Published at 12th of January 2022 02:41:41 PM

Chapter 1507

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Chen admitted bluntly, "and it's not generally nervous. To tell the truth, Su boy's 100 star bright plan is true, some are too crazy. This is a whole 100 space stations!"

"If we want to have 100 space stations in space at the same time according to the normal development of human science and technology, it will never happen in at least the next 100 years. In other words, this plan will improve the pace of human progress for a hundred years, and we are the witnesses!"

The head of state nodded approvingly, and his old face was filled with emotion. "Yes, although he usually pretends to be nothing, he knows whether he is nervous or not."

"I can't accept a plan like Su boy."

"However, he has created so many miracles that anything that happens to him seems so normal. Go crazy as soon as you go crazy!"

It is said that there is only a thin line between genius and madness.

They haven't thought before, but through Su Mo's hundred star bright plan, they really saw what crazy genius is!

After a simple communication, the office fell into silence.

I don't know how long later, the head of state suddenly laughed. Old Chen was stunned and then laughed. At this moment, the two people have the same mind and know what the other party is thinking.

At the same time, an extraordinary secret meeting is being held in a room in Oceania, and any identity of the people participating in the meeting is extremely distinguished.

The content of the meeting is how to force Xia Guo to hand over Su Mo's scientific research achievements!

"No! Your methods are too troublesome. If you want me to say, simply force them directly, simply!"

"Oh! You're talking about lightness. Don't you know about the alliance between Xia state and magic Xu state? Also, I think everyone here is familiar with the power of Xia state's mysterious laser weapons?"

"That's right! The act of forcing each other by force is too stupid. Maybe we will suffer in the end."

"It's nothing to lose. The main reason is that if so many of our countries are not opponents of that mysterious laser weapon, there will be no one to shake the power of Xia at that time."


Higginson stared at the computer screen with a calm face and listened to these people's comments. His eyebrows jumped constantly.

At the beginning, the confrontation between Oceania and Xia at sea was an eternal pain in his heart.

In that war, Oceania suffered heavy losses!

It is also the first time that Oceania has suffered losses in so many years; For a long time after the war, Oceania became a joke. After such a long time, Higginson still got angry uncontrollably when he mentioned it again.

"Everybody, what are you doing here today?"

Higginson clapped his hands, narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "China's Oceania was defeated by Xia. It's been so long. Is it interesting now?"

As soon as this remark came out, the people who were talking about it immediately shut up.

As the saying goes, a thin camel is bigger than a horse.

What's more, Oceania is now strong and has nothing to do with thin and dead camels.

Although they were defeated by Guo Xia, it was easy to deal with them.

Seeing that several people stopped talking, Higginson suddenly changed his face, turned cloudy to sunny, and said with a smile, "what are we doing together?"

"That goes without saying?"

One of them answered, "of course it's su Mo's scientific research achievements!"

"That's right!"


The crowd echoed.

These people attending the meeting knew how exaggerated Su Mo's scientific research achievements were.

In recent years, due to the emergence of Su Mo, the national strength of Xia state has risen as if it were open.

Under their witness, they built the international space station on their own. Originally, Xia's development in the aerospace field was No. 1 in the world, but because of Su Mo's Sao operation, Xia's aerospace technology was directly pushed to the first position in the world.

It sounds incredible!


This is the fact, the fact that everyone witnessed, no matter how unwilling to believe it in your heart, you have to admit it!

It is precisely because of this that this meeting will be held.

This is a demon. For Su Mo, they can do even the most outrageous things!

Seeing that the topic was finally on the right track, Higginson breathed a sigh of relief, cleared his throat and said, "everyone be quiet."

When Higginson spoke, no one spoke again.

Higginson said from the underworld: "force is really not a good way. Anyway, China's aircraft carrier can't stop Xia's laser weapons. You can try it if you want, but you should be prepared in advance."


More than 100 people attended the meeting, but no one answered at this time.

After all, they have witnessed the lessons of Oceania.

Don't believe in evil?

Then wait and cry!

Higginson smiled coldly and continued: "I have an appropriate suggestion to force Xia Guo to hand over Su Mo's research results without blood."

Now, everyone couldn't sit still, and their hearts and curiosity showed in their eyes.

After hanging his appetite, Higginson showed a confident smile on his face and said, "now is the world of trade. If our countries unite to close trade relations with Xia, do you think Xia Congress will not worry?"


Someone raised a question, "we are using many technologies in Xia state, especially the five generation network technology. This is completely the way to hurt the enemy one thousand and lose eight hundred!"

"What are you afraid of?"

Higginson did not deny it and sneered: "how long do you think Xia can support this kind of thing once it happens?"

"Why, can't you make it for months without the patent technical support of Xia country?"

Many people nodded secretly at these words. They had to admit that Higginson's method was really vicious.

If all countries cut off trade relations with Xia, it may be nothing in a short time, but once this time is prolonged, their domestic will be in a mess.

Seeing this, Higginson took advantage of the heat to hit the railway: "all right, the way is also said. Let's make a statement."

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


Not surprisingly, it received more than 90% of the support.

So far, Higginson's proposal has been completely finalized.

The next morning.

Many people are still asleep, but international websites have completely fallen into madness.

As agreed, at six o'clock in the morning, a full number of 147 countries jointly announced that they would cut off trade relations with Xia unless Xia was willing to hand over Su Mo's scientific research achievements.

The news spread ten times, ten times and a hundred times, and swept the world in an instant.

After just three hours of fermentation, almost everyone knows.

At this time, all eyes focused on the Xia state.

In the face of this situation, what will Xia do?

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