Published at 25th of February 2022 09:20:05 PM

Chapter 2678

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Blue sea and blue sky, one of the four shipyards, is located at the junction of Liangshan lake and the second largest direct current of the Yellow River. When choosing the address of "blue sea and blue sky", I still spent a lot of effort. This place has beautiful mountains and rivers and the intersection of dragons and tigers. It is said that the leaders of "blue sea and blue sky" specially invited Feng Shui Masters in Hong Kong to see it. They will certainly make a wide range of money and benefit their children and grandchildren.

On the opening day of blue sea and blue sky, more than half of the leaders of major forces and famous experts in the game, such as Qingfeng Xu Lai, Liu goushen, Zhao Wuji, Dayuan and so on, were invited to the scene.

Gongs and drums were blaring and firecrackers were blaring. The scene was comparable to the Oscars in Hollywood. Stars gathered and big brands gathered. Chambers of Commerce and mercenary groups spontaneously give gifts. If there are great gods, there will be beautiful women. Three of the top ten beauties recognized by the Yan and Huang Empire went to cover the limelight of those stars.

It's just a business opening. It's like a grand ceremony. It's also on the headlines. There are many celebrities endorsing behind it. They say that "blue sea and blue sky" is the light of the nation and the hope of the rise of domestic technology. It seems that beyond the west, they expect "blue sea and blue sky".

The name "blue sea and blue sky" has also achieved good results. The boundless sea reflects the blue sky and symbolizes the rising clouds. There is also a little singer who specially wrote a song called "blue sea and blue sky". Blue sea and blue sky gave 5 million to buy the copyright of the song.

Everyone said that "blue sea and blue sky" was rich and righteous. Because of this, the little singer became famous and began to enter the film and television industry.

Soon after the opening of blue sea and blue sky, the other three shipyards were established one by one, and the light of blue sea and blue sky was continuously separated. However, it was the first large shipyard to be established, and its status could not be shaken. Unfortunately, soon after, it encountered the plague of locusts with sawtooth locusts of flue-cured tobacco leaves, the evil deeds of dark gold cockroaches, smiling bats and hell tiger stick, Green mountains and green waters have become poor mountains and evil waters.

Fish and shrimp Feimei's Liangshan water park and the Yellow River were eaten by piranhas. Because there were no fish, seaweed multiplied in large numbers, making Liangshan water park like dead water and smelly for some time. Blue sea and blue sky specially hired more than 10000 players to clean Liangshan water park. It took more than half a month to restore the water area to normal. From this point of view, "Blue sea and blue sky" has contributed to the game.

There are also trees on the mountain. If there are no trees on the bare mountain, it will not only be ugly, but also affect Feng Shui. Therefore, more than 10000 people have planted trees for more than half a month. Now it looks less green than Maosheng before.

At the moment, there are a group of people in black in the woods. They are busy, and the parts are quickly assembled one by one. Soon, artillery appeared one by one. Immediately, a man in black crushed a card, and the artillery turned into trees to cover up.

When these people in black assembled their cannons, another part of them were quietly crossing the water. The Yellow River roared and it was difficult to cross. The people in black chose Liangshan lake, but the water in Liangshan lake was so deep that it was a natural barrier for blue sea and blue sky. I don't know what means the people in black used. There were no monsters to attack them.

The man in black used invisibility. Looking from the direction of blue sea and blue sky, he can only see the air, not the real person. The people in black were careful and didn't make any sound, but they were fast. They had passed the 800 meter Liangshan Lake in less than five minutes, quietly landed and then stopped.

It's not enough to have invisibility. It's also a cover up.

Between Liangshan water park and blue sea and blue sky, there is an open space of about 100 meters. The lights on the open space are bright. There is strong light in both day and night. No matter concealment or blinding, it can not hide under the strong light. In addition to the strong light, there are more than a dozen traps, and a mouse can't get through.

Of course, the trap mainly plays the role of alarm. The real sharp weapon is the row of dense arrow towers. Each arrow tower shoots 99 poisonous arrows every second. It is generally rainstorm, which is known as difficult for birds to cross.

On the city wall, there is a thunderbolt and thunder fire every 25 meters, a Tianzun gun every 50 meters, and a Bahuang gun every 100 meters. The rich and powerful are so willful that they don't need money.

Inside the city wall, there is a mountain crossbow embedded. Within 50 meters, you can shoot through platinum shields. It's terrible. 24-hour cross patrol to ensure that there is no dead corner.

"Blue sea and blue sky" is a secret. No mistakes are allowed. The main defense is people, not monsters. However, "blue sea and blue sky" never dreamed that one day, the carefully selected feng shui treasure land would become a Jedi.

The straight-line distance from the mountain to the city is exactly 1500 meters, and this distance is exactly the effective range of the Western devil cannon. When the raindrop like shells fall from the sky, the players of blue sea and blue sky are blinded.

There is no need to aim at such a large building. You can shoot at will. Anyway, no matter which building the shell falls on, the unlucky thing is blue sea and blue sky.

The effective range is 1500 meters, and the maximum range can reach 2000 meters. The artillery basically enveloped all areas of blue sea and blue sky.





One building after another was blown to pieces in the fire, and the players in the building died before they could scream. The explosion shook the whole blue sea and blue sky. Players who heard the movement rushed out of the building. They didn't understand what was going on. As soon as a shell fell, they said goodbye to the world. When they woke up again, people had been kicked out of the game. Regardless of the sequelae of death, they got out of bed quickly, turned on their mobile phone and checked and asked.

The enemy's sneak attack was so sudden that no one had found it. Therefore, there was no news about blue sea and blue sky, and the person who found it had hung up. He was a member of blue sea and blue sky.

When the members of "blue sea and blue sky" can see the news, there is only a piece of ruins left in "blue sea and blue sky". The four shipyards have become three shipyards, and "blue sea and blue sky" has been removed.

The East China Sea.

After the Western fleet was severely damaged by Qingsha city and Oriental herring, they returned to the deep sea for cultivation. After the fleet of dream city was beaten back, they came out of the deep sea and did not launch an attack, but their display on the East Sea was a provocative act in itself.

The Yanhuang Empire has debated for many times.

Taking the five-star childe as the leader means to let Qingsha city fight again. The reason is that Qingsha city has experience in dealing with Western fleets and has a good chance of winning.

Murong Yunhan objected, saying that the fleet of Qingsha city suffered heavy damage, and all warships were under maintenance, so they were unable to fight for the time being. The five-star childe thought it was an excuse and argued endlessly.

The expert regiment headed by three wives and four concubines seven times a week also thinks that he will take the initiative to fight. He doesn't mind whether there are warships. He prefers the tactics of the U.S. Army against the Japanese Yamato, the air force against the Navy and the sparrow against the elephant during World War II. This tactic requires a lot of cannon fodder. He is unwilling to make cannon fodder. About who makes cannon fodder, There was some controversy.

The opinions of the major mercenary corps, gangs and other small forces are to slow down, waiting for the warships of Qingsha city and dream city to be repaired, and waiting for the fleets of the four shipyards to come.

Ship to ship, so there is a chance of victory. Because you can think with your ears that if the human sea tactics are used, they are 100% cannon fodder. Although they are not strong, they don't want to be cannon fodder. Ants are still alive.

The quarrel in the tent never stopped. The sad swordsman has been acting as a peacemaker, trying to ease the conflict and integrate ideas. To deal with the Western fleet, it depends on the people present. He can't do it alone. Therefore, these people are very important.

The Western fleet stayed on the sea not far away, but the players on the shore quarreled constantly, which was also very interesting. Some players are idle and bored. They have taken out their playing cards and began to fight the landlord.

"I have a question hidden in my heart for a long time. I don't want to spit it out. I want to ask the five-star childe. We fought Qingsha city again and again. If it weren't for heavy losses, we are still fighting now. Dream city fought. Although it failed, at least we took action. I dare ask you blue sea and blue sky What do you mean? Just know to call someone behind your back? I can't do anything myself? " At the end of the quarrel, Murong Yunhan's anger also came up.

As soon as he said this, the tent became quiet. Everyone stared at the five-star childe. This question was not only Murong Yunhan, but also them.

However, the background of each of the four shipyards is too deep. It is said that they all have military background. Everyone is secretive and dare not hear more. Murong Yunhan tore his skin and everyone was very happy.

"The blue sea and blue sky doesn't move. It's naturally meaningful. Every move above contains deep meaning. Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. If you really have an opinion, ask yourself." Five star childe is cold.

"Since you say so, I also clearly tell you that our Qingsha city has its own purpose and won't go to war. If you have the ability, tell our city master yourself." Murong Yunhan light tunnel.

"Are you going to fight against our blue sea and blue sky?" The five-star childe's face turned black.

"If that's right, that's it." Murong Yunhan was not frightened.

"You are responsible for your words." The five-star childe has sharp eyes.

"Why? Does blue sea and blue sky want to attack Qingsha city? It's not that I despise you. It's a matter of minutes for blue sea and blue sky to dare to move and kill you." Murong Yunhan disdained to say that since he tore his face, he didn't care. Although Han Sasha didn't say something, he saw that Han Sasha also hated blue sea and blue sky. In that case, the villain let him do it.

Anger shot out of the five-star childe's eyes. The sad swordsman quickly made a noise and separated the two. He didn't want to see the scene that his own people fought first before the enemy started.

"I have a proposal!" Tang Waner, who spoke very little, spoke. The voice of the beautiful woman was like a clear spring falling, and the anger in everyone's heart couldn't help reducing a bit.

"Miss Tang, please." The sad swordsman glanced at Tang Waner with gratitude.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. We all know that the Oriental herring is very experienced in dealing with the Western fleet and has succeeded many times, and he has no loss. Can we let him do more?" When Tang Waner said this, the expression of the people in the tent became very strange.

We all know that the Oriental herring is at odds with the major forces, and because of combat effectiveness, everyone can't command him. What does Tang Waner mean by proposing the name of the Oriental herring?

"Miss Wan'er said well. I support the Oriental herring. As a member of the Empire, the Empire has given him so much glory and benefits. He can't just enjoy his rights, but also fulfill his obligations?" The five-star childe said loudly.

"I think it's OK. If there is an oriental herring, we'll be more confident." Three wives and four concubines nodded their heads seven times a week.

"Oriental herring is not so easy to talk." Shaolin copper monk said something.

"Then I can't help him. Can he refuse in front of major right and wrong?" Five star childe is cold.

"Well said, it's still the justice and love fruit of the five-star childe. It's worthy of being a model for our generation. I suggest that the task of letting the Oriental herring go to war be handed over to the five-star childe. What do you think?" As soon as baby pig said this, everyone almost laughed. Everyone knows that there is a contradiction between the Oriental herring and the five-star childe. Let the five-star childe call the Oriental herring to fight. Isn't it unpleasant for him to find it?

It's good to send a message. If you go face to face, you're afraid that the Oriental herring will kill him.

"Agree! The five-star childe is highly respected. Only the five-star childe can be competent for such an important task." Shaolin copper monk has a loud voice for fear that others won't hear him.

"Although I disagree with the five-star childe, I still admire the prestige and status of the five-star childe, and I agree." Murong Yunhan said.

"Agree!" Death sickle has only two words, but it already represents attitude.


"Since everyone loves me so much, I'll overestimate my strength once. I know I'm light hearted. I'm afraid the Oriental herring won't listen to me, but I can't. There's blue sea and blue sky. Our blue sea and blue sky will move the Oriental herring with the greatest sincerity." Everyone said so. It's difficult for the five-star childe to ride a tiger. You can't do it if you don't agree.

"Well, that's all for today. Let's wait until the Oriental herring comes --" the sad swordsman saw the five-star childe's face was blue, and he didn't dare to continue. He was afraid to stimulate him. The word "break up" hasn't been said yet, and everyone's information sounded almost at the same time.


The normal text message prompt sound suddenly became harsh. As soon as everyone's face changed, they quickly opened the message. This situation can only explain one situation. Something big has happened.

After reading the content of the message, everyone's face changed greatly. Several people stood up in surprise. The five-star childe shouted, "impossible -" with a faint voice of panic and despair.

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