Published at 5th of October 2022 08:16:40 AM

Chapter 47

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Good night, Changqing finally had a good sleep. These days, I've been on the road and worried about the situation in Yanzhou. I've been sleeping a little. Occasionally, I've fallen asleep and dreamed about the last life. I often wake up in the middle of the night. An Changqing's whole spirit is tense

it was not until he met Xiao Zhige and confirmed that everything was OK in Yanzhou that he finally relaxed

when you wake up, it's already past time. The bedding on the side of the body is already cool. Xiao Zhige should have got up early. But he had a warm lady Tang at his feet. No wonder it was always hot and didn't feel cold

the soldier was very nervous. He was afraid that the general would not finish the task. He said in a voice, "the general said that before buying servants in the house, I should serve the princess first!"

"my name is Chen su. It's 14 this year. " The soldier saw that he was smiling at himself, and his face was friendly. His cheek turned red slightly. Then he held his head high and said with pride, "I've been to the battlefield, and I've killed two Beidi people!"

however, thinking of what Xiao Zhige said, Yanzhou people live under the threat of Beidi people all day long, they think it's good to do so, at least when the enemy comes, they can protect themselves

looking all the way, an Changqing found that many shops sold very cheap things, including some jade and various kinds of ointment. An Changqing picked up an emerald green stone. The stone was transparent in color, but its shape was very irregular, some big and some small

"so cheap?" An Changqing was surprised. Although he didn't know much about jade, he could see that the quality of the stone was no worse than the jadeite used for jewelry in Yejing gold shop

"this kind of stone is too many to be worth money." The stall owner waved his hand and said, "these are all brought back by the caravan from xidun. It's good-looking, but too much, it's not worth the money."

"dung in the west?"

the stall owner nodded: "some caravans have a large number of people, so they take the goods from Liangzhou and do some business on the border. When they are sold out, they bring back some things from the people in the West."

"it's like the jade of dung in the West." Zhou Helan, who has been looking at these gadgets, said in a voice: "I've seen them before."Seeing that an Changqing was puzzled, he explained: "when I was young, my mother and I came to Daye, we came from Liangzhou. There are many such stones in the mountains at the junction of Liangzhou and xidun. Because there are many, and most of them are in the mountains, no one in the local area is rare. But some poor people will pick it up from the mountains and polish it to make beautiful jewelry. "

"is there any difference between the jadeite of Xidong and that of Daye?" Asked an Changqing

if he really wants to expose the crimes of the crown prince and the third prince, he can send all the evidence and the witnesses to Yejing. Instead of killing all the witnesses and calling him here to have a secret talk

What's more, there is an unpopular Northern warlord in the middle. Once this matter is exposed, it is more likely that... Emperor anqing will feel that this is the second son's infighting, fabricating evidence to frame the two brothers

and if he goes back with these evidences, he will be beaten into the Northern Warlord party and be jointly targeted by the crown prince and Princess Shu

after that, he straightened up again and tried to say, "it's time to return the favor that the LORD sent to deliver the letter."

if you live in a high temple, you will worry about the people; if you live far away from the lake, you will worry about the king< However, the reality is that the court's intrigue has smoothed the edges and corners, that is to say, the once upright censor doctor is also carefully pondering the emperor's mind day by day.Emperor anqing was fatuous and fond of pleasure; the prince was obsessed with power and ignored the common people; the third prince was young and controlled by Princess Shu.

The river and mountain, once built by Taizu, was like an iron wall, but now there is only an iron bucket leaking everywhere, which may collapse at any time.

Only the infamous king of the Northern War was able to plot strategies in secret, like a hidden dragon.

Ji Anmin was agitated in his chest, so he couldn't help asking.

However, Xiao Zhige didn't react to such treacherous words. He looked back at Ji Anmin and said, "it's better to break and stand instead of the mountains and rivers."

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