Published at 5th of October 2022 08:10:33 AM

Chapter 106

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After they left, people from Taichang Temple went to collect the body of Anqing emperor and prepare for the funeral. On the day of emperor's funeral, nine bells should be rung. Soon after they left, they heard the dull bell ringing through the deep palace. Xiao Zhige didn't look back and led an Changqing slowly to the taihou palace.

They did not use the car, so leisurely through the many palace corridors, to the Empress Dowager's palace.

At this time, the bell had stopped, and the Empress Dowager Zhao was sitting on the main hall, trying to maintain her only dignity. The queen sat at her hands, haggard and puffy. In such a large palace, there are only two noble masters and two old mothers who serve them.

When Xiao Zhige and Xiao Zhige arrived, the soldiers at the door saluted neatly. When the voice reached the inner hall, the wrinkles on the Empress Dowager Zhao's face became deeper.

She looked at the husband and her husband walking side by side, with a look of regret for a moment. Just here two years ago, the two men would kneel down respectfully and salute her, carefully pondering her mind. Two years later, the world changed, and the status of both sides changed. On the contrary, she had to be controlled by others, and even had to work hard to plan her own life. At the beginning, she would never have thought that after years of business planning, this pair of unattractive husband finally picked the fruit.

When the emperor was there, she was the empress of Zhonggong. She gave birth to sons and daughters for the emperor. No empress could pass her. Later, Emperor anqing ascended the throne. Although he was mediocre and incompetent, it was easier to control. The power of the Zhao family covers the sky, and she is a powerful empress dowager in the harem. But I didn't expect that Lin became someone else's pawn, and even life and death were controlled by others.

"Here you are."

Empress Dowager Zhao raised her eyelids and tried to maintain her dignity even now. Emperor anqing was already in the red, and the court was in chaos. She felt that Xiao Zhige could use her and the Zhao family, so she didn't want to be too servile. Instead, her words and deeds brought a bit of superiority to her elders.

Xiao Zhige raised his eyes and looked at her. Empress dowager Zhao's look was as before. She was sitting high on the top, twirling Bodhi beads in her hands, like a Bodhisattva overlooking all living beings. When Xiao Zhige was young, every time he saw her, he was always nervous. However, after years of looking at her again, she felt that there was no mercy in her eyes, but that she was full of calculation and mean.

Even in this situation, she has to take the remaining chips to calculate. It's a pity that the dealer of this game has changed into Xiao Zhige, and Xiao Zhige doesn't intend to continue this game.

He did not receive the words of Empress Dowager Zhao, nor did he salute them. Instead, he calmly informed them: "my father died at the hands of Xiao qieucalyptus, and Taichang temple has begun to prepare for the funeral. It's time for the Empress Dowager and the queen to have a place to go. "

It is self-evident that this "going place" is where to go.

The Empress Dowager Zhao's eyelids trembled. Subconsciously, she grasped the Buddhist beads and tried to maintain calm. "You forced the emperor to death, but now you want to force the mourning family and the queen to death? If you don't have the support of AI Jia, aren't you afraid that the world will criticize you? "

"What the Empress Dowager said is wrong." Xiao Zhige said faintly, "it's Xiao Qiyou who killed his father. What's the matter with me? When her father buried the emperor, the empress felt guilty and followed the emperor. And the Empress Dowager is old, too sad to die of illness How can the world criticize me? "

"I'm the only one left, father and three sons. It's right to inherit the great rule. Who dares to disagree?"

Every time he said a word, Empress Dowager Zhao's face turned pale. When he finished speaking, she was already sitting on the couch with a pale face and muttered, "you are much more cruel than your father. What do you want to do with the Zhao family? The students of the Zhao family are all over the courtyards and places. If you kill them all, you will not be afraid of chilling the minister's heart. No one can use them? "

"The Zhao family colluded with the deposed prince to seek rebellion, forced the palace to kill the king, according to the law Nine families should be killed. As for the members of the Zhao clan, they are just a group of moths who have formed cliques for personal gain. It's not a pity that they are dead. I have my own way to deal with it. The Empress Dowager doesn't have to worry. "

The Empress Dowager Zhao was so speechless that all the talks she had prepared could not be used any more. To be fair, if empress dowager Zhao was in his position, she would certainly do the same. If Xiao Zhige had not been her enemy at this time, she would have given a good hand. For the king, ruthless, cut grass root, nothing more than this.

The Bodhi bead in her hand fell to the ground, and there was a dull sound. The Empress Dowager looked decadent. She closed her eyes and said in a low voice: "it may be the fate of the mourning family to become the king and defeat the enemy..." It's a confession.

The queen on her side was not so smart and didn't want to admit her life. Listening to Xiao Zhige's three words, she decided her life and death, and said in a shrill voice, "I'm the queen of the palace, the Empress Dowager in the future, you can't kill me!"

Xiao Zhige came here just to inform them that he didn't care about the Queen's resistance, and even didn't pay attention. After that, he took an Changqing and turned to leave. Seeing this, the queen wanted to rush to stop her, but she was blocked back by the soldiers who came in.

The soldier was still holding two pieces of white silk in his hand. It took less than a moment for the Queen's voice in the inner hall to gradually calm down from hysteria.

After anqing emperor, the queen and Empress Dowager also died.

When the new and old regimes changed, there was silence on the palace road. Occasionally, some patrolling officers and soldiers passed by. Even the sound of footsteps seemed to be deliberately lightened.An Changqing side face to see Xiao Zhige, light voice way: "want to go to mother imperial concubine palace to see?"

In the last life, an Changqing lived in Qiwu palace for a long time. There are not only memories of Xiao Zhige's life with Li pin, but also his own. Now that all the enemies in front of us have been cut off, it's time to have a look.


So they turned to Qiwu palace. Qiwu palace is located in a remote place, which used to be the same as Lenggong. After the death of Li pin, it was deserted for a long time. There are many weeds in front of the palace, and even the door is covered with cobwebs. An Qingdi has always regarded this place as unlucky, and even the palace sweepers are stingy.

Xiao Zhige pushes open the closed door of the palace. When the dust falls, he calls an Changqing in. The light in the palace is dim. Fortunately, it's bright at this time. When the door is open, you can see the inside clearly.

When Li Pin passed away, she was afraid that she would collide with the Empress Dowager and the emperor because she hated the bad luck of the dead. Now it's not a big palace. It's empty. It shows a little emptiness.

Xiao Zhige swept through the dilapidated palace, looking nostalgic. He pointed to a window on the right side of the main hall and said, "my mother used to sit here and sew clothes for me. Look at those short curtains in the hall. They were torn down by my mother and concubine and made me warm clothes. "

The suffering of childhood, after years of review, filtered out the bitter and astringent, only the memory and warmth of their loved ones.

An Changqing looked in the direction of his finger and saw the familiar window. He suddenly bent his eyes with a smile and said in a soft voice: "the light here is good. If you open the window, you can see the small garden in front of you. The scenery is also good. If I were you, I would like it here

When an Changqing lived in Qiwu palace, it had already been repaired. At that time, he and Xiao Zhige were separated, but he didn't want to get involved in the struggle of the previous dynasty, so he took the initiative to retreat. He stayed in Qiwu palace all day, and when he had nothing to do, he also liked to turn books and cook tea under that window.

Xiao Zhige didn't understand the meaning of his words, and led him into the inner hall. There was only a carved wooden bed left in the inner hall, and the only two curtains beside the bed were covered with ashes.

"Before I was six years old, I had been sleeping here with my mother. At that time, there were not many palace people in Qiwu palace, and there were few candles for lighting. Every night, there were dark lights and shadows in the huge palace. I was afraid, so I kept pestering my mother's wife and refused to go to the side hall to sleep. "

He said with a very light smile: "but when I turned six years old, no matter how much I teased, my mother insisted that I sleep alone in the side hall."

An Changqing tried to imagine it, but she couldn't imagine what it was like when Xiao Zhige pestered his mother's concubine and refused to go to the side hall to sleep alone.

They held hands and turned the dilapidated and empty palace around. Xiao Zhige occasionally recalled some past events, either warm or bitter, and told an Changqing. When they came out, it was already evening.

The sunset glow, like fire, reddened half of the sky. Under the setting sun, this forgotten palace is even more lonely. There are thousands of palaces in this secluded deep palace. I'm afraid this is the only place where Xiao Zhige's childhood joys and sorrows are hidden.

An Changqing said: "it's better to find a craftsman to repair it. We can live here in the future. Plant flowers and plants in the small garden in front of you, and then move your swing over... "

In fact, the location of Qiwu palace is remote and not suitable for living. But an Changqing felt that in the future, the four members of their family would live in such a big and deep palace, and it would be no harm if they were willful.

And Xiao Zhige obviously agreed with his idea and answered it in a low voice.


emperor Hong of Anqing stopped the court for seven days.

Emperor anqing has been in power for more than 20 years. He was fatuous, incompetent, immoral and had no merit. When Taichang Temple drew up the posthumous title for him, it abandoned a lot of thought, and only reluctantly picked out a few suitable ones. It just submitted them to Xiao Zhige for selection, but they were all rejected.

Finally, Xiao Zhige himself proposed his posthumous title "Yang".

"Yang" is called "Yang" for his lack of love and righteousness, "Yang" for his harsh treatment of the common people against God's will, "Yang" for his great success and laziness in government.

Yang, you are also faint.

When Taichang Siqing saw Xiao Zhige's posthumous title, he wiped it with a cold sweat, but he didn't have the courage to persuade him, so he had to bite his teeth.

Because of Xiao Qi's rebellion, the capital of Ye was in a depression, and the former dynasty was inevitably involved. As soon as matters are urgent, Emperor Yang's funeral specifications are simple and not extravagant. Xiao Zhige, as the only remaining Prince of Yangdi, personally helped the emperor's coffin and buried it in the mausoleum built long ago seven days later. Although the empress Zhao was buried for the former Emperor, she was not buried in the imperial mausoleum because of the conspiracy of the Zhao family.

So busy for half a month, all the things related to Yangdi ended with his burial in the imperial mausoleum. Next, it was the beginning of the new emperor.

The king of the Northern War made great achievements in fighting. He captured the rebels and put an end to the rebellion, which was also the popular aspiration of the people. After Taichang Temple offered sacrifices to the ancestors of heaven and earth, he inherited the great rule.

On the ninth day of September, in Chongyang, the king of Northern War offered sacrifices to heaven in Mount Tai.

On September 15, Taichang Temple issued an imperial edict. The king of the Northern War held a grand ceremony in Chongzheng Hall. When the new emperor ascended the throne, he changed his name to Changshun and granted amnesty to the whole world.After the grand ceremony, the Council reopened. Xiao Zhige, as the new emperor, wearing the crown of the emperor and the Golden Dragon Robe with five claws, sat on the Dragon seat and was worshipped by all officials in the high pitched singing and cheering of the chief eunuch.

After that, they began to deal with all the affairs in the court with great boldness, and the first to bear the brunt was the Zhao family and their party members.

During the two dynasties, the Zhao family was deeply rooted in the dynasty, and their followers were all over the country. At the beginning, Empress Dowager Zhao wanted to use this as a bargaining chip to find a way out for herself. However, Xiao Zhige didn't keep a hand for it.

The Zhao family killed nine ethnic groups, all the men were killed, and all the women were slaves. The other members of the Zhao clan were dismissed and exiled without mercy after being convicted by Dali temple.

Just a few days later, the number of officials in the court was less than half, and the remaining officials were in danger.

In those days, the Zhao family's blood stained the black bricks of the Meridian Gate.

There are also many officials who think that Xiao Zhige's means are too cruel, not by Ren Jun. But his wrist is too fierce, no one dares to speak against him. However, all the heroes who had the courage to oppose had unified their attitude and remained silent.

Xiao Zhige on the throne of the dragon is indifferent. The crown of the emperor covers his eyebrows, but he is more and more dignified. He was condescending and took all the looks of the ministers in the court, but he did not intend to be a benevolent monarch according to their demands.

After ten years on the battlefield, he learned how to fight and kill the enemy. On the battlefield, being kind to the enemy is a great taboo of military strategists.

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