Published at 23rd of August 2022 09:42:00 AM

Chapter 157

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Hidden danger

"Kacha Kacha~" The rubbing sound of Jia Ye echoed in the dark forest. A dwarf warrior wearing heavy plate armor and holding a dwarf shield formed a small circle, surrounded by elves in the circle. Ranger and shooter.

"Pay attention to the canopy!" Roland reminded him looking up at the dense old trees.

"Watch out for the canopy! Beware of orc sneak attacks!" The person beside him immediately conveyed Roland's order.

In fact, Roland was very prescient. Sure enough, some teams found the orcs hiding in the canopy during the advance. They were clinging to the tree trunk, holding short blades in their hands, quietly waiting for the coalition soldiers to pass under his feet, and then a jump down...

However, after being reminded by Roland, in front of the defensive coalition forces, these little tricks of the orcs can only be said to be funny, not to mention that in the perception of sixth-order professionals, they are all as bright as light bulbs, that is, in the coalition forces With their sharp eyes, the elves can spot the orcs hiding in the canopy, and then shoot down those "targets" easily.

It can be said that there are no dangers along the way. The harassment of the small orcs has hardly stopped, but the large-scale battle has never happened. It can be said that the orcs have successfully used a small number of troops to hold back the action of the coalition.

"Oh! God! Can't these filthy scum come out to fight with dignity?" Verwey, who had just cut off an orc's head, said in pain, these scattered orcs simply made him fed up ! One by one, they were either hiding in the canopy of trees or hiding in the ground, waiting for the soldiers who attacked and killed the coalition forces.

"They're trying to hold us down!" Omsk said helplessly, hugging his chest.

"Huh? You mean they will have reinforcements?" Roland was stunned.

"Even if there are reinforcements, they won't come too fast. The only thing that can support them now is Moduo except the Misty Mountains! I'm thinking that they want to shrink their troops and stick to Dol Guldur Fortress to wait for reinforcements, and shrink the defense line. Call the know, it takes time." Omsk shrugged.


"Then what are you waiting for! Let's kill them directly! We can't let them gather their forces!" Thranduil narrowed his eyes. If the Nazgul were to gather all the half-orcs who had fled in all directions to defend Dol Guldur, The coalition forces really have no good way to capture that fortress.

"It's too late. They should have gathered a lot of soldiers. Now, just rushing in doesn't help at all. Let's fight steadily, at least don't let people make another sneak attack." Roland glanced at Iovia beside him.

"Cough cough! What's your look..." Iovia couldn't help but said embarrassedly, it seemed that among all the people here, she was the only one who was stabbed in the back twice...

"His Royal Highness..." Omsk came to Roland's side and hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Roland asked in a low voice, seeing that no one was paying attention to them.

"What do you think of the coalition's action?" Omsk looked at Roland seriously.

"What do you think? What's wrong? Did you find something wrong?" Roland's expression also became serious. Although there were not many soldiers brought here this time, they were definitely the elite divisions of the Lagrand Kingdom. It made Roland feel distressed for a long time. If the gutter capsized, Roland said that he could go to the rooftop to queue up to reopen.

"The goal this time is to capture Dol Guldur, but our troops are not enough to support us in capturing there!" Omsk said slowly.

"How could it be? We have 4 Tier 6s, and with this army of pure professionals, how can we not defeat Dol Guldur?" Roland breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Omsk was worried about this issue.

"But the enemy has three Nazgul! And the breath of death, which is best at group melee, is waiting for us there!" Omsk said pessimistically.

"But you can stop them, right?" Roland looked at Omsk and said.

"But the Nazgul will not necessarily fight us directly. Those who are familiar with the terrain can completely avoid us and slaughter low-level soldiers! It's not my pessimistic highness! As the highest combat power in the Lagrand Kingdom, I need to go out for you and others. The soldiers are responsible!" Omsk said firmly.

"Then what do we do? Tell them? Then the coalition goes home? They won't agree... Thranduil dreams of coming back here; Iovia wants revenge, he wants to kill the dark camp here All creatures." Roland fell silent after speaking.

"What they do has nothing to do with me, I just hope that you don't attack too far, just lead our people to expel the enemies around you, so that even if there is any situation, our soldiers will be enough to support me to come back! ' Omsk whispered.

"Well... that's it. It would be great if we can successfully capture Dol Guldur, but if something happens, I will lead the soldiers to stand firm and wait for you to come back!" Roland nodded in agreement, but if there was a fight, Omsk would definitely be Not staying behind, so he was destined to distance himself from Lagrand's army, and all Roland had to do was keep himself safe until Omsk arrived.

"Omsk! Remind the elf!" Roland shouted as he looked at Omsk who was about to leave. No matter whether the elf's arrogance could be heard or not, Roland, as an ally, decided to remind him.

"Roland, do you really think so?" Verwey came to Roland's tent, lifted the curtain and walked in quickly.


"The curtains are drawn, the night is windy!" Roland rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

"Don't interrupt, answer me properly!" Verwey reluctantly said.

"You already knew the answer in your mind before you came, didn't you?" Roland said to him if he had something to say.

"It's not just you, Iovia and Thranduil should understand, but they don't want to admit it." Roland continued lightly.

"What do you mean... Dol Guldur is a huge trap!" Vervill said with difficulty.

"Trap? Not to mention, it's a meat grinder at most. We may be able to capture it, but it depends on how many casualties you elves are willing to pay?" He opened his mouth politely.

"Don't look at me like this, we can't fight all the family for the elf city, that will not benefit us at all. Although Dol Guldur is a hidden danger to us, it is not fatal." Bai Yi sighed. Tell the truth.

"I can understand..." Verwey said sullenly, he understood that human beings would not pay a heavy price to recover Dol Guldur, just as White Wing said, Dol Guldur is just a hidden danger, it is not fatal at all, lethal The army of half-orcs had already been smashed by them under the Lonely Mountain. In the face of Dol Guldur, who did not have to be uprooted, of course humans and dwarves were not willing to pay for the elves.

"I dare to block it. If Balin knows about this, he will turn his head with the dwarves and leave..." Bard scratched his head in distress. Of course, the dwarves are willing to fight the orcs to the end, but this is only necessary. Now, in the case of fighting for the elves and paying huge casualties, the dwarves would never mind leaving, after all, the relationship between the two races is really not that good...

"Let's take one step at a time. Now we can only hope that Dol Guldur's offensive and defensive battles will be easier, otherwise the coalition will be disbanded, and the evil tentacles will still spread in this land." Roland rubbed his eyebrows.


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