Published at 29th of March 2023 08:36:04 AM

Chapter 40

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But soon his frowned eyebrows relaxed, because the child’s face was stuck on the warm and fragrant neck of the woman, and there was no movement. The whole person looked very soft, very quiet, and obedient.

This may be the mother’s own effect. The child who was writhing like a little loach just now suddenly did not feel wronged or cried, and was even a little abnormally quiet.


Yin Yunqiu’s eyelids twitched slightly, he lowered his eyelids slightly, stayed for a few more minutes, and watched An Meijun feed the child spoonfuls of millet porridge with his own eyes, his movements were very gentle, and although the child looked pale, he still obediently opened his mouth to eat. He seemed to listen to his mother’s words, which seemed normal.

Just at this time, the secretary called. He didn’t think too much. He answered the phone and went to work.

After her husband left and there was no more footsteps, An Meijun looked at the well-behaved child in her arms, her eyes were brighter than ever, and the corner of her mouth unconsciously opened a smile that was determined to win.

This child, Minglu, just cried casually, and his father showed heartache on his face. No wonder the world said that the older man has no way to deal with the younger son. Although she likes her daughter, both boys and girls are the same, in fact, she would rather have a son in her heart, and she has taken the right step.

But through the child’s lovely face, An Meijun couldn’t help but fell into a wandering spirit. Because she thought of the daughter she had replaced, Mingqin, whose face was wrinkled when she was born, and whose small eyes could hardly be opened. Before she could see more, she had to bite her teeth and change her heart, just because the child was born with the wrong sex.

According to her younger brother, the child is now three years old and has a very smart brain, but because of her weak body, she is still unable to walk steadily, but she is especially good at recognizing people. She coaxed her mother and father, two state- owned enterprise employees to smile,and they held her in the palm of their hands and was afraid of melting when they held her in their mouth. It was the treatment of the apple of the eye.

Hearing the news that her younger brother reported about her daughter every day, An Meijun could only restrain her overflowing maternal love and yearning, but she still couldn’t love Yin Minglu. After all, she wasn’t born in October, and if she hadn’t brought the child to the Yan family, how could the child have lived a good life since childhood, and had the luxury of gold and jade, and the food and clothing were all top, while her daughter could only be a girl of a civilian family!

She could have enjoyed it all. She could wore a beautiful skirt every day, slept on Simmons’s big bed, owned a luxurious princess room, and attracted attention everywhere she went. She was the daughter of the Yin family. When she grew up, she could choose the best and most outstanding young talents.

Thinking of her daughter, the tenderness in An Meijun’s eyes immediately disappeared, and she was not even in the mood to feed Yin Minglu, and dropped the spoon in her hand in annoyance. Because of the excessive movement, the millet porridge in the soup bowl splashed out and splashed all over the child. She coldly ignored the little boy’s dazed and aggrieved face, and made use of the topic: “Minglu, your father is busy with his work. Don’t pester your father if you have nothing to do in the future. If my mother sees you are so ignorant, she will hit your palm again.”

With that, he grabbed the child’s hand, hit him with a silver spoon for “education”, and then went upstairs directly.


Anyway, her husband wasn’t around, so she didn’t need to act, and the housekeeper and maids had already acquiesced that she was the future mistress of the Yin family, so they only followed her lead, so naturally they wouldn’t have any opinion on her mistreatment of her children.

And after An Meijun hastily left, the little guy with black hair and snow skin covered his red hands and shed tears of grievance, which made people feel a little distressed.

That’s why no one knew, the corner of the child’s mouth curled up in a sarcastic arc where no one could see.

Relying on the fact that the original owner was only three years old and ignorant, An Meijun didn’t even bother to act perfunctorily. No wonder it got worse when she grew up, and she took the initiative to beat and scold the original owner. However, the original owner has been kept in the dark for 18 years, and he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with Ann Meijun being mean, strict and hysterical to himself. After all, everyone told him that your mother was so kind to you. How could a mother not like her own flesh and blood? Some pain hit her son’s body, and the pain was in a loving mother’s heart!

Moreover, the original owner had been held in this woman’s arms since he was born, and the first person he saw and recognized was An Meijun. Naturally, he would not have thought that An Meijun was not his biological mother. So every time after being beaten, he endured sobbing and choking, thinking that it was all right, and even felt guilty for making his mother unhappy and failing to meet her requirements, so he studied harder, from language and musical instruments to painting, cooking and 18 martial arts, he worked hard to master all of them, but he didn’t get praise from An Meijun.

Yin Minglu sneered, the reason why An Meijun beat the original owner was naturally because the original owner did not come out of her stomach at all, but belonged to someone else, so naturally the beating did not hurt her heart. And the better he behaved, the more it felt like a knife piercing An Meijun’s heart, the more uncomfortable she would be.

She racked her brains to find the original owner’s fault, the original owner was picky eater, she beat his palm; the original owner had excellent grades but disobeyed a teacher, An Meijun beat his legs, making him unable to walk, the next day, he pressed his head to ask him to apologize to the teacher in public; the original owner didn’t get full marks in the test, so An Meijun hit him with a ruler; others thought that An Meijun was too strict with his children because he was not good at being a wealthy wife, but after all, it was a family matter. People care about their own sons, and others are not easy to talk about.

The original owner thought the same way, but at the time he still couldn’t understand why he was getting better and better, and when he got a three-good student, a scholarship, and even a national certificate, An Meijun became more and more crazy, desperately looking for his mistakes. Every time he comforted himself that his mother was doing it for his own good. Only later did he knew, what a fart! An Meijun is just deliberately looking for reasons to beat him, and no matter what he learns, the more intelligent and talented he is, the more he sets off her own daughter’s mediocre and worthless qualifications, and her mind will be frustrated. She will be happy and strange, naturally more severe, and almost obsessed with it.


If it is true what she said, she wants her child to be the heir of a wealthy family in the future, so with high standards and strict requirements, will the original owner be trained in the direction of art on purpose? It is also called emphasizing children’s artistic talents. To put it bluntly, it is to deliberately let the original master learn things that have nothing to do with business, so that he has no chance for that position.

What’s more clever about An Meijun is that she started planning slowly when the original owner was two or three years old. While training the original owner in the direction of the entertainment industry, at the same time, the working family who raised the daughter almost went bankrupt to cultivate a “princess”. From piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to ceremonial dance, nothing was spared, and she is fully prepared to be taken back sooner or later.

And her reborn daughter is intelligent, and knows her mother’s plan, so she naturally follows the trend and makes herself likable since she was a child. She is like a “unintentional” folk pearl, which is no worse than those ladies of high society.

The poor original owner has been deceived all the time. He really thought that he had usurped other people’s lives. At the moment of death, he thought that it would be great if there was no such misplacement in life at the beginning.

Yin Minglu came too early in this life, with small arms and legs, how could he fight with An Meijun, this nominal mother, especially when the other party shed tears, and his resistance would be suppressed in the name of a mother’s love like a mountain with the hats of “ignorant”, “unfilial” and “bad boy”.

So he can only temporarily seek help from his father and use some small tricks, hoping that Yin Yunqiu’s eyes are good and can separate him from An Meijun as soon as possible, otherwise it will hurt his palm!

On the other side, on the way to the company, Yin Yunqiu happened to meet the traffic lights, and the driver stopped temporarily. His eyes were attracted by a scenery outside the window while sitting in the back seat.

It was a young boy, because he was walking in a hurry, he fell hard on the concrete floor, his palm and calf seemed to be cut, the blood flowed continuously, and he cried heart-rendingly on the street on the spot. Even the gentle coaxing from the mother next to him couldn’t stop him, as if a piece of flesh had fallen off his body instead of a little skin.

Yin Yunqiu was entranced, because the little boy was similar to the first baby who threw himself into his arms and cried more and more sadly. It seemed that someone was willing to respond and answer. The crying child also had room to play, cried while acting like a baby .

However, this point makes the baby’s abnormality in the mother’s arms even more. It stands to reason that compared with the father who he doesn’t get along very often, the child should cry louder when he returns to the mother he likes more, and he will be coaxed to look coquettish. But he seems to be sensitive to understand that the mother will not like to see him like this, so the baby has become extremely obedient and quiet.


Recalling this, Yin Yunqiu frowned slightly, with doubts in his heart.

The driver in front looked at his boss from the inside mirror, and he didn’t know what the other side was thinking. Although his appearance was still cold, his beautiful eyebrows and eyes were slightly wrinkled, and his expression was also somewhat thoughtful.

Suddenly, the boss in the rearview mirror asked, “Why do children cry?”

This may be the trouble of many parents. After all, being a parent for the first time, they don’t understand why children suddenly seem to be in a mood and cry. Some parents will think that their children are making trouble without reason and impatient, but some parents will be like Yin Yunqiu, who is flustered by their children’s sudden crying and have to find out.

The driver was in high spirits and thought it was time to examine his business ability. He quickly used the childcare experience in his mind and talked freely with the boss: “Maybe the child has teeth?” He worked hard and didn’t know much about the boss’s housework. He only knew that the other party had a child at home that was brought back from outside, but the specific age was unknown.

Yin Yunqiu shook his head. When the baby was crying, he looked at it unintentionally. There was a row of beautiful little teeth in the baby’s mouth, which were not many, but were as delicate and lovely as millet.

He described the situation of the child, and the driver really had childcare experience. He said, “The child suddenly cried, but didn’t say it. If it wasn’t for physical reasons, it was probably because the child was afraid. It might be afraid of the dark, being alone, being afraid of small animals, taking injections and medicine, or it might be because the boss was too busy, the child missed you too much, and couldn’t see you all the time, so he cried.”

What he didn’t say was that there might be babysitter abuse. There were examples around him. Both parents were working class, working hard for life, and had no time to take care of the children, so they were very relieved to hand over the children to their sister-in-law. At first, the child cried all the time, but it was not serious. Later, they learned that the child had been tortured and starved at home.

Of course, this will not happen in the boss’s house! As the young master of the Yin family, who dares to abuse him? So he didn’t mention it at all. He only attributed the reason why the child cried to the fact that the boss was too busy at work, and the child liked his father too much, which was a disguised flattery to the boss.

Sure enough, Yin Yunqiu’s stern face softened slightly, and a smile appeared in his eyes. His baby has always been cheerful. When he smiles, he sees his teeth and his eyebrows and eyes are all crooked. He is so cute. When he saw him today, the sound of crying was not small. It seems to be true that he missed him so much.

In just a few minutes, Yin Yunqiu talked a lot with his driver, and it can be said that he benefited a lot. The driver also tactfully suggested to him that he should spend more time with his children and don’t forget to take care of his family while he is obsessed with his career. Seeing that the boss listened, the driver’s eyes lit up, and he felt that he was not far from being promoted and raising his salary.

The child on the street was still howling and crying, which attracted many people’s attention. The child’s mother reluctantly picked up the boy and coaxed: “My little ancestor, you are a man, don’t cry, look at the people on the street. They are all looking at you, are you not ashamed?”

The child buried his face behind his mother’s head and shouted, “Then you should buy me ice cream, coke and hamburgers. I won’t cry after buying them. If you buy me Transformers again, I will love you more!”

The child’s mother gnashed her teeth and said, “You still have to take an inch, don’t you? Just pick one!”

The child hugged his mother’s neck aggrievedly and said, “Mom, you are too stingy!” You are so stingy! Dad is very generous! He bought me toys and snacks last time!” As he spoke, the boy frankly snapped his fingers and read a lot of “good things” his father bought him, which made the people around him can’t help laughing.

“Well, well, let’s go to the supermarket, and I will satisfy you with whatever you want.” The mother was convinced by her son.

After the traffic light turned, the car restarted.

The mother and son gradually walked away, Yin Yunqiu looked back, his face was calm and unwavering, but “a father should be more generous than a mother, and meet all the requirements of the child” has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

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