The Lure from Ex-husband - Chapter 163

Published at 8th of March 2023 06:48:26 AM

Chapter 163

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A hint of embarrassment appeared on Liu Xiya's palm-sized face. His face couldn't help but turn red, and in the misty bathroom, it seemed even more radiant. "You misunderstand."

She made as if to get up, but this awkward position with Shen Jingchen caused her to be unable to even breathe.

However, Shen Jingchen refused to let her do as she pleased. He pulled on Liu Xixi's hand and said, "Don't move. I'll help you apply the medicine."

Liu Xi Xi Xi was at a loss for words. He wanted to break free from Shen Mo Chen, but he did not have enough strength, "Wet all over, what medicine do you want to rub on your body? Hurry and get me up. "

"Why don't you just sit on my lap?" Shen said as he lifted Liu Xixi's butt, letting her sit firmly on the base of his thigh. That way, all of Liu Xixi's scalded body parts would appear on the surface of the water.

Liu Xixi was embarrassed to the point that she didn't even know how to put out her hands. She wanted to stand up, but without water cover, she would only feel even more embarrassed.

She twisted her body uneasily, but she could feel the man's breathing slowly become heavy. "Don't move. If you move again, I won't be able to bear it."

Liu Xi Xi instantly sat obediently on his lap, not even daring to breathe loudly.

Shen Mo Chen couldn't help but find it funny when he saw the look on Liu Xi's face. He picked up the towel by his side and wiped the water droplets off Liu Xi's hands. Then, he opened the ointment and gently rubbed it over the burns on Liu Xi's body.

Originally, Liu Xixi didn't think so. Now that she had the stimulation of medicine, she felt a burning pain where she had applied the medicine. Her small face slightly contorted.

Shen Mo Chen felt the changes in Liu Xi Xi's body and couldn't help but mutter, "Now you know pain? Don't you know how to think about the consequences when quarreling with someone? "

Liu Xi Xi didn't say anything. Shen Mo Chen wasn't her, so he naturally couldn't understand her anger at that time. Even if it was time to do it again, she would not hesitate to go against Director Li.

After the initial stimulation of the medicine had subsided, Liuxi's arm no longer had the initial burning pain, and the place where she had applied the ointment became cooler and more comfortable.

"Alright." Shen Mo Chen helped Liu Xixi apply the ointment on the burn place evenly, and for once, he didn't do anything else as he told Liu Xixi.

When the torture was finally over, Liussi got up from the bathtub, took her bathrobe from the rack beside her, wrapped it around her, and went out to the bathroom.

The moment she stepped out of the bathroom, Liuxi heard Shen's voice behind her. "Liuxi, if I don't mind what happened earlier, would you be willing to come back to me?"

For a moment, it was as if she was struck by lightning, unable to move at all. She thought that Shen Jingchen hated her so much that she never dared to imagine the day where his attitude towards her would improve.

A long, long time later, when Shen Mo Chen thought that Liuxi was probably standing there sleeping, Liuxi silently closed the bathroom door and left without a word.

Shen Jingchen stared at the tightly shut bathroom door, his eyes no longer warm and gentle. In an instant, he was filled with doubt and uncertainty. He had no idea why he would suddenly say such words.

In the years since Liu Xixi left, Shen Mo Chen had thoroughly taught those who followed him back then to teach him a lesson. Those who looked down on others, those who were in the limelight, now received ten to a hundred times the revenge from him.

He had never shown mercy to his enemies, but now that Liuxi had reappeared in front of him, the woman who had betrayed him the most, he could no longer bear to hurt her. He was unwilling to let anyone touch a single hair on her head.

Only when the water in the bathtub was completely cold did Shen Mo Chen get up from the tub. He simply wiped off the water stains on his body and walked into the lounge.

As expected, Liuxi had already left. The unique scent of this woman lingered in the air. Shen Jingchen bitterly smiled. It turned out that what he had said with great difficulty wasn't worth stopping this woman in her tracks.

His eyes swept over to the table beside the sofa. There was a Post-it note on the exquisite marble. Shen Jingchen walked in and saw two words written in beautiful handwriting, "Thank you for the ointment and shirt. I'll be leaving first."

For some reason, Shen Jingchen felt a surge of addiction, and walked out of the lounge. He took out a cigarette and a lighter from his suit pocket, and a pale blue flame flickered in his eyes. He lit up the cigarette and took a deep breath, but there was no pleasure in his mouth.

In the past, he didn't like smoking, but after meeting Liuxi, his addiction had gotten even greater. Sometimes, three to four packs a day was no problem for him.

Ji Ling Chen directly pushed open the door and walked in, looking at Shen Mo Chen's still wet hair, the meaning in his eyes clear, "I just saw Liu Xi Xi, she's wearing your clothes and left quickly, I wanted to talk to her, but I didn't have the time to speak."

Shen Jingchen remained silent. He was always filled with an aura, and if not for the fact that he had been brothers for more than 20 years with Ji Ling Chen, he might have been shocked by this man.

"You all … Could it be that the firewood was on fire? Just now after the incident? " Seeing that Shen Mo Chen did not say anything, Ji Ling Chen teased him.

"I told Liu Xixi to start over."

Ji Ling Chen stopped thinking about it, "Do you want to take revenge on her, or do you really want to start a new life with her?"

In reality, Ji Ling Chen did not know much about Shen Mo Chen's thoughts. He originally thought that the two of them knew each other's thoughts, but after Shen Mo Chen got to know Liu Xi, too many accidents happened, so even now Ji Ling Chen was unable to guess Shen Mo Chen's thoughts.

"Probably half right." Shen Jingchen gave an ambiguous answer.

"Do you want someone to investigate the events of that year?" If Liuxi really betrayed you because of Qin Xuan, why did he suddenly leave Ping City? Don't you think it's strange? " Even so, Ji Ling Chen still voiced out his doubts. He was a spectator, so naturally, he could see through everything more clearly than Shen Mo Chen.

Although he had initially wanted to chop Liu Xixi into eight pieces, after calming down, he felt that there was something else going on.

"Other than her, there will be no one else. At that time, there were only her and Mu Xin at home, and Liu Xi Xi Xi had admitted it herself." Shen Jingchen finished the last of his cigarette, tossed the stub into the ashtray, and lit another.

"Could it be Liu Muxin?" Ji Ling Chen guessed that he doesn't like Liu Muxin, but without substantial evidence it would be difficult for him to say anything.

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