The World That Tao Rules - Chapter 5063

Published at 5th of November 2022 08:56:54 AM

Chapter 5063

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Reincarnation seal!

Although Jiang Yun had not mastered this seal before, he was too familiar with it!

Because this seal also existed on him for a long time.

Now, the mirage linggong even told himself that the reincarnation seal was uploaded to him by the emperor!

This means that, in fact, linggong, who is about to set out to perform the task at this time, has just learned to seal reincarnation.

The reason why he wants to teach himself this seal now is that linggong is worried that he may not come back, so that his descendants can better defend themselves.

Of course, if what he is experiencing now is the real situation that has happened before, that is to say, the mirage linggong did seal this reincarnation to one of his descendants.

This descendant


Jiang Yun's heart has blurted out these two words.

But then he shook his head and said, "no, not Grandpa."

"That man should still be in the real domain. He is another linggong of the mirage."

"After all, it's only the linggong of the mirage who performs the task, while the others of the mirage should still be in the real world and have nothing to do with Grandpa."

Jiang Yun only felt confused. There were so many messy clues that he couldn't speculate the truth of the matter.

At this time, linggong then said, "the function of this seal is to seal all the cultivation memories of his life and reincarnate with you."

"Your Majesty should pass this seal to me in order to avoid me falling."

"Now, I'll give you this seal again. It can be regarded as adding some means to protect your life."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun suppressed the confusion in his head and hurriedly asked, "linggong, can you tell me what task your majesty wants you to perform?"

"Since you don't think it's dangerous, why are you worried about not coming back?"

Linggong smiled and said, "it's not a big task. It's just to catch a few people."

"Although the strength of those people is not weak, we are still sure."

"The so-called worry, I'm afraid I'm old and think a little more."

"Maybe I'll be back soon!"

"In short, you don't have to think about it. Whether I come back or not, the family will continue to exist."

"Plus, with respect, no one can bully you."

"Well, don't say that. Tell me, what have you been practicing recently?"

"Qingming dream, or medicine refining?"

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to answer, the voice of blood impermanence suddenly sounded again and said, "the guy of hundun family is coming!"

Then, linggong also suddenly looked up, looked at the sky, slightly frowned and said, "these old guys, how come so early."

"Yunwazi, wait for me here for a while. I'll meet them myself."

The voice fell, and linggong's body had disappeared from Jiang Yun's face.

Jiang Yun also hurriedly looked up and saw several small black spots at the extreme of the sky.

Although it is reasonable to say that this distance, with Jiang Yun's divine sense, should be able to see the appearance of these black spots, no matter how hard he tries, he can't see clearly.

However, from the blood impermanence reaction, it is not difficult for him to guess that those small black spots must be the strong ones in the other nine families.

They and the mirage linggong are the existence of the same generation, and they are all the subordinates of the great master.

Today is linggong's birthday, so I came here earlier to celebrate his birthday.

Jiang Yun wanted to let blood have no common divine sense to see. All the people who came were the strong ones of those families, but blood impermanence obviously had too much psychological shadow on the great emperor of hundun family, so he ignored Jiang Yun at all and dared not send out his divine sense.

Jiang Yun couldn't turn around and leave. Helpless, he had to stand in the medicine garden, look at the surrounding herbs and wait for linggong's return.

There was nothing beautiful about the medicinal materials, and Jiang Yun's mind was not on it, so after sweeping around, he looked around to see what the mirage lived in Zhenyu.

This time, Jiang Yun's eyesight and divine consciousness were not affected.

It can be clearly seen that at the end of the sky, there is a palace looming.

That's where Zun should live.

Below the sky and above the earth, you can also see the looming palaces standing.

These palaces, like the stars and the moon, protect the palace in the sky.

This scene made Jiang Yun's heart move and remembered the ten round mountains and the valley in the middle of Jiang's burial ground.

How similar the two situations are!

Not far ahead, a huge palace stands.

A palace is like a city. There are various buildings, large and small. Even through his divine sense, Jiang Yun saw the hall used to prepare the banquet and the mirage people who were busy in the hall. Especially in the city as like as two peas, Jiang Yun saw an independent building, which was exactly the same as a mirage. Looking at the building, Jiang Yun couldn't move his eyes and stared straight at it. After a few breaths, Jiang Yun suddenly said, "no!"“ If linggong and ten of them went to catch the blood elders, and before he left, he left the holy things to a descendant of the family. "“ So, how can the holy things still appear in the mountains, seas and regions and in their own hands? "“ The reason why the ten ethnic groups did not bring sacred objects to carry out the mission is because this mission is not dangerous for them. "“ However, they always feel that there is something wrong in their hearts, so they deliberately leave the holy things to their future generations, which can be regarded as providing more protection for future generations. "“ Then, is it after the strong of the ten nationalities left, because they have not returned for a long time, so their descendants also went to the magic field with their holy things? "“ What happened to Jiang's burial ground and the ten mountains that appeared in the burial ground? " Looking at the mirage shaped building, Jiang Yun remembered that the mirage was on his own, so he had these doubts. At this time, linggong's figure suddenly fell from the sky and appeared in Jiang Yun's face again, making Jiang Yun come back to his senses. Jiang Yun also looked up. The black spots in the sky had disappeared. It seemed that the strong of other nationalities had left. However, Jiang Yun obviously saw that there was no smile on linggong's face, but his eyebrows were locked and his face was gloomy. This makes Jiang Yun a little confused. Those strong men came to celebrate linggong's birthday. Even if they came earlier, they were kind. How could linggong look like this after seeing them. Jiang Yun wanted to ask, but looking at linggong, he didn't dare to open the door. He still had to stand aside and wait patiently. Fortunately, after a moment, linggong finally whispered, "the plan has changed."“ Just now, they came to tell me that not only our old guys are going, but also they will take you with them! " Hearing linggong's words, Jiang Yun was stunned at first, but then his mind full of fog gradually became clear. Suppose that the dreamland you are experiencing and what happens in the dreamland are true. Then what happened next was that the linggong of the mirage and the strong men of the other nine nationalities took their people to arrest and suppress xueimpermanence and others. And once they went, they never returned to the real world again. Even up to now, the strong of at least nine of the ten races are still outside the sky. Regardless of the unknown clan, the nine clans either become the nine clans in the four borders of Tibet, or the burial place of Jiang is where they live. The former is more likely, because the sacred objects of the nine nationalities are revealed from the four boundary Tibet“ Hum! " When Jiang Yun thought of this, the world he was in suddenly shook violently. Jiang Yun's face changed. He didn't know what had happened, but linggong looked up calmly and said, "respect!"“ Yunwazi, you avoid first! " The voice fell and linggong's big sleeve waved. Jiang Yun only felt that his body had flown high. Everything in front of him was far away from him at a very fast speed. When I stopped, I had returned to the cave wall! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!