angry.

"Don't think I'm easy." Xiao Han smiles and says, "to tell you the truth, I hate to dirty my hands after killing you!"

The Qin army was more angry.

"Have you ever thought about a question?" Xiao Han took a look at the Qin army and said, "why can I take out such a valuable diamond?"

"Why?" Qin Jun subconsciously asked, in fact, he was also very curious. Xiao Han is a poor student. Although he has a little career, compared with other students, he is really excellent. However, his career is a joke in the eyes of Qin Jun.

"Go back and think about it yourself!" Xiao Han patted Qin Jun's face and said, "you just need to remember one word, I'll It's definitely not something you can provoke. "

"You The Qin army took a deep breath.

Later, the Qin army was pulled out of the car by the man in black. And then he was thrown down.

The man in black gets on the bus and drives away.

Watching Xiao Han leave, Qin Jun Leng is very angry, but Xiao Han's words really let him think deeply. Where did Xiao Han's diamond come from? How can an ordinary person possess such a big diamond?

It's not right to think about it.

However, the Qin army did not continue to think about it. He clenched his teeth and said, "I swear to heaven that I will get rid of you Xiao Han in this life."


On the way back.

"Is such a warning useful?" Asked the man in black.

"What else?" Xiao Han looked out of the window, it was very dark, but in Xiao Han's eyes, the world was as bright as ever.

"If you want me to say it, let me swallow him in one gulp!" The man in black snorted.

"He's not the same." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "he is the eldest son of the Qin family and the head of the Qin family group. If it suddenly disappears, we can't get rid of it. I don't want to get into trouble. Because I'm not going to leave this place yet. Unless I want to go, it doesn't matter to me whether he's dead or alive. "

Indeed, with Xiao Han's ability, killing him is like killing a dog.

Even if you kill him, it's impossible to have any impact on Xiao Han. This kind of person is not worthy of death. It's also a curse to the world to stay.

Return to school.

It's already over eleven.

Several people in the dormitory haven't slept.

Zhang Feng is reading a book. Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu are playing computer games.

So when Xiao Han came back, they didn't pay attention.

December will soon be over.

New year's Day is coming.

The new year is coming in the blink of an eye. In the school, the club is busy, the teachers are busy, and the students are also busy. Everyone is in order to welcome the new year and lively. For Xiao Han, it doesn't matter. He was already a monk.

The so-called friars are also ascetic.

Pure heart, few desires.

No desire, no pursuit, the pursuit of the supreme Road, the pursuit of the true meaning of life. This is the nature of a monk.

Therefore, Xiao Han refused all social activities. Instead, he pushed everything away and devoted himself to practice. Baizhangfeng and Li Xiaoya's villa are all places for Xiao Han to practice. If you want to break through the golden elixir period, you need not only your own efforts, but also an opportunity.

Chance is a thing that can be met but not sought. You don't want what you want, you have what you want.

As soon as new year's Day is over, winter vacation is coming.

The traditional Chinese New Year is coming soon, so the students in the school are not interested in class. divided in public opinion. The reason why they still gather in the school is for the final exam.

Once the final exam is over, the school will soon be empty. No one will stay here.

"Xiao Han, how do you spend the winter vacation?" Zhang Feng asked."What can I do?" Xiao Han sneered and then said, "go home for the Spring Festival."

"Of course I know!" Zhang Feng nodded and ran Nian said, "I want to ask you, do you have any plans for winter vacation?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"I'm going to go to your restaurant and continue working." "Make a little money for the family

"Yes Xiao Han nodded.

Liu Bin said with a smile, "I'm going to take Xiaotong home."

"I may be engaged this year." Zhang Dagu said.

The crowd suddenly marvelled.

"You're not old enough to get married, are you?"


Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu are surprised to see him.

Zhang Dagu laughed, and then said, "this should be nothing?"

Indeed, in the rural areas of Shandong, this situation is relatively common. If you get engaged early, the two families will get closer. In the future, the two families are considered to be close relatives. After Zhang Dagu and Zhang Xiaomei graduate, they will get married.

"No!" The crowd shook their heads.

"Well I'm not going to give you a red envelope? " Xiao Han asked.

"Send your sister off!" Zhang Dagu broke into a curse: "I haven't married yet. When we get married, you'll have to come to Shandong to drink for Laozi. Hehe I'll make you all drink

"Ha ha..." The crowd burst into laughter.

Hospitable Shandong, this is the slogan of Shandong people.

It is said that Shandong people drink with pots. As soon as there are guests, they are served with good meat for a long time. Zhang Dagu also has the gene of hospitable Shandong. A lot of alcohol, carnivores.

In a twinkling of an eye

The final exam is over and winter vacation is coming.

As soon as the exam was over, many people packed their bags and went home. Carry a big bag and a small bag, and take a ride home with a big bag and a small bag.

In the dormitory.

Zhang Dagu is from Shandong, so he began to drive home early.

"Brothers, I wish you a happy new year ahead of time!" Zhang Dagu, with a big bag on his back, bowed to several people at the door of the dormitory.

"Get out of here!" Liu Bin scolded: "people who don't know think you are worshiping the spirit hall!"

"Ha ha..." The dormitory was filled with laughter.

In fact, after a year and a half together, we all know the root and the bottom. The most important thing is that we have developed a habit, and we all have spiritual nestling. With a deep feeling.

Liu Bin looked at the crowd and then said, "Dagu!"

"Ah..." Zhang Dagu just turned around and looked at Liu Bin again.

"I wish you a happy new year, too Liu Bin's eyes are complicated.

Seeing this, Zhang Dagu immediately said with a bitter smile: "how can I feel I can't bear to leave?"

"Yes, I can't bear you to go." Zhang Feng said helplessly.

Although it is only a short one and a half months to leave, but a few people in the dormitory feel it is difficult to say goodbye. The longer we get along with each other, the stronger the brotherhood is. It has been a year and a half to help each other and support each other.

I've been through a fight, a girl, and civil strife. However, everything came safely.

"Are you all right?" Xiao Han said with a smile: "this is not the graduation season. How do you feel like you are separated from each other in life and death?"

"I'll go!" Zhang Feng embarrassed to return a sentence, way: "OK, OK, you hurry to go!"

"That's it. Get out of here. Don't leave us!" Liu Bin waved.

Zhang Dagu, who was standing at the door, was moved just now. Now his roommate turned over and didn't recognize anyone. He was immediately angry: "Damn, a group of white eyed wolves, I'm leaving. See you next year

"Don't miss us too much!" In the dormitory, several people shout.

Zhang Dagu left and followed Zhang Xiaomei.

Zhang Feng and Liu binqi brush at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han looked puzzled and said, "what are you looking at me for?"

"Next, are you going?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Don't you all go back?" Xiao Han asked.

"We are in the provincial capital." Liu Bin laughed and said, "next, it's time for you to leave. Or Shall we give you a farewell party

"Fuck you!" Xiao Han didn't like to return a sentence, and then said: "I'm not interested!"

Finish saying, Liu Bin said in a hurry: "invite you to have a meal, invite you to pick up a girl, interested?"?

Xiao Han grinned and shook his head: "no interest!"

"Shit, you don't quit lust, do you?" Liu Bin looked at Xiao Han in surprise and said, "teacher LAN is going to be a little bit more conservative."

Zhang Feng said in a hurry: "I'll leave tomorrow, go home first, and then go to the poor restaurant in the downtown area to work. Fight for the last month and make some money. I heard that the salary is three times that of the new year. Hey, hey... "

"Come on Liu Bin nodded.He thought that the second one had left the dormitory. The next day, Zhang Feng left, and on the third day Liu Bin also left. When Liu Bin was about to leave, the thief said, "Hey, I know why you left so late. Stay with Mr. LAN, right? "

"Go!" Xiao Han didn't like to reply.

"Yes, yes, yes, I will go now!" Liu Bin said with a smile.

Finish saying, Liu Bin carries the bag to go quickly.

Looking at Liu Bin's back, Xiao Han showed a smile, several guys in the dormitory, are a group of funny. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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