Published at 6th of August 2022 05:45:54 AM

Chapter 894

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This is the last class. After these classes, her summer vacation is almost over.

Taking advantage of this summer vacation, Gu Lingling will get some clear springs to recuperate her grandmother and grandfather every day. During this summer vacation, Yao Jingsong's freight company opened.

After opening, he also began to get busy and hardly went home.

Gu Lingling has seen both sides of the awl. After two years of experience, the silent teenager is now a lot more sophisticated.

It seems that this summer vacation has changed the fate of many people.

For example, the six people who will take the college entrance examination next year have a feeling of getting half the result with half the effort in the review of the following year because of the systematic explanation given by Gu Lingling and some learning habits cultivated in the summer vacation.

In the college entrance examination of the second year, one of the five universities they aspired to failed to pass the examination because of physical reasons. He ate badly before the examination and didn't take the examination.

This result shocked the leaders at that time, so that Gu Lingling's name was spread further in this way.

Even the leaders in Kyoto are not up to her, but they also know that there is such a girl named Gu Lingling in a certain base, who is a great little girl.

Of course, when knowing the relationship between Gu Lingling and Yang Yunhai, the big leaders laughed.

Yang Yunhai, a wolf with a big tail, has powerful eyes. It's called a steady, accurate and ruthless person to start.

"It's really good that such an excellent girl has become our military sister-in-law." A leader praised.

Of course, these are later words.

This is the end of the course. Many students are not used to it.

What were they doing during the summer vacation in previous years?

The boy asked a few friends to run around, and the whole place was turned upside down. It was not enough to pack up a few meals, or he was sent to the barracks to train with the soldiers.

That's called a bitter haha.

What about girls? Help the family with housework, take care of siblings, and then it's so flustered.

Never has a summer vacation been so full.

Gu Lingling doesn't take them to read and study every day. Sometimes she takes them to climb the mountain behind their army, or take them to barbecue in summer.

When climbing the mountain, they are not idle. They recite poems while climbing the mountain, or play the game idiom solitaire. If anyone can't catch it, they will perform a program for everyone.

Anyway, don't be too comfortable.

But the effect of reading back is surprisingly good.

Now, I suddenly found that how time passed so quickly, and the summer vacation passed in a flash.

Not willing.

"Teacher, can we still play together in winter vacation?" A boy asked in a low voice.

"Yes, teacher, take us to study together in winter vacation." Another girl pleaded.

"Let's make another appointment in winter vacation. I have to see your effect. If it doesn't work..." Gu Lingling said.

"Teacher, now we don't say anything. Wait until the end of the year to see our grades." It was Xing Dahai, the son of the political commissar's family, who was also the eldest child of this group of soldiers.

Although Gu Lingling is almost as old as them, they have real skills, and they worship people with skills.

"OK." Gu Lingling laughed.

"The teacher is so beautiful." A girl whispered.

"It must be useful." A big man called loudly said, "don't worry, teacher, I will study hard. If I don't do well in the winter vacation... You... You hit me."

As soon as the words fell, Xing Dahai slapped him on the head, "it's too painful for the teacher to beat you."

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