Published at 25th of November 2022 06:16:04 AM

Chapter 64: 56. Difference in force

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The man in front of us. This man's appearance looks exactly like that of a certain species that Mr. Helen had heard of. If it's not a mistake, this man... is a demon.

Tempest, the demonic kingdom, the country where the demons live. A country west of the Archadian pope and north of the Regalia Empire. And a country ruled by the Demon King. The number of people is smaller than that of other species, but it seems that each person is quite capable, has some ability as a child, and does not extend to elves, but has a considerable longevity.

But now we should be at war with the Archadian pope and the Regalia Empire. Why are you in the kingdom of Nanol? And alone. Though I think so, we can't keep watching the Demon Man. I don't know the purpose of this demon clan, so what should I do? When you think about it, a demon man...

"Uh-huh, I'm in trouble. I didn't expect to be seen. I was told to act so that you wouldn't see me. Uh-huh, what shall we do?"

And, think alone. I don't know what to do with this one. I just want to ask you why you're here, but you can't risk everyone. Everyone is going away, though little by little. Stand by so that you can get your weapon out immediately.

I'll keep an eye on the Demon Man too, little by little, but I'll go to Elea, who was nearest to me. And if you look a little more at Elea... Hmm? He looks terribly surprised. Because this is the first time you've seen a demon clan? I've never been this surprised before, either. What is wrong with it?

"Elea, are you okay?


"Elea! Are you okay!

"... Ah, Ray. Yeah, I'm fine."

Elea returns it that way, but obviously it's not okay. My complexion is bluer. What the hell is wrong with you?

"Are you sure you're okay? You look pretty pale."

and talking to Elea,

"All right, let's do this. I will have you all die here. If no one was seen, there would be no problem."

and a demon man smiling and looking at this one. The air around you changes at once at that moment. It's like we've moved into another space. It's a completely different vibe. The more I feel that way, the more killer I get released from that man.

Guh, what a killer. I managed to stand for my master's killing, but everyone else sucks. We can't all stand because of this killing. Emma and Lene are hyperventilating. Anyway, we need to get you out of here!

"Everybody get out of here! Douglis, Kate! Get Lene and Emma out of here now!

And I scream. But.

"Hehe, because you think I'm gonna let you do that?

And when I realize it, I'm right in front of Emma, the Demonic Man. He has a knife in disastrous shape in his hand. And try to shake it down on Emma. I can't let you do that! I use physical enhancement to shake off Rooga to the Demon Man. Rowga was stopped by a knife, but Kate let Emma down in it.

"I'll do it inside. But."

The moment the Demon Man said so.

Guh! A dull pain runs in my stomach and blows me away. Looks like he was kicked at some point. I crash into a tree. Guh, the taste of iron spreads in my mouth. I spit it out and get up. Keep high healing with body grants. This will also pull off the pain in your stomach.

When he immediately sees the devil men, Elea, Burdon and Sizku stand up and confront each other in order not to let the devil men chase the Douglis.


And Elea waves down Barbatos to the devil's man. Shake down a rock crushing blow, but the Demonic Man avoids it sparingly while Nico. But did Elea know to avoid it, so she pulls it straight to hand and releases a horizontal gizzard. But also avoid it lightly. But the sizzle moves ahead of the man's avoidance, swinging through the knife he can carry on his hips at once. Residence. Release the divine speedy residency to the devil's man.


But even in its abode, the devil's man takes it lightly with a knife.

"Hehe, these are promising kids for the future. But unfortunately."

and grabbed Shizuk's right arm, and a knife.

"Stop! Whoa!

Me, Elea, and Burdon are on their way, but we can't make it. The demonic man, as it were, waved the knife down toward Shizku's right arm.

"Ah, ahhh!

Sizuk squatts and screams in too much intense pain. I impart thunder magic and wind magic to my body and plunge into the devil's man.

"Holy shit!"

And I slap Rowga. The man looks a little surprised, but also takes this with a knife. Damn, I put a lot of effort into it, but I'm not even freaking out. And just a man waving his arm, being bounced. Historical difference in force. It's like you're confronting your master.

When I'm thinking about that, a demon man laughs at me.

"Hehe, you don't have to be so angry. Because she hasn't cut her arm off."

And I say, I immediately look at Shizuku's right arm... It does stay connected. So what was that sizzling scream earlier? And now it still hurts, I'm squatting to contain where it was cut. That scream was unusual. He sounded like he had been cut off for sure. I wonder, I see a man's knife.

"Do you understand? This knife is a magic prop, and even if you cut a creature, you can't actually scratch it, but it's something that can only make you feel the pain. It's mainly used for torture, but it's my favorite."

And he laughs. Carrying some creepy stuff around. If I had to, I could connect with my water magic, but I couldn't reduce my magic right now.

But what should we do? The strength of this man is immeasurable. Strength probably has something close to a master. Now, if you're playing, but you're serious, you won't be able to get fat. With that in mind, a demon man will stare at me. What the fuck?

"You. There's a sign of a goddess from you. Could you possibly have the protection of the goddess?

And I ask.

"What's wrong with that?

I'm not sure what a sign of a goddess is, but if you're finding out, you don't even have to hide it. I'll be honest. Then the atmosphere of the man changes again. Earlier, the killer releases enough stuff to make you feel like you were playing.

"Until just now, I was playing, but only you. Let's kill for sure. Apostle of the Abominable Goddess. Get out of here!

What the hell is a goddess apostle? Looking at the devil's man with that in mind, he suddenly disappeared from sight. I instinctively jumped forward because I felt a frizzy chill in my neck at that moment.

"Well, do you avoid it"

and a demon man's voice from behind where I was. But when I turn around, he doesn't look anymore.

"Gu Hu!"

I get kicked in the ass. I can see where I got kicked breaking my shin and bones. Because it grants high healing, it will recover, but it does not change the pain. I'll get right back on track.

"It's too late."

My left hand is cut off from my shoulder by a knife of a man who moved in front of me.


I scream for too much intense pain, but I can't take my eyes off the Demon Man. I wave a lowga with patience for the pain, but there's no way I can hit something like that, and I get my right hand cut off holding a lowga.


It hurts so much that I can't even speak out the earliest. And they grab my neck. I can lift my feet off the ground.

"That's it"

And a demon man's knife pierced my heart.

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