Published at 6th of March 2023 09:19:54 AM

Chapter 93

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"Good guy, this is Xiao Han's style!" Li dachou gave a thumbs up.

Xiao Han didn't want to make too much publicity. Moreover, he knew that there were a lot of people going to Chen Zihan's adult ceremony this evening. Many people in the class were invited. In addition, some of Chen Zihan's primary school classmates also attended. It goes without saying that such a place is also a time for some boys to compete for wealth. With Xiao Han's low-key personality, he doesn't like such a place. Originally, he planned to send the gift and go away with a happy birthday. However, Chen Zihan's move moved him. For this reason, Xiao Han must not let Chen Zihan down.


In the evening, Fulin garden.

Very new property, and, also very new community, in Wangjiang district is a relatively high-end real estate.

Chen Zihan's house is on the top floor, a duplex building. It's more than 150 level downstairs. Upstairs there are more than 130 square meters, and there is a more than 100 square meters of sun terrace. This house is not cheap. People who can live in this community are already middle-class people in LJ. It can be seen that Chen Zihan's family situation is quite good.

Xiao Han took a taxi to Fulin garden, and directly through the security Pavilion, into the community. It was very smooth to find the house where Chen Zihan lived.

Chen Zihan's home has been very lively, dozens of small partners in the uproar. The layout of the home is like the ocean of balloons. There are many colorful balloons on the walls. Up the stairs, there are colorful balloons all the way up. On the terrace on the second floor, dozens of people were gathering there. The terrace is covered with antiseptic wood, surrounded by a green ocean. There are many plants planted on the terrace. On weekdays, Chen Zihan likes to water and plant flowers here.

"Zihan, your home is beautiful and big There are girls envious said.

"Not at all!" Another girl answered and said, "I heard that Zihan's family has only her daughter. If anyone marries her in the future, he will make a fortune!"

Ha ha

Many people burst into laughter.

"Disgusting!" Chen Zihan replied shyly.

"Zihan, my gift for you!" A boy rushed in.

"What is it?" A girl asked curiously.

"Hey, hey, I sent a box of Chanel perfume specially to a friend from abroad." The boy laughed and said, "it's very expensive."

"Wow, Chanel perfume!"

Many girls cheered. For high school students, more than 1000 pieces of perfume are really expensive. How much is their allowance for a month? Where can I buy more than 1000 of the perfume? Nine times out of ten, I took money from home.

This birthday party, Chen Zihan received many gifts, some cheap, some expensive. Most of them are cosmetics, bags, or the latest clothes. For cheap gifts, Chen Zihan thinks that gifts are light and affectionate, while for expensive gifts, Chen Zihan just smiles.

"Here I am!" Jiang Xiaoliang was wearing bandages and ran in excitedly.

"Jiang Xiaoliang?" Many people turned to look at Jiang Xiaoliang.

"Zihan, happy birthday!" Jiang Xiaoliang excitedly held a gift box, which contained his birthday gift to Chen Zihan. Jiang Xiaoliang took the gift in his right hand, and then handed it to Chen Zihan with a smile and said, "a louis vuitton bag just came from Hong Kong. I hope you like it! "


There was an uproar.

Louis Vuitton's bag is famous all over the world. Many people know that this bag is very expensive and luxurious. Even if it is a very ordinary bag, I'm afraid it will cost two or three thousand yuan. If it is a little bigger, it will cost 7000, 89000, or even tens of thousands. Of course, those tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of bags for these high school students simply can't imagine. Their annual allowance may be only a few hundred yuan, or even more than 1000 yuan, and such a bag is more than thousands.

"988, Louis Vuitton's latest satchel." Jiang Xiaoliang looked at those envious eyes around him.

Chen Zihan put the gift box aside and said, "the gift is too expensive. I Can I not take it? "

"Of course not!" Jiang Xiaoliang shook his head and said, "no matter how expensive the gift is, it's just one of my wishes. Take this gift. "

"All right." Chen Zihan smiles.

"By the way, is there anyone else?" Jiang Xiaoliang asked curiously.

"And more!" Yang Xiaoyan nodded at once and said, "Xiao Han hasn't arrived yet."

"Did you invite him?" Jiang Xiaoliang was surprised and said, "what gift can he give you? I don't think we should wait for him. Let's start. For your birthday party, I'm going to have an online song for you. "

"Ha ha..." The crowd couldn't help laughing.

At this time, someone called out: "Xiao Han is coming."

People turned their heads and looked at the past. Xiao Han is wearing a black woolen coat, Black Slim trousers, and Xiao Han's 1.8 meters tall, which makes him very handsome. When a group of people look at the past, they are suddenly in a daze.On weekdays, Xiao Han's clothes are more casual, after all, his family is poor, so he will not easily buy clothes. So, today suddenly came a suit of such a suit, really let a person's eyes shine. And it was amazing.

Black coat, inside is a handsome jacket. The woollen overcoat instantly sets off Xiao Han's cool and arrogant temperament incisively and vividly, appears to be carefree incisively and vividly.

"Xiao Han?" Chen Zihan was surprised.

"Zihan, happy birthday!" Xiao Han smiles and carries a gift box in his hand. However, Xiao Han's gift box is big. A huge gift box is almost the size of a suitcase.

"Oh, what a big fellow Jiang Xiaoliang a Leng, way: "tut Tut, you send such a big piece, what can it be?"

"Take it apart and have a look!" Someone said.

"Why don't we have an interesting gamble Jiang Xiaoliang said with a smile, "if I give you a hundred yuan, who can guess what the contents are or how much they are worth, I will give them to him."

"Good." Everyone nodded.

"I guess it's a green potted plant!"

"I am a bunch of flowers!"

"I don't charge more than 500."

"What five hundred? I guess not more than a hundred! "

People have to coax, people's understanding of Xiao Han is only one word, that is poor! Therefore, they absolutely do not believe that Xiao Han can give any valuable gift. Although Xiao Han's gift box is very large, they believe that it must not be something valuable.

"Enough!" Chen Zihan yelled and said, "no matter what it is, as long as your mind is there. Expensive or cheap, it is everyone's will. Why do you insult others like this? "

"Zihan, we're just joking to adjust the atmosphere." Jiang Xiaoliang said with a smile.

"It's a joke to have a degree!" Chen Zihan frowned.

"Well Then it won't open. " Jiang Xiaoliang stood up in a hurry. His left hand was holding a bandage, but his right hand was holding Xiao Han's gift. He said, "let's just open it and have a look. What gift will Chen Zihan's recognized boyfriend give to his girlfriend? "

"Good, good!" Everyone nodded. The girls nodded because they were curious, and the boys nodded because they wanted to make Xiao Han look ugly.

"No more!" Chen Zihan shook his head and said, "the gift is for me. I'll open it slowly. You'll have to worry about it."

"This..." Seeing that Chen Zihan was angry, Jiang Xiaoliang had no choice but to laugh and say, "OK, since Zihan wants to save some face for him, we have to respect today's birthday. But we've probably guessed what's in it

"Ha ha..." The crowd laughed again.

"Zihan, since they are so curious, let them dismantle it." You can't kill Xiao Han by laughing

"Yes Jiang Xiaoliang a listen, quickly said: "Purple Han, open it, let's see what kind of gift Xiao Han can give."

"Zihan, dismantle it!" Yang Xiaoyan is also very curious, for a material woman, she is very happy to see what the gift is. Especially like to put other people's gifts together to compare.

People also persuade Chen Zihan to open it.

Chen Zihan can't twist people's opinions, so she has to turn her head again and look for Xiao Han to make sure. Let's have a look at Xiao Han's opinion. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han even nodded and agreed: "open it, satisfy their curiosity, although it is not a very valuable gift, but, at least, it is a piece of my heart!"

"Ha ha..." When Jiang Xiaoliang heard this, he immediately laughed: "don't take out any gifts that are not very valuable. I don't mean to let Zihan open my gift box. Because my Louis Dewey bag is really too cheap. It's only nine thousand eight. "

"Nine thousand eight?" Xiao Han was slightly surprised.

"Yes Jiang Xiaoliang is proud to look at Xiao Han, in his opinion, Xiao Han is impossible to take out 9800 yuan. It is well known that Xiao Han's family is poor. For the Xiao family, 9800 yuan may be the living expenses of a year.

"It's really cheap." Xiao Han nodded slightly.

"Er..." Jiang Xiaoliang's face sank as soon as he heard it.

I'm just reserved and modest. I didn't expect Xiao Han to climb up the pole. Jiang Xiaoliang's face turned white. He was really angry with Xiao Han. His face was cold. He bit his teeth and said, "cheap? That's just for me. Can you get a gift of nine thousand eight


At this time, people burst into an uproar.

"My God, it's Apple's latest suit!" Yang Xiaoyan exclaimed.

After that gift box was opened, there were several packaging boxes inside, among which the biggest one was Apple's most striking computer. The latest Apple MacBook. And it's top gear. This computer alone costs 12800 yuan. In addition, there is the latest Apple mobile phone, which has a market price of 7800 yuan. There are also the latest Apple tablet computers, as well as Apple's dedicated sports , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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