Published at 6th of August 2022 04:57:26 AM

Chapter 2319

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When Zhang HaoChen came to the company recently, he always felt that there was something wrong with the way people looked at him. As for how wrong it was, he couldn't say it again.

Every time when he looked back, everyone looked normal again.

Over time, he thought he was hallucinating.

"Zhou Zhou." Zhang HaoChen called Zhou shiting, who was about to leave when he saw him. Since he came to the company, Zhou shiting's pursuit of him was the hottest.

Every time I see him, my eyes can't wait to stick to him.

However, he has further goals, so Zhou shiting has been hanging like this.

Who knows, every time I met him in the past, the person who wanted to say a few more words to him turned away when I saw him today?

This is too unscientific.

"It's you." Zhou shiting glanced at Zhang HaoChen and shook her hair, "what's up?"

Zhang HaoChen, "..."

He was stunned for a moment. It was Zhou shiting who said, "it's not good to let everyone misunderstand."

Zhang HaoChen, "..."


It's funny. Who was fighting every day at the beginning?

What else happened to meet him?

Now I'm afraid of misunderstanding.

"OK," Zhang HaoChen said with a smile, trying to resist the urge to vomit blood in her heart, "I know."

With another word of interruption, he turned and left.

Behind her, Zhou shiting wanted to say something. She took two steps and stopped again.

What can be done?

She used to like Zhang HaoChen, but when she came home to listen to her father analyze Zhang HaoChen, Zhou shiting's hair was about to stand up.

There are many good-looking men, just like Zhang HaoChen.

How dare Zhang HaoChen, who plans the Weishi group like this.

Maybe there's no residue left after he eats it.

Zhou shiting's family has never had such a thing.

In the past, a cousin of her family was like this. She liked a good-looking man. As a result, the man had a set on the surface and a set on the back.

Good guy, after marrying his cousin, he raised a junior.

For her cousin, it's the same as the second uncle. Even her cousin gets the bath water.

Wait until the junior there, it is called a gentle and considerate.

Don't let junior do any work, just like raising a daughter.

Cousin was so angry that she almost had a stroke.

People in their thirties are angry about taking care of their children at home and tutoring their homework. Her husband also dislikes her for not taking care of her children well and looks for a junior.

At that time, seeing how he treated the junior, my cousin fell down straightly.

Fortunately, they were sent to the hospital in time, otherwise they would really have a stroke.

That's it. In the future, we have to cultivate ourselves and don't get angry anymore. Otherwise, another stroke will really happen.

At that time, Zhou shiting was at the scene and witnessed the whole process of her cousin's stroke.

When Zhou Yuanhong said Zhang HaoChen to Zhou shiting, he said, "if you want to be like your cousin, then I won't stop you, but Zhang HaoChen is more cruel than your cousin."

How hard is it?

Maybe even my life is gone.

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