Published at 8th of March 2023 06:52:15 AM

Chapter 36

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Liu Chengze sat on the sofa with an ashen face, not saying a word. Seeing his attitude, Jiang Weiwei sneered in his heart, "Are you thinking too highly of yourself? If it wasn't for something I have to ask Mo Chen for, who would be willing to eat with a little bastard like you? "

Jiang Weiwei hated Liu Xixi very much. It was because of her that her precious daughter was still lying on the sickbed. Since then, this little bitch had done everything she could to climb into Shen Mo Chen's bed, making her future son-in-law her husband. How could she not be angry?

Upon hearing her stepmother's words, the color of Liuxi's face faded as if she had fallen into an icehouse.

That's right, she shouldn't have any illusions. In this family, there had never been a place for her.

Seeing that Liu Xi's expression was getting worse, Jiang Weiwei turned her head to look at the nanny who was arranging the dishes. "Don't put on airs. We won't be eating. Cissy has matters to attend to, so she's heading back."

The nanny looked troubled. She had heard the three of them conversing in the kitchen. It was obvious that the Second Miss had not said she was leaving.

"Don't you understand human speech? If you don't understand, then get out of here as soon as possible. " Seeing that the nanny hadn't made a move, Jiang Weiwei emphasized her words.

"Yes." The nanny looked at Liu Chengze, whose face was ashen, and Liu Xixi, who was standing to the side. There was no helping it, she worked with her wages, so she could only follow orders and clean up the dishes on the table.

Liuxi's body trembled slightly. Looking at her domineering stepmother, she felt bitter in her heart.

Her mother had disappeared when she was very young, but her mind was still unable to clearly picture her mother's appearance. It was as if too much time had passed and everything was slowly blurring.

Later on, his father, Liu Chengze, brought her stepmother and sister back. Only then did she realize that his father had cheated a long time ago.

Although stepmother never liked her, but elder sister really treated her very well. Even if they were half-sisters, whatever good stuff elder sister had that was tasty and fun was for me to let go of.

For her sister, she was willing to work hard to integrate into this new family, to accept her stepmother, and to tolerate her craftiness. However, everything was in vain.

The people who tried their best to blend in were actually excluded from the very beginning.

"Dad …" "Then I'll take my leave first …" Then he picked up his schoolbag and prepared to leave.

"No, I still have things to do, follow …" Mom will eat early. " Liu Xixi stopped when she heard Liu Chengze's words.

"Then I won't keep you any longer. You go back and have a good talk with Mo Chen, ask him to invest his money to help Dad's company. After all, it won't do you any good if the Liu Family falls, right?"

"Mm …" "Alright, I understand. Goodbye dad and mom." Liu Xi Xi Xi tried his best to hold back his tears and walked out of the Liu Family's gate.

The moment he reached the road, he could no longer suppress his emotions and he squatted down to cry.

When Shen Jingchen returned home, he couldn't help but frown when he saw that the dishes on the table hadn't been touched at all. There were two sets of chopsticks neatly arranged on the table. Could it be that Liuxi also hadn't eaten dinner?

His company had a lot of things to do today, so by the time he got off work, it was already a little late. According to the usual time, Liuxi should have already returned.

"Where's Liussi?" He turned to the butler, Uncle Zhao, and asked.

"Miss Liu ran back to her room as soon as she came back. She said that she was very tired and urged us not to disturb her. We didn't dare to call her out to eat." He had been in the room for several hours. He was a little worried, but he dared not make up his mind.

"…" Shen Mo Chen passed the briefcase to the nanny at the side and walked up to the second floor, a trace of worry in his heart. Could it be that Liuxi was sick?

He knocked twice, but there was no response. He turned the knob and looked at the tiny woman curled up on the bed.

"Liuxi... Get up and eat... "Hurry up." Shen Jingchen strode over to the bed and lifted her quilt.

But the person on the bed didn't have the slightest reaction. Shen Mo Chen pushed her shoulders, "Hey, I called you to get up and eat …"

However, the moment he touched her body, he was shocked. Although Liuxi was wearing a nightgown, he could still feel the heat coming from her body. "Liuxi …" "Liuxi …"

No matter how much Shen Jingchen shouted, there was no reaction. Seeing the abnormal flush on Liu Xixi's face, Liu Xixi's face instantly changed. He grabbed her by the waist and rushed back to the hospital.

Liuxi felt like she was dreaming for a very long time. In the dream, there was a thick and broad shoulder that she could use as a support. She subconsciously rubbed against his chest, completely unguarded.

Shen Mo Chen sensed Liu Xi's actions, and the emotions in his eyes deepened. "Liu Xi Xi, your life is mine. Without my permission, no one can interfere."

The smell of disinfectant came from his nose. Liu Xi Xi Xi woke up unwell and looked at the white wall. He wondered where he was.

He was truly happy. When he thought of how his young master could drip ink onto his face, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of fear. If there really was something good about Miss Liu, he believed that his young master could eat him alive.

"Mm …" Uncle Zhao, can you pour me a cup of water? I'm thirsty. " His throat was dry and his voice hoarse.

"Alright, alright …" The butler Uncle Zhao swiftly poured water and passed it over to Liu Xixi. Then, he couldn't help but ask, "Miss Liu, why are you so upset? "He's so young, why should he look for fault?"

"I didn't miss it …" Liu Xixi didn't understand why she was lying in the hospital when she woke up. She remembered that she was sleeping at home.

"You didn't miss it?" Then why did you take so many sleeping pills? If it wasn't for the fact that young master found out about it early and sent you to the hospital to have your stomach washed, what would we do? " Uncle Zhao was still fearful. He felt guilty for not finding out that Liuxi had taken the sleeping pill.

Sleeping pills? Gastric lavage? Liuxi smiled wryly. He had taken too many sleeping pills.

"That... "Uncle Zhao, I really didn't think too much about it. I was very sleepy and couldn't fall asleep, so I took a sleeping pill. I might have gotten the wrong dosage." Liu Xi Xi Xi was a little guilty. Leaving the Liu Family this evening, her head hurt so much that she took a few sleeping pills. She didn't expect to eat too much.

He had taken the wrong sleeping pill and sent it to the hospital to wash his stomach. He was probably the first person in history to do so.

"…" The butler was speechless. Such a carefree girl really made people want to curse but not able to.

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