Published at 6th of March 2023 08:46:28 AM

Chapter 858

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Well, since people don't want to say it or really don't know how to say it, Xiao Han can't ask any more.

It's not that Xiao Han is too much hearted. It's just a normal reaction of a person?

For example, if you want to travel to a certain place, you should take it with you for a period of time. Before you go there, at least you will want to know the local conditions and customs there, so as to arrange the trip reasonably.

However, if you don't know anything about that place, and you arrive there so rashly, you will inevitably have a feeling of smearing.

What's more, the place Xiao Han is going to is not a tourist area. In the small world where Xiao Han wanted to go before, he could at least find people living in the small world. Among Xiao Han's ghost areas, at least one ghost King Chen Jin led the way, and there were also human beings living in the ghost land.

However, Penglai fairyland is not the same. It is the battlefield where countless ancient great gods duel, and also the place where countless ancient great gods fell down. The natural environment there is very bad, which is not suitable for human survival. Otherwise, Lu Xuan would not borrow his heaven and earth bag to Xiao Han in order to prepare materials.

Lu Xuan thought for a while and then said, "well, the operation law of Penglai Wonderland collapsed in the last war. The exit that was everywhere has disappeared. If you want to go out after entering, you can only wait for the opening day of the exit once a year. Remember, when the exit is opened, there will be a lot of air convection in Penglai Wonderland. At that time, it is the day when the exit is opened The opening date of the export is only once a year, and only one day at a time. So you should seize the opportunity. If you miss it, you can only wait for the next year when the export is opened! "

"Air convection?"

As a real-life Xueba, Xiao Han suddenly did not respond, but how does he feel that this word has a sense of both familiarity and strangeness? It seems that I often hear it, but I don't understand the meaning.

Xiao Han thought, or asked: "road island Master, what is air convection?"

Lu Xuan couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling. Xiao Han turned pale and said with a smile: "the air convection is the wind. When the exit is opened, there will be a strong wind in Penglai fairyland. Do you understand?"

Isn't this a word often used in high school geography? If it's windy, it must be called air convection. A simple and clear saying can explain things clearly. It has to be so complicated.

Xiao Han really had a bitter smile. He didn't know whether Lu Xuan was deliberately making fun of himself or unintentionally. He had to laugh and say, "ha ha, the master of Lu Island is really a man of culture and level. You can say that you are so literate in the wind!"

Then, Xiao Hanzhi asked, "by the way, you can see that there is nothing to tell me. If I didn't ask, you didn't explain the important question of how to come out of Penglai fairyland. Would you tell me the situation inside? Oh! What a pit

Lu Xuan said faintly: "even if you don't ask, I will tell you when I take you to the entrance of Penglai fairyland tomorrow!"

This next Xiao Han thoroughly no way out, he had to smile bitterly, said: "well, you win!"

"Forget it, I can't help it if you don't tell me. I don't believe it. I'm not afraid to go to hell. I'm afraid of a Penglai fairyland? I'm gone. I'll come back to you tomorrow morning. "

Looking at Xiao Hanyuan's back, Lu Xuan suddenly felt a strange emotion in her heart. For the first time, she felt a trace of guilt in her heart, as if she had concealed Xiao Han and made her conscience feel a little uneasy.

After Xiao Han left, the elder went to the floating island. When he saw the island owner Lu Xuan sitting quietly on the stone bench, he quickly bowed down and said, "island Master, I have sent someone to take Xiao Han down to have a rest."


Lu Xuan replied softly, without any intention of expressing any opinions. Of course, she did not notice that when the elder mentioned Xiao Han's name just now, a trace of fierce color flashed in her eyes, because the elder was holding his head down, and Lu Xuan didn't look at him at all.

After a moment, Lu Xuan raised her eyebrows slightly and asked coldly, "what? Do you have anything else to do? "

"I don't know what I have to say or not to say!"

"Ah Lu Xuan sighed unexpectedly. She seemed to have guessed what the elder was going to say. So she waved her sleeve and said, "you can say it."

"Since the island Master has invited elite disciples from other sects besides Xiao Han to enter Penglai fairyland, why should we mistake the date of entering Penglai fairyland and let them go in together

"You don't know the gratitude and resentment among these people. If they get together and say that they haven't entered Penglai fairyland, they will have a fight in Penglai Island!"

When they meet in Penglai fairyland, there will still be conflicts. In this way...

Lu Xuan sneered: "it has nothing to do with Penglai Island. It depends on their fate. Anyway, Penglai Island only needs colorful clothes. Who can find and who can bring them out? What's the matter?"The elder's heart was cold for no reason. After thinking about it, he summoned up the courage to ask: "island Master, now all the outstanding disciples of the major sects are already on the way. Do you think that if we do this, will the major schools complain?"

What is Lu Xuan complaining about? I will share the opportunity that Penglai fairyland has opened, and let the most outstanding disciples of each gate sect enter it. What opportunities and treasures can be obtained depends on their nature. "

After that, Lu Xuan stood up slowly and said to the elder, "don't worry. I told all the major sects clearly at the beginning. After entering Penglai fairyland, life and death have nothing to do with our Penglai Island. Even if they all die in Penglai fairyland, what's the matter with me?"

As soon as the elder's face changed, his heart also set off a storm.

Wang Mang of Kunlun sect, yelongxuan of Wudang sect, Huafeng of Huashan sect, ouyangbing of Kongtong sect and Ye Yu of Emei sect are basically the best disciples of each major sect. In addition, Xiao Han, who has no school and no school, has almost all the best young generation in the cultivation circle.

If all these people fall down in Penglai fairyland, Xiao Han, who has no family and no school, will it be all. Will Kunlun sect, Wudang sect, Huashan sect, Kongtong sect and Emei sect collude to set up a teacher in Penglai Island to make a crime?

The scene must be out of control.

The island Master is playing with fire! And the fire is not small.

It has nothing to do with Penglai Island that so many of the most outstanding disciples in the sect have lost their lives at the same time? Who believes it?

After all, this time, it was the initiative of the island owner of Penglai Island to invite people from all the gates to send people into Penglai fairyland to search for treasure.

At the thought of this, the elder also sighed deeply. In order to get the colorful clothes and feathers, the island owner really tried his best. Although there were some methods, the island Master also wanted to revitalize Penglai Island and revive the glory of Penglai Island in those years.

The big elder bowed and hugged his fist and said, "the island Master has devoted himself to Penglai Island, and his subordinates are very happy and submissive."

Here, Xiao Han followed a young disciple of Penglai Island on a mountain road of Penglai Island. This young disciple was the man in black who accompanied Xiao Han to wait under the floating island.

Even the elder can only eat in the hands of Xiao Han. How dare this young disciple offend Xiao Han is that the young disciple of pengpenglai island is very careful to accompany Xiao Han all the way and dare not to be rude. Compared with the way that Xiao Han was received from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport to Penglai Island, it is a big difference.

"My name is Zhang Cuishan. I've been a disciple of Penglai Island for eight years. Now I don't even have any accomplishments in the golden elixir period. You look like you're less than 20 years old. How can you be so powerful?"

"I don't know. I'll be in this state now if I'm practicing."

"Er..." Zhang Cuishan laughs twice, and he is now in this state. Isn't this a naked hatred?

However, Zhang Cuishan did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Xiao Han. He knew that Xiao Han was not interested in chatting with him, so he did not bother him any more. He was afraid that Xiao Han would be offended.

In fact, Xiao Han didn't put on airs and didn't chat with this ordinary disciple of Penglai Island. He only dealt with the questions that he asked. Xiao Han didn't know how to answer them.

Can you tell him that Lao Tzu has been fighting for so long in the underworld and in the small world of the soul bead, which step was not forced to break out in the bloody rain? In addition, he tried his best, otherwise, where could he reach the height today.

Even if Xiao Han says so, Zhang Cuishan doesn't believe it.

Zhang Cuishan and Xiao Han went to a group of houses in the back mountain of Penglai Island. These houses should be the living places for the disciples of different generations in Penglai Island. Because they are built on the hillside, the houses are undulating, and they are arranged in different places. They have a different view.

The more upward, the larger the floor area of the house, the better the environment inside. The less the number of houses, the smaller the floor area of the houses. The more compact the layout of the houses is. It seems that the distribution of houses here should be arranged according to the level of generations in the clan.

Just like Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, she has the highest status in Penglai Island, so she can enjoy the most unique residence - floating island alone. Xiao Han is also a person who has been on the floating island. She knows that the environment on the floating island is not only unique, but also the most abundant place in Penglai Island.

At this time point, most of the disciples of Penglai Island are still meditating in the front mountain and completing their daily practice, so there are few people in the houses. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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