Published at 10th of August 2022 06:10:52 AM

Chapter 66

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Heinrich took her into his arms.

Her intertwined eyes seemed to be okay even if the other person was a soulless, inorganic doll.


Duncan looked at the scene.

His mad master, after passionately loving a woman who could not be captured like a phantom for a very long time, eventually ‘made’ her with his own hands.

Was he just crazy, or was he a genius?

‘It’s both.’

It would be an impossible mission unless it’s the best wizard.

“Did you feel lonely because you were alone?”

A voice filled with thirst and tenacity came out.

Duncan looked familiar with such a Heinrich, who spoke carefully to the statue of a girl who was really nothing more than a statue.

In fact, the existence of ‘Annette’ was familiar to Duncan.

Ever since he first met his master, that name had appeared several times a day.

He heard that she parted with him when he was young.

—At this point, a question arises.

To Annette.

‘…What the hell did you do to that man when you were young?’

What did she do to him, who only longed for her, and grew up as a twisted adult who craved only her?

Duncan first saw the statue two years ago.

“Are you making a homunculus?”

“No. The ‘Annette’ I’m making is my 11-year-old sister. She is not like a soulless doll.”

Heinrich looked high.

After a long time, he smiled happily.

“If I make the past ‘Annette’, she’ll take me to her present self.”

Was that possible?

—The question was meaningless. Because that undisputed genius was constantly making  history in the magic world.

“I have a question, Your Excellency.”


Duncan asked his master who held the statue and answered as if he was drunk.

“You said last time. To make Miss Annette, she has to be no different from her 11-year-old self.”

Could it be that his master was really ‘losing his mind’ and was clinging to the impossible? 

Without hope, he could die.

“…You said it had been more than 10 years since you’ve parted. It is unreasonable to remember everything exactly the same.”

Heinrich’s eyes narrowed.


Then he softly grinned.

Heinrich began to touch the girl bit by bit with his own hands.

First, the gentle eyes.

“I remember everything. The eyes she looked at me with.”

Next was the cold nose.

“Her breath.”

And then the lips that didn’t smile.

“The smile she made towards me at each moment. No, each strand of hair, and movement of her  eyelashes. Even the smallest habits and tone of voice—”

Not a single bit of her from him.

“I can’t forget it.”

Duncan somehow knew.

The reason Heinrich was so twisted.

It was not that his master had not forgotten, but that it was ‘always on his mind’.

Loving and missing her would have been a force majeure. He must have lived with his irresistible longing as his noose.

Duncan quietly left the room. So that Heinrich, who fell into his own world, could spend time alone with her.

Heinrich lowered his eyelashes.


As he looked at her, his eyes fluttered wildly. His purple eyes, dyed with tenacity and obsession, gradually darkened… Soon, his red, moonlit lips moved.

“I’ll see you soon.”

—It was really not long now.

‘I’m excited that I’m going crazy.’


I was startled and grabbed my arms.

“Why am I getting goosebumps so often today…?”


Who’s plotting my murder?

I hurriedly looked around, but, uhh, there was no one there.

I made a cup of hot chocolate, took a sip, and sat down again.

“Hehe, it’s delicious.”

Then I laughed without any tension.

I probably got goosebumps from seeing shocking headlines 2 times in a row.

‘Suddenly Sislin became the Crown Prince, and Heinrich became the Grand Duke.’

I was just surprised.

Wasn’t that like an ending story?

I was quite intrigued by the story that progressed faster than expected, and I tapped my chin.

‘…Then is it really a happy ending?’

I was overwhelmed with joy and I indulged in my imagination for a moment.

Sislin, who grew up with ‘happiness energy’ and became the crown prince early.

Heinrich, Professor of Magic Tools, gained riches and even became an Archduke!

—You two must have become friendly with each other, right?

Below the headline, there was news that Heinrich had made something very useful for national defense called ‘mass teleport’.

‘Sislin’s at war.’

The two must have gotten along pretty well.

I shrugged and imagined a scene between the two main characters.

“Hahaha, thanks to Sislin, El Dorado’s defense is strong? Thank you so much, Your Highness the Crown Prince?”

Heinrich winked and shot finger hearts with his hand.

“Oh, my friend. It’s all thanks to you, haha!”

Sislin scratched the back of his neck shyly and smiled broadly.

‘Ah, this is really…’

It’s touching.

I felt the tip of my nose twitch, and I put my hands on my chest that seemed to be stuffy with emotions.

“The kids have grown up so well.”

It was sudden, but it was definitely a happy ending.

The probability that Heinrich would suddenly be called a traitor was almost 0%.

I smiled in excitement.

The novel that I read with anxiety for more than 10 years and participated in and created by myself finally had a happy ending.

Indeed, it was a perfect ending.

“This is not the time for this!”

I jumped out of my seat.

“Isn’t it right to hold a commemorative party?”

‘Isn’t it?’

I would like to congratulate the two of them personally, but I couldn’t do that.

Even in this distant town of Bayonaire, let’s invite a small group of people so that they could be congratulated by many.

“It’s going to be really fun.”

A celebration party to commemorate the flower road completion!

I praised myself for coming up with such a good idea, wrote the invitations, contacted World Daily and informed them that I would subscribe to the newspaper only this time (a thrifty self-employed person always thought of saving money).

“I have to bake the cake myself…!”

Fufu, it’s a happy bread lover’s party.


During the dark evening.

There was a dark shadow around .

“It must be that bakery.”

His true identity was the last member of ‘Delphi’.

The Delphi was a notorious dark top on Bayonaire Island.

(TL/N: 상단 – historic word for group of merchants.)

Like a villain, he wanted money. The profit earned by the popular bakery must be substantial.

‘Shall I scare her today?’

After all, the weak owner lived alone in that house.

He confirmed in advance that the redhead (assistant baker, like a wolf) wasn’t there today.

So today was perfect.


The weak bakery owner would shed tears and pay a sum even if he scared her a little.

The rat of Delphi slyly laughed.

‘How much should I rip?’

“…20% of the sales would be enough.”

Delphi made up his mind and put on a black mask.


Soon, his shadow was sucked in softly. To the very peaceful log bakery.



I raised my head as I suddenly felt puzzled.

“Why is the light off?”

The gas lamp that was always lit in the front of the small bakery at night suddenly went out.

‘Is there a problem with the gas pipeline?’

The store was using Sordi’s power of light as a secondary light, but that was during the day.

At night, it basically relied on the gas lamps and candles provided by the empire.

If the bakery was too bright during the night, other people in town would find it suspicious.

‘But even if it’s dark, it’s too dark, isn’t it?’


I paused from writing the and looked at the window.

The gas light didn’t seem to have any intentions to turn on.

‘Is it a problem with the old gas pipeline?’

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could fix things like that in advance instead of just managing the personal information, hmm?

You were just thinking about collecting money.

I, a conscientious taxpayer and self-employed person, kicked my tongue at the lax welfare.

‘The Fris Empire will only come to their senses after they’re destroyed.’

It was then that I shook my head and picked up the pen again.



What is this sound?



I stood up from my seat.

It was definitely a sound from downstairs, from the kitchen. But that wasn’t the sound of a mouse or a cat?

It sounded like a dull noise made by something larger.


Saliva pooled in my mouth.

‘Or the tracking team sent by Gerard?’

I nervously picked up the pot (the soup was finished) on the table.

Then, sneakily, I headed downstairs. Like a cat’s light, fluffy steps that were like a very thick and soft jelly.

It was not long before I got to the kitchen.


I ran into an unexpected person.

An innocent stag with soft hair like an autumn wheat field, and brilliant emerald eyes.


—It was Kyle.

Kyle was subduing the mysterious Delphi assailant with a large hand, and before Annette could see, he quickly removed the dangerous object (a shotgun he had pressed against the man’s jaw).

Annette asked blankly.

“Uh, Mr. Kine?”


When Kyle made eye contact with Annette, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment as if he had forgotten the current situation.

Like a boy who met his first love.

He placed one hand on his chest (a question mark appeared in the man’s head, who suddenly became free), and he smiled politely and prettily like a flower.

“Owner. Hello.”


The opportunistic man punched Kyle’s face.

“Kyaaak, Mr. Kine?!”

Ame: Kyle, TPO?! But anyways, Annette isn’t the only one with an overactive imagination, so do I. I can just see it now– 

—Sislin, Heinrich and Kyle overcome their rivalry and differences and join hands to protect Annette against the big, bad Gerard! Armed with Mephisto, magic tools and magic guns, they’ll be the best squad the world has ever seen! Um and Sordi can watch over the young ones two steps back. Avengers who? mHM, perfect ending, if i do say so myself HAHAHA guys, i’m just joking, this isn’t real

Tassie: Not only does Annette have an overactive imagination, Ame does too XD (That’s what makes her cute tho) But seriously Heinrich shooting off finger hearts has me pissing myself lmao

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