Published at 22nd of June 2022 08:52:06 AM

Chapter 2711

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"No surprise." Liangpeishan glanced at Yu Chengdong lightly and said, "some people, no, some people are worse than dogs. No matter what they do, I won't feel surprised."

"You..." Yu Cheng choked half to death. He wanted to get angry, but he held back. He sneered and said, "Peishan, I didn't mean any harm when I asked you to come today."

"Tie people up and take them to this ghost place. You said you meant no harm. Did you cheat the ghost?" Liangpeishan sneered and said, "if you have something to say, let's see if we can talk about it. If we can talk about it, you will send me back. If we can't talk about it, you will kill me. It's as simple as that. Don't talk nonsense in front of me. I don't want to listen."

This sentence even hurt Yu Chengdong. He gnashed his teeth and said, "can't you just look at me?"

"Hehe, what earth shaking things have you done that you want me to look at you?" Liangpeishan said coldly, "Yu Chengdong, if you still think you are a man, don't let me look down on you."

"OK, I won't let you look down on me." Yu Chengdong was helpless. He sneered and said, "do you know what I invited you here for?"

"I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing." Leung Pei Shan Road.

"Peishan." Yu Chengdong's tone suddenly softened: "I think we should have a good talk."

"There is nothing to talk about. Our relationship is not as good as you think." Liangpeishan said, "and don't talk about feelings with me. I know you came with a purpose."

"Moreover, your goal is not just as simple as Liang's group." Liangpeishan stared at Yu Chengdong: "I'm still saying that. Don't let me look down on you. If you kill me quickly, I'll still think you're a man."

"You will make our communication impossible." Yu Chengdong sighed. He did not expect that liangpeishan would have so much resistance to him.

It seems that he can't get pure innocent blood, because unless she is willing to give it herself, the effect will be greatly reduced.

But there's no way. Liangpeishan doesn't give him a chance to negotiate. Originally, he wanted to have a good talk with liangpeishan. The best thing is to move her, cheat her with some dog blood stories, and let her take the initiative to donate her blood.

But judging from the current situation, I'm afraid that's impossible, so he had to give up the plan.

"When you tied me up, you should have thought that I would not communicate with people like you." Liangpeishan shook her head and said, "yuchengdong, you are not a man at all."

"You must remember that all these things I have done are for your own good." Yuchengdong angrily said, "I'm here to protect you."

"Don't say such disgusting things, really." Liangpeishan said sincerely, "if you do this, it will only make me feel more disgusted."

"I think you have misunderstood me, a deep misunderstanding." Yu Chengdong sighed. He waved to the people on the other side. Someone immediately brought a metal box.

When I opened the box, there was an injection drug in it. The green potion seemed to shine brightly and looked very beautiful.

But in this world, the more beautiful things are, the more terrible their functions are. Liangpeishan knows that Yu Chengdong will never let himself go so easily this time.

"In fact, my purpose is very simple. I just want to take some blood from you." Yuchengdong picked up the syringe. He filled the green potion, walked to liangpeishan and said, "it won't hurt if you don't have a needle."

"What is this?" Liangpeishan was shocked. She was not sure what Yu Chengdong's purpose was. If his purpose was clear and he wanted interests or other things, liangpeishan was not afraid.

But kidnapping without purpose is the most terrible thing, especially this beautiful looking potion. She knows that the potion will not only make her sleepy.

"I just need a little blood from you. This potion can make you sleep without causing you pain." Yu Chengdong sighed, "actually, I don't want to hurt you at all, really."

"Then stay away from me. I see you. It's disgusting." Liangpeishan said angrily.

"I have no choice but to pursue, but unfortunately, my pursuit must be completed by you." Yuchengdong said something confusing, then took the needle in his hand and injected the medicine into Liang Peishan's body.

Liangpeishan felt a whirl of heaven and earth. At the moment when the potion was injected into her body, she felt that she was almost floating. There was a feeling of elation that made her mind dizzy. Then she fell asleep.

"Take her blood quickly." Yuchengdong said lightly.

At the same time, someone immediately took out a syringe and began to draw liangpeishan's blood. A tube of blood was drawn out. Immediately, someone took the freezer, saved the blood in it, and then hurried away.

"Boss, ye haoxuan is not dead. I'm afraid bronze is now in danger." Someone came up and asked Yu Chengdong.

"I knew he didn't die so easily." Yu Chengdong sneered and said, "if such a haunted guy really dies easily, it would be somewhat unexpected to me."

"What shall we do now? Shall we take liangpeishan away?"

"Take it away. I took the blood, but I don't know the effect. I took it away for a rainy day." Yu Chengdong waved his hand.

"Take it away." Yu Chengdong's famous hand waved to take him away.

But as soon as he turned around, he felt a pain in his heart. Then he stood there dumbfounded, and the vitality in his eyes quickly disappeared.

Killing intention, a familiar killing intention came from the door. The killing intention was very cold. Yu Chengdong subconsciously raised his head. He blurted out: "Ye impermanence."

"Yes, it's me." Yehaoxuan stood at the door. His right hand loosened, and a bodyguard plopped to the ground. He did not move.

Yuchengdong found that there seemed to be no one in the room who could stand and talk. All of them were put down by yehaoxuan.

"Oh, no, I should call you yehaoxuan." Yuchengdong just flustered for a moment, but then he calmed down again. He sneered and said, "it's not easy for you to really dare to kill alone."

"This is not a big deal?" Yehaoxuan smiled and said, "yuchengdong, I thought the duel between the two of us hadn't started yet, but I didn't expect to get to this point so soon. It was really unexpected."

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