Published at 6th of August 2022 05:20:34 AM

Chapter 1215

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Huang Yongqi hurried to the hospital with something. As soon as he walked into an alley, he saw Su ziqiao standing there for a long time.


Shouldn't you use gunny bags when hitting people like this?

Ha ha, it's a joke. What sack does Su ziqiao need to use if he wants to hit someone?

What I want is to let you know that I don't like you very much, and then I want to beat you up.

Huang Yongqi took this path because he was in a hurry, but he didn't expect to meet Su ziqiao here. Looking at him, it was obvious that he was waiting for him.

No wonder just now he felt that someone seemed to be following him, but he didn't expect that he could guess his mind so thoroughly. Huang Yongqi thought and felt a chill in his back.

"Know what I'm going to do?" Su ziqiao stood there with a ruffian smile, "yes, hit you."

"Well, are you going to put those things aside first, or just fight me like this?" It can also be used as a tool.

Huang Yongqi was stunned by his disdain.

It's all this man. If it weren't for him, Hao Lianlian wouldn't be so determined to him.

Huang Yongqi put the things in his hand aside.

Don't mention that Su ziqiao doesn't like him, he has long been unhappy with Su ziqiao.

However, no matter how much Huang Yongqi has practiced, no matter how strong he is in the countryside, Su ziqiao can only be the abused master.

And was severely abused.

It's this face. It's too unpleasant.

Su ziqiao won't shy away from hitting people without hitting their faces.

It's a joke. He won't even hide his identity. How can he think about it.

It was his deceptive face that was beaten.

However, Su ziqiao didn't let go of the painful parts of Huang Yongqi's body. His face was beaten into a pig's head, and he dared not touch those painful parts of his body.

It hurts when you touch it.

The most important thing is that I can't see anything when I go to the hospital for examination. I can only see the injury on my face, so I can't bear to gamble.

But don't you know that the injury on this body is the most painful.

"Stay away from her in the future, or I'll beat you once I see you." Su ziqiao looked down at Huang Yongqi on the ground and said coldly, "and your sister, you'd better take care of it for me."

Don't appear in front of Hao Lianlian again to disgust him.

"Why?" Huang Yongqi didn't understand, "she's just a rabbit lip, so you like her so much?"


Su ziqiao originally just wanted to teach him a lesson, but Huang Yongqi's "rabbit lip" successfully ignited Su ziqiao's anger and touched his bottom line.

"Rabbit lips?" Su ziqiao punched down, "how can it be?"

What he likes is Hao Lianlian. What can happen to rabbit lips? It was just an operation.

Moreover, he inquired with Su Zizhan. It seems that there is a kind of plaster to remove scars abroad, which is particularly good, but it is difficult to get. He thought he entrusted Su Xiaoer to get it.

But I can't see Huang Yongqi slandering Hao Lianlian like this.

"You scum." As soon as Su ziqiao thought that this man should be so dismissive of Hao Lianlian in his heart, he was angry.

You dislike her harelip. Why did you chase her?

Damn it, I don't know how to cherish it when I catch it, which makes her scarred.

Thinking of this, Su ziqiao beat his hand even harder.

"My God, Yongqi." At this time, the second sister Huang ran over and screamed when she saw Su ziqiao beating people.

"Bah." Su ziqiao loosened his hand and took a wad of money from his pocket and threw it on Huang Yongqi. "This is medical expenses. If you want to sue me, just come."

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