Published at 12th of December 2022 07:45:35 AM

Chapter 360: Last Chance

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Chapter 360: Last Chance

Yi Zilan continued to walk out with a frown. Even if she wasn’t engaged, the chance of him marrying her was still slim.

Yi Zilan mounted his horse and left the inn. When he set out, he had already asked around for Liu Sanniang’s address.

When he arrived outside the courtyard, he happened to see Liu Sanniang and Chu Yan coming out. He got off the horse and looked at Liu Sanniang. “Miss Liu.”

Liu Sanniang looked at Yi Zilan and smiled faintly. “Official Yi.”

Yi Zilan went straight to the point. “Yang Yi’s execution will be delayed by ten days. Five days later, State Minister Xu Yue will personally judge him. At that time, he will seek justice for the innocent.”

Liu Sanniang smiled. “That’s a good thing.”

Yi Zilan looked at Liu Sanniang. ” Miss Liu, I have something to ask of you. You know how to read faces, right? Can you please read my face?”

Liu Sanniang looked at Yi Zilan. “What do you want me to read?”

Yi Zilan paused for a moment before replying. “Marriage.”

He was not a person who could make do with anyone. He didn’t want to give up even if there was only a tiny chance.

Liu Sanniang looked at Yi Zilan and focused her mind. Yi Zilan’s physiognomy was hidden, so she could not see it clearly. However, she could vaguely see his marriage and signs of his children.

Liu Sanniang said, “Official Yi, you will be married one day. If you have someone you like, the ending should be a happy one.”

Yi Zilan put his palms together and said with a smile, “Thank you for your guidance, Miss Liu.”

Liu Sanniang smiled. It seemed that Yi Zilan had someone in mind.

Yi Zilan said gently, “Miss Liu, I won’t disturb you anymore. If there’s a chance in the future, I will pay you a visit again.”

After Yi Zilan left, Chu Yan held Liu Sanniang’s hand and said, “Let’s go.”

Liu Sanniang nodded. She was going to see Madam Bai. She still couldn’t bear to see Liu Yinniang live in misery.

However, the matter with Yang Yi was good news.

Liu Sanniang said, “The Cloud Breaking Sect is an orthodox sect. With them around, I believe justice will be served.”

Chu Yan smiled. “It’s what the orthodox sect should do.”

He squeezed Liu Sanniang’s palm. It was soft and warm.

Madam Bai and Liu San lived in a small courtyard on North Street.

Liu Sanniang knocked on the door. Madam Bai opened the door and was stunned to see Liu Sanniang. “Sanniang?”

Madam Bai rubbed her eyes, thinking that she was hallucinating. She looked at Liu Sanniang and Chu Yan standing outside her door and smiled. “Sanniang, it’s really you. Why are you here in the capital? Come in, come in.”

Madam Bai enthusiastically invited Liu Sanniang and Chu Yan into the house. As soon as they entered the small courtyard, they saw six rooms and a small backyard. Madam Bai had raised some chickens, ducks, and even two pigs. Life in the capital was different from in Yong County.

Liu Shun was backed by the Crown Prince, which brought him a lot of glory. Madam Bai’s sons had good jobs. Even Liu San had a job. Their life was much better than in Yong County. Looking at Liu Sanniang and Chu Yan, Madam Bai couldn’t stop smiling.

She went to make tea. “Sanniang, this is a good tea that can only be found in the capital. Ordinary people can’t even afford it. Liu Shun brought it over for me. When are you going back home? I’ll get him to bring some. You can take it back for your parents to try.”

Madam Bai looked at Liu Sanniang. She looked prettier than last year. She was engaged to Chu Yan, and he was also good-looking. However, he was not as promising as her son-in-law.

Liu Shun would become a high-ranking official in the future.

Liu Sanniang did not answer. She fixed her eyes on Madam Bai.

Madam Bai asked with a smile. “Sanniang, what brings you to the capital?”

Liu Sanniang said bluntly, “Third Aunt, is Yinniang doing well?”

Madam Bai replied readily. “Of course. She lives quite a comfortable life now. I don’t hold a grudge against you for what happened in the past. If you need any help, just tell me. If I can help, I will definitely help.”

Liu Sanniang smiled. “Third Aunt, do you really think Yinniang is doing well? Liu Shun is not a good person. He’s beating Yinniang up. If Third Aunt believes me, perhaps there’s still a chance of saving her.”

After Liu Sanniang finished speaking, Madam Bai’s face darkened.

Madam Bai looked at her. “Sanniang, considering that you are still young, I don’t want to say anything harsh to you. If it were your mother today, I would fight her to the death. You’re already engaged and will be married one day. Why can’t you send my daughter some good wishes?”

“Besides, she’s my daughter. How can I not know whether she’s doing well or not? If there’s nothing else, leave.”

Liu Sanniang frowned and did not say anything else.

She stood up and prepared to leave with Chu Yan.

Madam Bai felt a little annoyed. Why was Liu Sanniang the same as her mother? Madam Wei also liked to leave things unsaid. As expected, like mother, like daughter.

Madam Bai frowned. “Sanniang, you said that Liu Shun is not a good person. I’ve also asked around. There’s nothing bad about him at all. You and Liu Shun are not fated. Now that Yinniang is doing very well, don’t be jealous…”

Liu Sanniang and Chu Yan had already walked out. Madam Bai chased after them in a huff.

Just as she was about to shout, she saw Chu Yan turn around with a cold expression. She was stunned. When she came back to her senses, Chu Yan and Liu Sanniang had already left.

Madam Bai muttered. “For god’s sake. Why is she so annoying?”

She naturally did not believe Liu Sanniang, but she felt a strange tightness on her chest. After thinking for a moment, she went to the backyard to get a duck. She butchered it, and went out.

After all, Liu Yinniang was her daughter. She had to drop in on her to see how she was doing.

Madam Bai did not want to come to the Liu Mansion. Liu Shun was respectful to her, but Liu Shun’s mother liked to put on airs. Madam Bai had always cared about other people’s opinion of her, so when Liu Shun’s mother was condescending, she would not try to please her.

She had three sons. Liu Shun was an official, but her sons were not doing terribly either. They could also be promoted and become an official in the future. At that time, she would not need to rely on Liu Shun. When she returned to Yong County, she would bring honor to her family.

The servant knew Madam Bai. When he saw Madam Bai carrying the duck, he smiled. “Mrs. Liu, what brought you here? Did Mr. Liu come with you?”

Madam Bai handed the duck to the servant. “Take it to the kitchen and stew it for my daughter and her husband. I’m here to see my daughter. There’s no need to alarm her mother-in-law. I’ll leave soon.”

The servant took the duck and replied readily. “Okay.”

When Madam Bai reached the courtyard, Liu Yinniang was a little surprised to see her. “Mother, why are you here?”

Madam Bai looked at Liu Yinniang and pulled her into the room. “I have something to tell you. Why are your hands so cold? Get the servants to leave.”

Liu Yinniang smiled and walked into the room with Madam Bai. She waved her hand. “You all can leave. I have something to say to my mother. You don’t have to stay here.”

Thank you for reading on

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