Published at 6th of August 2022 05:16:10 AM

Chapter 1457

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Yang Yunhai's house is the second floor of the regiment building, and the left row of it is the battalion building, while Gu Haojun's battalion building is just behind Yang Yunhai's regiment.

"Aunt." Miaomiao ran towards the white car with her legs.

Gu Lingling laughed at the sound.

She often called Gu Haojun and talked with Miaomiao for a long time every time, so although she didn't come back much, she suddenly recognized Miaomiao's voice.

"Aunt, it's really you who came back." Miaomiao rushed into Gu Lingling's arms,.

"Yes, my aunt is back." Gu Lingling scraped her nose and said with a smile, "are you happy?"

Miaomiao nodded vigorously, "very happy."

She spoke earlier. Gu Lingling bought her many books for Liu juanhao to read. Now Miaomiao has learned a lot of words although she has not been in kindergarten.

"Miaomiao's aunt?"

Someone in the crowd said in doubt, "is it Gu Juan? I heard that she hasn't been seen for several years?"

"Don't you know that?" Someone answered her and said, "there are two girls in Gu's family. The one you are talking about is Gu's own sister, but they have a bad relationship."

"This is Gu Lingling, the cousin of battalion commander Gu."

"She is Gu Lingling." The person was surprised and said that she was a newcomer for a short time. Knowing this, she also heard the intermittent gossip of the old women in the army courtyard, "it seems that she is called the same name as the daughter-in-law of our brigade commander."

"What is it like? It's the same person." The person beside said with a smile.

The man smashed his mouth. "I'm a good boy. The daughter-in-law of our brigade commander's family is so handsome. No wonder she will marry him."

"He is not only beautiful, but also a top student of Kyoto University. You may not know that he is new here. This Ling Ling has a great reputation in our military region."

"Isn't your eldest brother in the military region tutorial class? Do you know who did it?" The sister-in-law next to her asked her.

"Who? Didn't the army get it for our army kids?" The woman and man's name is Shi Changhai, and everyone is used to calling her Changhai's.

"Troops?" The fat sister-in-law next to her suppressed her mouth, "the army doesn't care about this."

It's good to provide them with life support for the army, and then take care of the children's study, so they can't be tired to death?

"Who is that?" Chang Hai's family asked.

"That's her." The fat sister-in-law pointed to Gu Lingling, who took Miaomiao's hand and sweetened the children around the car. "She did it."

"She!" Some of the Changhai family couldn't believe it. "I'm a good girl. The captain's wife is too good."

Looking thin and small, how can you do things so amazing?

"Mom, the candy given by aunt is delicious." Just as he said this, he saw his daughter running over excitedly with a candy, "I've never eaten such delicious candy."

Big white rabbit.

"This sugar is not cheap. Eat it quickly." Fat sister-in-law said, "it's not my boast. What I admire most in our military region is Gu Lingling."


"How many military wives in our military region can make such excellent ones as her?" Fat sister-in-law said, "anyway, ask me who I thank most in my life? Except our army, that's her."

"Without her, how could our eldest brother be admitted to military school?"

I'm afraid he was sent to the army by his father long ago.

But these are all soldiers, and there is a big gap with others' military schools.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!