Published at 10th of October 2022 12:17:09 PM

Chapter 236: Rope That Was Burning On One End

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Before they left the house, they heard a knock on the door.

Tang Yuan went to open the door. When he saw Liu Dalang, he was full of smiles. “Brother.”

Liu Dalang nodded. “Where’s your sister?”

Liu Dalang was still worried, so he came over early to check in on Tang An.

Tang Yuan smiled. “Sister and I were just about to go to plow the land.”

Liu Dalang was sincerely concerned about the two of them. Tang Yuan liked his brother-in-law from the bottom of his heart, but he still had to call him Brother Dalang because his sister wasn’t married to him yet.

Liu Dalang touched Tang Yuan’s head. “I’m engaged to your sister. You should call me Brother-in-law.”

Tang Yuan chuckled and immediately called out. “Brother-in-law.”

Tang An blushed. “Why are you here?”

He came to deliver talismans to her last night and came again in the morning.

Liu Dalang looked at Tang An. “I’m here to see if there’s anything I can help you with. Are you feeling unwell?”

He mainly wanted to see if Tang An was feeling unwell.

Tang An shook her head. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”

She just did not have a good appetite for fish today. She didn’t consider that as feeling unwell.

Liu Dalang looked around and was relieved to see that Tang An was fine. He heaved a sigh of relief and said, “Let’s go. I’ll go with you to plow the land.”

Tang An wanted to reject it, but Tang Yuan already handed the hoe to Liu Dalang. “Thank you, Brother-in-law.”

Liu Dalang liked to hear him call him brother-in-law. He nodded and took the hoe.

Liu Dalang carried the hoe on his shoulder. On the way, he said, “Yuan, buy a calf and raise it. In the future, there will be a cow to help you plow the land. You can lend it to others and earn some money.”

Tang Yuan will only be 11 next year. He was too young and could not go out to work for the next few years. If he raised a calf, it would be able to plow the land in a year or so.

Tang Yuan smiled. “I’ll consider Brother-in-law’s suggestion.”

The betrothal money given by the Liu family was 30 taels of silver. It was a lot, but he did not want to use it. He wanted to keep it for his sister. The Liu family valued his sister, and he did not want his sister to have no dowry at all on her wedding day.

Therefore, he wasn’t going to consider buying a calf for now.

Next year, he would definitely take back all the land that belonged to his family and plant it. At the end of the year, he could save up enough for a calf.

Soon, he would be left at home alone. He needed to take care of himself and the house well so that his sister wouldn’t be worried about him.

Liu Dalang watched as Tang Yuan fell in deep thought. He raised his hand to touch his head and said, “Yuan is a really good kid.”

Tang Yuan was happy to be praised. He looked at Liu Dalang who was tall and muscular and thought that he should eat more and grow into a man like him.

Looking at the two of them, Tang An felt sweet inside.

Liu Dalang only went back at night.

When he returned, it was just about time for dinner. Liu Erlang went to get Liu Dalang a bowl and chopsticks. Liu Dalang couldn’t help but look at Liu Sanniang. After dinner, Liu Erlang went out to walk General Black.

The winter night was cold. Liu Sanniang returned to her room early to embroider by the fireplace. She was making winter clothes for her parents.

Knock, knock, knock.

Hearing the knock on the door, Liu Sanniang said, “Come in.”

Liu Dalang pushed the door open and entered the room. He first looked at the window to see if there was any gap before sitting down beside her. “Sanniang, I want to ask you something.”

Liu Sanniang pinned the needle on the embroidery rack. “Brother, ask away.”

Liu Dalang asked directly. “Sanniang, did you see something? Tell me the truth, will something happen to An?”

Liu Sanniang did not expect Liu Dalang to be so sensitive. Facing Liu Dalang’s serious gaze, Liu Sanniang nodded. “Indeed something will happen to Tang An, but I’m not sure what it is exactly. That’s why I instructed Tang Yuan to tell us immediately should something happen.”

Liu Dalang frowned. “Is it serious?”

Liu Sanniang looked at Liu Dalang and panicked. From reading his face, Liu Sanniang understood that If something really happened to Tang An, her brother would never be able to marry again in his lifetime.

Liu Dalang’s heart tightened. “Sanniang, I really like her.”

Other than Tang An, he had never thought about other women.

Liu Sanniang looked at Liu Dalang and said, “Brother, watch her closely during this period of time. If anything happens, tell me.”

Liu Dalang nodded. He stood up and touched Liu Sanniang’s head. “Thank you, Sanning. I’m lucky to have you as my sister.”

After saying that, Liu Dalang turned around and left.

Some scenes appeared in Liu Sanniang’s mind. She called out to stop Liu Dalang. “Brother, no matter what happens, will you always believe in Tang An?”

Liu Sanniang did not know how to put what she saw into words. She saw Tang An’s stomach grow bigger and many people were pointing a finger at her.

If her stomach was big, it meant that she was pregnant. How could Tang An be pregnant? Even if she was pregnant, she shouldn’t be criticized by others since she was married to Liu Dalang.

Liu Dalang did not know why Liu Sanniang asked this. He looked at Liu Sanniang firmly and nodded. “Yes, no matter what happens, I will believe her.”

Liu Sanniang looked at Liu Dalang’s face and became even more worried.

After thinking about it, she said, “Brother, something will happen to Tang An, and it’s related to you. Come over and let me see what’s going on.”

Liu Dalang went over and sat down without hesitation.

Liu Dalang asked. “What do you want me to do?”

Liu Sanniang focused all her attention on reading Liu Dalang’s face and she was shocked to see the rope that represented his marriage getting burnt on one end while the other end was intact.

Danger was approaching Tang An, but Liu Dalang wouldn’t be affected.

Liu Dalang didn’t even dare to breathe loudly, afraid that it would affect Liu Sanniang’s concentration. He had never seen Liu Sanniang like this. At this moment, she seemed to have seen his life through her eyes, and he couldn’t help but feel nervous.

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