Published at 7th of February 2022 10:37:49 AM

Chapter 2553

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Linzi Chengtou.

The king of Qi Xiang felt that the city wall was shaking, and the whole world was shaking.

Standing at the head of the king's city, he looked into the distance and saw dark cavalry on the vast horizon in the distance!

From a distance, it looks like a group of countless ants, coming in vast groups!

The horse's hooves roared, the ground began to shake, and the rolling smoke swept like a dragon!

Between heaven and earth, there are suffocating terrorist killing machines!

"This... Is the guard of the big man!"

The king of Qi Xiang was pale and suddenly felt that his heel was a little soft

The ministers of the state of Qi at the head of the city were also sweating. The eyes of the people looking at the Han Army under the city were full of panic and fear.

The iron cavalry of the big man is in line, just like two machetes, which stand in Linzi city.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

Then came the sound of heavy iron footsteps.

The formation of Han Wu soldiers was neat, with clanking iron armor and long weapon halberd in hand. They approached a hundred feet away from Linzi City, slapped the ground with their strong shield, and instantly gathered into a moving steel fortress, killing the sky.

As soon as the iron blooded Han Wu died, Linzi city was silent.

In the eyes of those scholar bureaucrats and ministers at the head of the city, a chill rushed directly from the soles of their feet to their heads

This feeling is like a flock of sheep being stared at by a group of bloodthirsty and cruel wolves.

Han Wu soldiers carried the flag of the fierce general Dianqing, with the iron blood red dragon flag on their generous shoulders, heavily inserted the Han red dragon military chess on the ground, and roared: "king Qi Xiang, the emperor of Han led the army here. You are limited to surrender the city within three hours. Otherwise, break Linzi city and leave no chickens and dogs!"

"Break Linzi City, chicken and dog will not stay!"

"Break Linzi City, chicken and dog will not stay!"


The Han soldiers began to raise their huge shield and hit the ground heavily. The earth trembled and the kings and officials of the state of Qi on the head of the city changed color.

The ministers were worried and could only secretly look at king Qi Xiang with the rest of their eyes.

King Qi Xiang's face was pale, and the fat on his face kept shaking. It can be seen that his fear had reached the extreme and lost his thinking ability

"The Han army is powerful. There are only 30000 garrisons in the city. There is no general to fight. Dear Aiqing... Who has a plan to retreat from the enemy now?"

Finally, the king of Qi Xiang was sober. He reluctantly asked, his voice trembling.

A close minister said carefully, "the Han army is like a tiger and a wolf. It's better to surrender early, or you can avoid the destruction of life in the city."

"I think so too. Don't let the people suffer."

When king Qi Xiang said this, his fat face burned red

Since the spring and Autumn period, the mountains and rivers handed down by our ancestors have overturned in front of us.

Zou Ji's eyes were red, and he sighed and said, "great rivers and mountains, how can you fake others, ministers... Be ashamed of heaven and earth and the king!"

This important official of the state of Qi, known as a martyr, was killed on the wall in front of tens of thousands of Han soldiers.

The smell of blood splashed the city.

Liu Hao was in Linzi City, his mind was out, overlooking Linzi, and he just saw such a sad scene.

"Righteous men in the spring and Autumn period and famous officials in the Warring States period all died in national disaster! Zou Ji... Really famous officials."

In a previous life, I read Zou Ji's satire of king Qi's admonition in Chinese textbooks.

Although the timeline of the world is disordered, Zou Ji is still the loyal and righteous minister. He would rather be broken than destroyed.

However, there are still a few noble personalities like him. Mole ants are still greedy for life, and most people still cherish their lives.

Hanwu soldiers coerced Linzi City, Zou Ji admonished the city to death, and there was no other commander in the city. After discussing with all the officials, king Qi Xiang finally made the final choice.

Linzi city gate opened slowly. A man in white raised his hands to show no hostility and walked out slowly.

Dian Qingchen shouted, "what does this guy do?"

Zhang Liang and Liu Hao looked at each other and smiled.

Zhang Liang said with a smile, "this man must have come to beg for the surrender of king Qi Xiang."

Liu Hao waved his hand and motioned Bai Jiajun to bring the trembling envoy of the state of Qi.

"See your Majesty the Han Emperor!"

The envoy of the state of Qi was intimidated by Emperor Liu Hao. He felt that his legs were soft, knelt down on the ground and opened the door to the mountain: "the king intends to offer the city, but I just hope the king can treat the state of Qi well and surrender the prisoners without killing more... What does the emperor of Han think?"

It's a bargain.

A slight arc appeared at the corner of Liu Hao's mouth and said calmly: "today, I surround Linzi city with Han soldiers, and the defeat of Qi army is in front of me. Since the king of Qi has the intention to offer the city, I will give him a chance."

"After offering the city, keep him prosperous and rich. Go back and recover your life. If you don't decide within three hours, the Han Wu soldiers will surely level Linzi city. It's hard to say what will happen at that time."

"I will certainly bring the emperor's words to the king!"

The envoy of the state of Qi ran back to Linzi city as soon as he was pardoned.

Linzi city has returned to calm.

An hour has passed

Two hours have passed


Dianqing glared fiercely at the head of Linzi city and shouted, "if you want to fight or not, if you want to surrender, the king of Qi is twisting and twisting. Is it difficult to tease his majesty?"

"Don't worry, general Dian."

Zhang Liang was playing chess with Liu Hao and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is as sharp as a torch. He saw that the king of Qi Xiang was cowardly and mediocre. He was a man with great ambition and little talent. That's why he put on the posture of attacking the city with all his strength."

"In fact, Han Wu died in bloody battles for days, and his spirit is very tired. He is not strong enough to attack Linzi City, which is difficult and dangerous. For king Qi Xiang, his courage is broken. Being able to live and enjoy prosperity is more important than his family and country..."

"I see."

Dianqing scratched his head.

Liu haoduanran sat down safely, his expression was still eight winds motionless, but he just dropped a son gently and slaughtered the dragon on the chessboard.

"Ovary, you lost."

"Your Majesty is talented and has excellent chess skills. If you have divine help, you will be dazzled and fascinated. You will fall into the ground in admiration!"

"All right, stop acting."

Liu Hao pointed to Zhang Liang and said teasingly, "it's hard for you to come and go with me on purpose."

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