Published at 8th of March 2023 07:11:52 AM

Chapter 583

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It was just ten o'clock when Howard came to hanlunshufa's address.

Han lunshuo, dressed in a suit of Han fan'er, stood in front of the opera house in a "dog like" manner.

I still have a bunch of red roses in my hand.

In the crowd, he saw Howard at a glance.

He beckoned to Hawthorne, walked quickly, and handed the flowers.

"Well, I knew you would come."

Hawthorne took a look at the big handful of roses. It was the first time in her life that she had received flowers.

It's just from this man

She haughty did not go to pick up, but some boring way: "Han lunshuo, you are bored in the end."

"Boring, otherwise how can I find you to play? Actually, I don't like opera at all. I always think this kind of thing is the kind of person who likes to put on airs and listen to it only because of the elegance. Isn't it for you? I'm willing to accommodate it."

Han lunshuo deliberately looks like he hates opera.

Howard sighed and stared at the man in front of him.

The mouth of such a person is really too powerful.

The most important thing is People are shameless and invincible.

This morning, if it wasn't for going downstairs, brother Xinian would be busy again. She might tell brother Xinian impulsively that he was green.

Han lunshuo forced the flowers into her hands.

"Flowers with beauties are really good."

I'm really sorry for that.

But in front of Han lunshuo, she still showed her strength.

"I said, don't talk to me about meat."

"Where is the boundary between meat and speech?" Han lunshuo approached her unwittingly: "in my opinion, that thing in bed is meat."

Howian raised his foot and stamped on the back of hanlunshuo's foot.

Han lunshuo jumped a few times: "you really step on it."

"Or do you think I'm playing with you?"

"Well, I'm afraid of you. Let's go. It's Opera time," he said, holding Howie's shoulder.

But Hawthorne shook his shoulders and gave him a squint: "don't hook up with me, go by yourself."

After that, she put the flowers back into Han renshuo's arms.

Holding a handful of flowers, too blindfold.

Han lunshuoha smiled: "I came in with flowers to watch opera with you. People will think that you adore me and send me flowers to pursue me. If you don't mind, I don't care."

Howard robbed the flowers again and was about to throw them in the garbage can.

Han lunshuo hurriedly said: "ah, wait a minute, if you really don't like it, will you give it to the staff later? This is what I paid for. It's not easy to earn money."

Howian sneered, "how do you mean to say that?"

"Otherwise? Even if I do this kind of work, the money is not from the wind? You know, not everyone can do this job. Beauty, stature, physical strength and wisdom are indispensable. "

"Shut up," said Hawthorne, glancing at him, holding the flowers and going to the opera house.

Han lunshuo Snickers and follows quickly.

It's that Howard doesn't like opera either.

Before, every time she watched opera with her second brother, she would go to sleep, so the second brother always said she had no taste.

I didn't expect that this one around me was inferior to her.

At the beginning of the opera, he was sitting in the front row. With such a loud voice, he fell asleep directly.

Hawthorne looked at each other in disgust.

Then I clapped my little heart and reminded myself, don't sleep, you are different from him, you can't sleep.

But when the thunderous applause around, Howie suddenly woke up and found

She didn't have any.

The man beside me laughs.

She looked round.

Han lunshuo said, "did you sleep well?"

"I'm keeping my eyes shut," said Hawthorne awkwardly

"Well, it's not bad. Saliva is coming out."

Howian hurriedly raised his hand and wiped it. It's not there.

She stared at Han lunshuo and said, "you're kidding me. You're asleep. Are you kidding me?"

"I didn't laugh at you. I just felt that we were two perfect match."

"Who's best for you," said Hawthorne, rising to follow the crowd.

Han lunshuo picked up the flower and chased it out: "the flower, the flower didn't take it."

"I don't want it."

"Then I'll shout 'thank you for the flowers.'

Huo Huaien head big turn round, snatched the flower, carried into the bosom to leave.

Out of the opera house, Howard looked back and said: "the opera is finished, so you can stay away from me."

"That's not good," Han lunshuo came up to her. "I'm hungry before lunch."

"After lunch, would you like to go to the movies, play games, have dinner and go to bed with you?"

"Well, you've arranged it well."

"Think well," said Hawthorne, with a fierce look in his eyes. "I warn you, don't be a moth in front of me. I don't want to see you again."

She turned around and was about to leave. Han lunshuo stepped forward and blocked Howard's way.

"Today's lunch, you have to accompany me to eat, because the person who asked me out, you know, you don't want me to stay away from her?"

Huo Huaien stops: "Su Yao asked you again?"

"I said it yesterday, but she is very sticky."

Hawthorne had a dignified face.

Su Yao promised herself yesterday, but now she turns her back

Han lunshuo approaches Huo Huaien: "anyway, I won't force women. How about, do you want to go?"

"Go, of course, but Han lunshuo, I tell you, you'd better believe it, or I, Miss Huo, don't do it for nothing."

Han lunshuo suddenly leaned in front of Su Yao.

Su Yao was startled and stepped back two steps: "what are you doing?"

Paper tiger.

Han lunshuo raised his lips: "yes, my miss Huo."

Howie's a real pain in the neck with his mouth curled.

On the car of Han lunshuo, Huo Huaien found out that Han lunshuo, who is rich, actually drives the same car as her four brothers.

You know, whether it's at home or abroad, this car is limited.

Sure enough, women's money is very easy to earn, which is true at all.

Han lunshuo drove to the door of the restaurant.

After they got off the bus, Howard still held the flowers.

She wants to stimulate Su Yao with the flower.

Someone took hanlunshuo's key to park.

Han lunshuo takes Howard into the restaurant.

They were late for the opera because of the delay.

Su Yao has arrived.

However, she didn't come alone. She went with her in the year of Moxi.

Han lunshuo said with great interest, "well, Su Yao even brought her fiance today. What's the situation?"

At the sight of moxinian, Hawthorne became nervous.

What does brother Xinian know?

Brother Xi Nian ran into this little white face. He won't hit people for a while.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!