Published at 28th of November 2021 09:25:36 AM

Chapter 1929: 1929

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What's the concept!?

An ordinary family can only consume more than a dozen liang of silver all year round. If this 500 million silver is piled up, it is as spectacular as a mountain!

As far as the Qing Dynasty is concerned, in the prosperous times, the total revenue of the imperial government in a year is only tens of millions of silver

"System, this is not the five color altar transmission array. Is this the star transmission array opened up by the money channeling God with gold and silver?"

"The materials required for the five color altar are all on the drawing. Please know the steps in detail!"

With a faint reply, the system immediately turned on the pretend death mode.

"Pit me!"

Liu Hao turned black and gritted his teeth to put away the architectural drawings of the five-color altar.

The transmission array between the world is related to the development plan of the Han Dynasty in the future. No matter how much it costs, Liu Hao should implement it.

"Get the money! Where to get the money?"

This is the only idea that runs through Liu Hao's mind.

"Little Guizi."

"My servant is here!"

In the Han Dynasty, the imperial eunuch also called himself a servant. Little Guizi came in from outside the hall, bowed down and asked respectfully, "what's your Majesty's order? The dinner has been ordered to be prepared by the imperial dining room..."

Liu Hao waved his hand and said, "pass on Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and other Shangshutai people to eat in the palace."


Little Guizi quickly went out to preach.

Before long, there was a sound of footsteps on the white jade steps in the palace.

Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Mei Changsu and other officials from the Shangshu stage filed into the hall. They all knelt down, bowed and said, "long live your majesty, long live your majesty!"

"Get up and give a seat."

"Thank your highness, Ron!"

Seats had already been prepared in the hall. Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and others all stood up and took their seats.

When the people sat down, Liu Hao asked, "how much gold and silver are there in the Treasury of the Qing Dynasty?"

Zhuge Liang arched his hands and said, "after the inventory of the imperial library is completed, after deducting the reward for the three armed forces, there are 190 million liang of silver and about 60 million liang of gold left in the Treasury of the Qing court..."

"That's too little!"

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and said with a bitter smile.

Zhuge Liang explained with a smile: "Your Majesty, the Qing court is not more abundant than the Han national treasury. After years of hard work, it often expands its armaments and has millions of troops. It has fought bloody battles with Chuang army and Western army for many years. The front is very long and consumes a lot..."

"Then there are the children of the eight banners. They only rely on the generous salary provided by the Qing government, and the imperial government has a heavy burden..."

When Zhuge Liang said this, Liu Hao nodded and knew it.

Because of the state-owned foreign invasion, the Qing government had to invest a lot of money in military equipment. The eight banners and millions of troops were not groundless.

The Qing court gave preferential treatment to the children of the eight banners. Even if it did nothing, it would be enough to get by with the generous salary of the imperial court. Therefore, there were the children of the Eight Banners who walked birds and cockfighting all day, and the Qing court eventually went to ruin.

"This is a pit!"

Liu Hao secretly calculated that it would take at least 500 million silver to build a five-color altar transmission array, even if the Qing court was empty!

The Southern Song Dynasty and the chaos · Western Wei Dynasty have just had a disorderly war. They are also recuperating and recovering their vitality. There is no oil and water. It really can't do. They have to return to the Han world first, transfer gold and silver from the Treasury and build a specific framework first

"The ancients were honest and didn't deceive me. Money is enough to use prescriptions. Money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible. I didn't expect that one day I would encounter the trouble of lack of money..."

Liu Hao's mind turned sharply, but he suddenly woke up like a dream, and a person's name came to mind:

Ho ho!

It's our harmony and adults!

"I forgot. What's the matter with him?"

Liu Hao was sweating a little, trampled the Qing world, swept millions of eight flag soldiers, and cut off the world's Heroes in Longshan. He even forgot he he and adults

"Nian Aiqing, can there be a prisoner named He Yu in the Qing clan's house?"

Liu Hao asked sideways.

When he first came here, he he and adults were in extreme danger. Up to now, I don't know whether to live or die

Niangengyao sat at the end of the table and was named. Excited, he hurriedly got up and saluted, bowed and said, "Your Majesty is talking about the Minister of the Ministry of household of the Qing Dynasty?"

Liu Hao said, "it's this man. Do you know where he is?"

Nian gengyao bowed and said, "this man controls the financial power of the Qing court and takes bribes of hundreds of millions. He has been escorted by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty to the patriarchal government for questioning. He has been sentenced to beheading after autumn. Now he should be locked in the prison..."

"That's not hanging up yet..."

Liu Hao felt a little relaxed and nodded: "go and bring him out. I can use him."

Nian gengyao's spirit perked up and Qiang ran said, "Wei minister, take orders!"

He is also a vigorous and capable man. After taking orders, he was very attentive. When the dinner in the palace was over, he took his people to the prison.



A fat middle-aged man, wearing prison clothes, was sighing at the iron and wood fence.

Some people in the surrounding prisons gave him a pitiful look: "poor thing, Lord he, who was in power at the beginning, was reduced to such a situation and lived in the same room with you and me."

"Isn't it? Emperor Kangxi's money bag holds the financial power of a country, but now it is a prisoner of the rank!"

Naturally, some people sneer: "Oh, the greedy rat of the country doesn't seem to live for a few days. It's really worth dying!"

"Now that the Qing court is broken, his Majesty the holy emperor has made great efforts to punish the children of the eight banners of the Qing court. He Yu, this fat man, is definitely dead!"

There was a lot of talk in the prison. The prisoners on death row were idle and bored, so they discussed current affairs and chatted to live.

He Yu shook his head, feeling a burst of despair.

When he was put into the prison in the autumn, he met a voice in his dream, which was like an immortal. It guided him to take refuge in the Great Han Emperor wholeheartedly, which could save his life. Now the Great Han emperor has mastered the state artifact, but he is in prison. If he wants to take part in it, there is no way to serve!

Unfortunately, the gold and silver hidden outside the house

While he Yu was thinking, the gate of the prison suddenly opened. A young eunuch flashed in with his nose covered and screamed, "which is he Yu!?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!