Published at 19th of January 2023 07:07:13 AM

Chapter 3242

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The president of the Liquor Industry Association, Qiongzhi Yuniang, Mr. Fan of "Wugu Liquor Industry", Mr. Cuttlefish of "White Mountain Black Water", and the three catties a day of "Snow Mountain Tibetan"... each of them is a big player in the wine industry. , Being caught in a pot, they looked angry, their eyes shot out with anger, but they didn't dare to speak. Anyone who complained, inquired, or cursed was greeted with a stick, which beat their heads and blood, and their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen.

"What happened?"

"They've all been arrested, oh my god, they're all bosses!"

"The boss of the wine company was caught in one pot, a big earthquake, this news is explosive!"


Players on the street were so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell out. In the game, it is not uncommon for combat professionals to be caught for murder and arson.

"Quick, quick, quick, take a picture and post it on the forum, it will definitely earn a lot of traffic!"

""Six Doors" personally launched, this is a big case, the wine industry is about to change."

"Who is this one with a straight and firm nose? I've never seen it before. With this face, how do you feel like a foreigner?"


When something happened to me, it was an accident. If it happened to someone else, it was a story. It doesn’t matter if it’s a newcomer on the street, or a customer in a store, or even a shop assistant, and it’s a story. Many people are holding camera equipment, clicking and taking pictures. This kind of scene is rare in ten years.

The news radiated out at an astonishing speed. Before this dry mind was sent to the dungeon, half of the players in the game knew about it.

"It's not an ordinary yamen servant who arrests people, but directly dispatches "Six Doors". Could it be related to the conspiracy case?"

"Looking at the situation, it's almost inseparable. "Red Bean Wine Industry" was also investigated by the detectives of the Six Doors."

"Couldn't it be that the entire wine industry has been caught up in it? I don't think it's that simple. He knew an insider from "Red Bean Wine Industry", and he said that their company was wronged."

"I don't believe that the entire liquor industry is involved in the rebellion, but "Red Bean Wine Industry" is probably problematic. "Six Doors" is not a government servant. The case investigated by "Six Doors" is the emperor's interrogation. Yes, without real evidence, people will not do it easily."


The identity of the person who was caught was too unusual, and there were many people who paid attention to it. Players talked a lot, guessed the meaning behind this incident, and some people started to act quietly.

Bang Dang——As the iron fences were closed heavily, and all the bigwigs in the wine industry were imprisoned in a dark and damp prison, the policeman of "Six Doors" said, "Be honest with me, whoever dares to make trouble, let me go!" You have no good fruit to eat' and left.

After the guards of the six gates left quickly, the two guards of the sky prison looked at the crowd bleakly, and let out a piercing laugh, but they didn't say anything. They stared at the crowd for a while and then went to the next door and the small liquor.

The jailer has experience in dealing with the prisoners who have just been arrested. Such people don’t know how powerful they are at first, and they make a lot of noise. Blow the dust, so, they are not in a hurry.


"Boss, what should we do now?" In the private room, the boss Dongfang Herring was in a daze, but Ye Feifei couldn't be in a daze, she had everyone arrested, how could there be a meeting?

"Right now, there is no leader in the wine industry. What will happen if we do something?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"Boss... what do you want to do?" Ye Feifei's heart beat faster, she thought of something, but she didn't dare to say it.

"A shopping mall is like a battlefield." Dongfang Herring said.

"I'm just a little worried." Ye Feifei said.

"The "Xuanwu City Group" is your backing." Dongfang Herring said.

"I understand what to do." Ye Feifei regained her spirits. She has always fought alone. After Lin Qianer rectified, "Herring Winery" has been included in "Xuanwu City Group". The reason is that "Herring Winery" and "Xuanwu City Group" are incompatible, and the finances and personnel are still independent. This has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that Ye Feifei monopolizes power and freedom. Resources, in case of a crisis, it is not easy to seek help from the "Xuanwu City Group". Dongfang Herring's words were equivalent to an endorsement of Ye Feifei's subsequent actions.

"How long will it take?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"Six hours." Ye Feifei thought for a while and answered.

"I'll give you 8 hours." Dongfang Herring said.

Ye Feifei couldn't stay still any longer and left the box. When she left, she had already started sending messages. And Dongfang Herring was not leisurely, the messages rang one after another, and there were voice calls, but he glanced at it, set the mute, and then notified Wang Feiyan to come.

"Boss, you never forget to make noise wherever you go." These were the first words Wang Feiyan said when she entered the box.

"I ordered your favorite silver-horned snake scale." Dongfang Herring said.

"Thank you boss!" Wang Feiyan smiled immediately. Silver horned snakes are rare in number and extremely poisonous, but their scales are a rare delicacy. However, the scales must be removed from living silver horned snakes. If silver horned snakes are dead and the scales are taken again, the scales will be contaminated by silver horned snakes. The poison cannot be used.

Because silver-horned snakes are extremely aggressive and difficult to catch, this silver-horned snake scale is very expensive, and moderately wealthy families are reluctant to order it when they see the price.

Wang Feiyan likes to eat it, but because of the price, she seldom eats it, only once every two or three months.

"Call me back when you're full," Dongfang Herring said.

Wang Feiyan's complexion immediately collapsed. Dongfang Herring's messages are the most difficult to reply. Those who can send him messages are all overlords or top experts, and they are all big things. They usually don't contact them for small things. If they reply, it will take a lot of brains It's okay, it's too high, it's not okay to be low, you have to show your principles and standpoints, and you can't offend others. Every time Wang Feiyan replies to a message, it's like fighting a war.

"At least give me a hint!" Wang Feiyan said.

"Delay time, seven or eight hours is enough." Dongfang Herring said nonchalantly, his mind drifted further to the sea, just as he himself often said, instead of competing for the existing cake, it is better to make the cake better big.

Thirty-six holes and seventy-two islands, how big is that market? Some islands are as big as half of the Yanhuang Continent. If these markets are taken down, all the wine companies in Yanhuang can become big fat people. The "Herring Winery" family must not be able to eat such a large market. In the long run , is the blow now worth it?

However, this idea didn't exist for too long. Now that I have done it, I can't hesitate, otherwise I will suffer from it. More than five hours later, less than six hours later, Ye Feifei knocked on the door and entered with a happy face.

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