Published at 26th of February 2022 01:41:22 PM

Chapter 199: Activity 9

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His Spatial Ring had more than 300 slots, which compared to the space between 20 to 50 for normal players, he could already be considered as having moved the warehouse. However, within these 300 slots, a few medicines and food took up a bit, and the repeated corpses took up about 100 slots.

If it wasn't for the fact that a corpse could sometimes participate in a lot of questions, his corpse wouldn't last an hour. Amongst them, Seven Star Golden Armored Beetle made a huge contribution. The highest level, highest HP, highest defense, highest color, closest to pure gold, hardest wing, heaviest flying monster, the fastest flying monster with the heaviest weight, it alone created eight records.

There are also Spittor Monster, the most disgusting technique, the ugliest monster, the slowest monster, the monster with the most saliva, the monster with the farthest spit, the monster with the most neck twirling around in its entire life." Six records were created.

For example, the slowest moving monster, a player brought in a reptile's corpse and could not move even half a meter in one day. However, this player arrived a bit late, and the 10 seconds of answering time just happened to pass by, causing him to miss out on the problem. However, due to the repeated and random circulation of the question, this player did not pay much attention to it and continued to wait. After waiting for over an hour, he had yet to ask the question of 'monster with the slowest movement speed' the second time. This player was getting impatient, the whole event only had 4 hours, he couldn't possibly wait for so long in one place. He still had to go to another project to increase his luck, but as a result, the moment he left, the question of 'monster with the slowest movement speed' popped up, many people felt sorry for him.

According to his original plan, he only had around two hundred monster corpses. After playing around for around an hour, he would have to go to another place, but after seeing that a monster could break a lot of records, he changed his mind and decided to nail this project down. Since he was good at it, he would continue to do it, and would not go to any other projects.

Time passed. Soon, three hours had gone by. Dongfang Qingyu's winning rate fell from 96% to 95%, and then to 94%. When a large number of Kingdom of Eternal's players rushed in, his winning rate dropped all of a sudden to 90%.

No matter what, do not underestimate the player's intelligence. Many players didn't have corpses, which was a fact. However, it was a fact that many players could buy corpses with money. One person might not be able to accomplish much, but the might of a guild could do nothing to them. After the Kingdom of Eternal had understood the rules of 'Monster Little Guinness', they began to wantonly purchase corpses in this area. The price of the corpses here was ten, if not fifteen times more than in normal times.

Some felt that their corpses were hopeless, while some players who did not have the time to do so sold their corpses one by one. In such a short period of time, Kingdom of Eternal had accumulated a large amount of corpses.

The entry of Kingdom of Eternal had a huge impact on Dongfang Qingyu. There were many people in the Kingdom of Eternal, so as they answered the questions in the project, they continued to purchase corpses and sent in the resources in an unending stream.

If it wasn't for the fact that his Kingdom of Eternal had been delayed by other events, and he had finally set his sights on 'Monster Small Guinness', Dongfang Qingyu definitely wouldn't have been able to go all out on this project. Even if his Kingdom of Eternal had entered late, at the last ten minutes, he had still dropped Dongfang Qingyu's winning rate to 89%, dropping below 90% for the first time.

In the tense atmosphere, the four hours were up and the event was over. Without a doubt, Dongfang Qingyu had won first place in the 'Small Monster Guinness' project with an absolute advantage.

Some players were happy, some were disappointed, and some others pounded their chests in anticipation of the system's results.

Ding! Sky City Announcement: Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu for participating in the Mid-Autumn Festival's' Small Monster Guinness' event. You have created a total of 1088 small Guinness Records and obtained 1252 points. You are ranked first in the 'Small Monster Guinness' event, congratulations to player.

Ding! Sky City Announcement: Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu for participating in the Mid-Autumn Festival's' Small Monster Guinness' event. He has obtained first place in the event and has received 9 million copper coins.

With regards to this result, Dongfang Qingyu was not surprised at all, after all, in the past 4 hours, he had answered a lot of questions correctly and created a lot of records. Although it was just a small scale activity with many limitations and more luck, 'Little Guinness' could not really represent anything, but glory was glory, and achievement was achievement, and in the end, was still something to be happy about.

What made him surprised was that he had also obtained a ranking for the third stage's event. It must be said that he had only participated in one of the projects, and had still been able to enter the auction.

Ding! Sky City Announcement: Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu for participating in the second stage of the Mid-Autumn Festival, for entering the ninth place of the top 100 auctions with 1252 points, obtaining a reward of 7 million copper coins and a reward of 1.Congratulations to player Dongfang Qingyu.

Moon God's Blessing: Bronze grade equipment, one-time use item. When a player's HP falls to 1 point, it will automatically recover all of their HP. No level, no class.

Dongfang Qingyu blinked his eyes as he realised what this meant. This thing was similar to a top-tier Priest protecting their life, it was almost equal to a second life. When their HP dropped to 1, it would automatically replenish their HP, which was equivalent to living one more time. Good stuff. The words' disposable props' were a bit annoying. If only he didn't have those words.

Dongfang Qingyu was undoubtedly part of the laughing crowd, with a reward of 9 million + 7 million copper coins. In this place, there was 16 million copper coins, there was no need to mention the Moon God Blessing, it was something that even money could not buy. The reward for clearing the level in the small projects was 12.5 million copper coins. Excluding the Blessing of the Moon God, he earned a total of 28.5 million copper coins from this event.

The player in first place was also a player named 'Ink Splashing Three Lives' with 2108 points. This was about 600 points higher than the player in second place and was extremely strong.

Whether it was happiness or regret, the fourth event of the Mid-Autumn Festival, which was also the main event of the Mid-Autumn Festival, had begun.

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