Town Builder - Chapter 9

Published at 13th of March 2023 05:16:33 AM

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 “The Tannery”

The next day I started the tannery before sunup and was able to see the hunting party off. Galana had six of the militia with her. All of them had fearsome new bows and a full quiver of porcupine arrows and exuded confidence.

For me the work was going really quick, I was getting better at this. As the sun was setting I was on the second floor of the tannery. An alarm went off from the guard tower nearby. I looked up. Out to the west the hunting party was returning as it was easy to identify Galana by her tall silhouette. However, there were some thirty shorter people around her. I equipped my combat gear from the bag and went to meet the incoming group.

Galana was behind them and they were headed directly for the tower at a walk. Down the road to town I could see the ten militia running to the tower as well, answering the alarm. I banged on the tower door and one of the guards came down to let me in. I headed to the top of the tower leaving the guard there.

On top I could now see more clearly now. Galana and the hunting party walked behind a group. The group appeared thin and mostly feminine in shape with darker skin. I was able to count their number. Besides the seven in the hunting party there were twenty-six prisoners? At two hundred yards I recognized the race, they were orcs, but all were apparently women and children. Had Galana slaughtered the males and then brought back these as a prize? They looked haggard and staggered as they walked. The children were being carried by some teenagers. If I had to guess they were ALL female. I climbed down and went to meet the group on the plains.

Galana came to the front and explained the group before her, “Lord we found them while we were hunting the buffalo to the west. What you see here are the wives of the Kahn Bawal. He was slain by a rival and so were all his male heirs. Rather than submit to the new Kahn the women fled in the middle of the night with her remaining children. They have traveled far and fear pursuit. They also took some of the Kahn’s treasure and would gladly give it to you for your protection. This one here,” Galana pointed, “was the first wife, Kytalia.” Kytalia stepped forward and got on her knees.

“Great lord, please protect my sisters and children. I completely submit to you and your desires if you would swear to protect me and mine.” It was clear she was a beaten woman, literally and figuratively. She had wounds on her body that had not healed. She was actually fairly attractive with an athletic body, soft humanish face, gray-green skin, and long black hair. The only thing that threw me was the canine teeth.

“Rise Kytalia, all are welcome to Malcum as long as you are heed our laws. We will protect you to the best of our ability if you wish to call this village your home. Head into town under the supervision of the Galana. I will speak with you tonight in more detail once you have eaten and rested. She broke into a relieved expression and thanked me. She then pulled a small pouch from inside her tattered jacket and gave it to me. I thanked her and told Galana to find villagers to take them in for the night. This would be a test of their racial tolerance. Once they left I told the guard I wanted six people in the tower from now on. I was not happy with this new threat, especially when the quest window popped up.

New Quest: Protect Kytalia and her band of refugees for 14 days, Rewards: the refugees will settle in your village adding to your population, 2000 experience

I knew the new Kahn was going to come looking for her by the quest description. I needed to go talk with Sanso. We needed better defenses at the tower. Hell the tower was just a watch tower. They could ride around it and head for the village. Instead of working on the tannery I went north to find Sanso. I was shocked to find his road project was almost a mile long and 10 yards wide. I stopped to inspect the stone. It appeared a single piece. I walked the impressive road to a small stone tower that was emitting light and smoke in the dark. I knocked. An earth man answered the door, I stuttered surprised, “San-n-sso?” A voice from behind the man answered. “Come in lord Tallis. Have dinner with me.” I entered.

The building was nice if dimly lit. Sanso was at a stone table eating a thick earthy looking soup. He got up and went to stone stove and ladled more soup into a stone bowl for me. He then gave me a stone spoon. I sat on the granite stone bench at the table. “Your stone road is quite impressive. Better than my work in town and you are building it so fast!”

“Yes Lord. I spend the required 8 hours a day doing the work prescribed. The rest of my time I have spent on my personal projects. I have built a cavern below this house to house my mushroom gardens. I am not too proficient in nature magics but managed to get a few mushrooms grown this evening.” I noticed the mushrooms floated in the soup and tasted them. It tasted like mushroom soup and I noticed the buff was for stamina and magic regeneration! I needed this recipe!

“Yes, I was hoping tomorrow to change your focus….” I went into details of the orc refugees and their plight. I said we should expect an orc scouting party to be looking for her. I wanted to reinforce the tower and maybe add a second tower to the town.

After my words Sanso responded, “I see. I am obliged to aide in defense of the village. I will summon two earth elementals to join this one. The trio will join the guards at the tower tomorrow. It would take me a few months to build a wall around the village so perhaps I can cast some stone wood spells on the more important structures?”

Stone wood? Sanso went on to explain, it was a tier ten spell that petrified wood. It was slightly better than the lower tier petrify wood spell as it created a stronger structure and reduced maintenance! Damn I needed to level up my stone magic. I thanked Sanso and returned to town in the light of a half moon.

When I got home the lights were on in my house. Inside I found Jaesmin cooking, Kytalia and Galana at the table. “The townsfolk all volunteered to take in the refugees and we have divided them into small groups,” Galana said. I nodded in response and sat down. She then added, “The elf leather worker arrived. He settled his family into the house you prepared. He said he would find you tomorrow as it has been a busy day for you,” she smiled at me. I muttered, 'that it has' and I then took out the bag Kytalia had given me and emptied it on the table.

Three rings, eight gold coins, one platinum coin and a large bracelet. Damn my money problems were really solved now. I managed to hide my elation. I checked out the rings and bracelet.

Bracelet of the Cleardusk Kahn, +5 strength, +5 constitution, +5 skill to leadership

Emerald Ring of Strength, +3 strength

Platinum Ring, Value 228 gold coins

Orcish Ring of Valor, +3 strength, +3 constitution, +3 stamina

Wow. I was missing out on adventuring if these were regular loot objects! A fighter could equip these and become ferocious! I turned to Kytalia. “Quite an impressive collection here my lady.” She seemed caught off guard by the lady comment. She looked much better cleaned and fed. She replied, “Yes they were the smallest items my kahn possessed and most valuable. I was hoping to buy our way into a city but we could no longer travel and after we failed to kill a buffalo for food we thought it was the end if not for Galana finding us. She and her hunters gave us food and water so I am glad to give you all this.”

I nodded thinking. My level of greed was high but I also felt pity for these refugees, “Ah, yes. I think that should be rewarded. I slide the orcish ring of valor to Galana and seven gold coins, “This ring is for you Galana and one coin for you and each of your hunting party.” I then took the bracelet of the Kahn and the platinum coin. I pushed the two rings and last gold coin to orc woman. “You will need the items to support your family. We will give you a home here but you will be expected to provide for yourselves after you get settled. That platinum ring should be worth enough to feed all of you for ten years.” She started thanking me but I stopped her. I had just taken a prize bracelet and 100 gold for myself.

We then began to question her about the orc town she had come from. It was about 200 miles away and there were about 200 warriors in all, that is after the seventeen that had been killed in the coup killing the last Kahn. A scouting/hunting party would be riding mountain steeds and would have five to seven of the best warriors from the village. This worried me. Kytalia said they did the best to cover their tracks while they escaped but expected a scouting party to find them soon away. Hunting parties were relentless and the Kahn would want the treasure back. Great, well I got the loot and now I had to earn it. We talked into the night and I grilled Kytalia for as much information as possible. She eventually left and I went upstairs to sleep. I found Jaesmin in my bed already asleep. She must have been too tired to go home tonight. I went into one of the guest rooms and put my carving skill on autopilot as I contemplated ways to handle an orc scouting party.

When the sun rose so did I. Jaesmin was still sleeping so I left quietly. I slipped the orc bracelet on and it resized to fit. It was a leather wrapping with some teeth of various animals and some script. It was very tribal looking but not gaudy at all. I opened my messages to update myself on my growth. Woodcraft, carpentry and furniture were all up one point. That was great, there skill levels were 20, 22, and 10 respectively. One more level in carpentry and I would be an expert! Nature magic was up one and plant magic was up two points to 5 and 7 respectively. I was experiencing slow growth here even with all my casting while building. Masonry and foundations had also advanced a single point to 17 points each. Masonry: structures was up two points to 9. I was disappointed as carving had not leveled but drafting had at least made one more level. I made a mental note to focus on drafting because of the bonus to construction speed I obtained from it. Laborer had hit level 11, nice! I loved prime levels in skills for their extra boost to stats. Hmm, leadership was at 10 from the +5 from the bracelet but it was showing yellow. I expanded to read the text and explanation.

Skill advancement through equipped items will not unlock higher tier abilities

Well as long as I got the percentage bonuses I was happy. My last stat increase was plus one in earth magic. I had cast a few summon earth spells in building the tannery’s foundation. Ah, yes my new tanner. I redirected my walking direction and changed to head over to the tanner’s house.

When I arrived I knocked. A young smiling elf child opened the door. I quickly checked my interface for the tanner’s name, and then asked, “Is Curraen here?” The elf girl was not bashful, “Dad went to the tannery after breakfast this morning? Are you the lord? Can I play by the river? My mom said to stay around the house. Can we get some chickens? Mom wants some and so does sis. Can I have a carving of a dog? The other kids last night said you made their carvings? Is there a school in town? Dad said I had to go to school but I don’t want to.” Before she could continue I stopped her.

“Whoa, you are quite the talkative one. No you cannot play by the river. It is not safe. I will see about your chickens,” I reached into my bag and grabbed a Simba carving, “I don’t have any dogs but here is a lion.” Her eyes lit up taking the miniature wood statue of the cat. “There will be a school being built soon,” at least there would be now because that sounded like a great idea!

I turned and left, almost fleeing from the child's tsunami of questions. I heard the door shut behind me and smiled. The walk to the mostly finished tannery had me designing a schoolhouse in my head. On approach I could see Galana drilling the guards nearby, she probably thought it wise to have them practice out here and also I had told most of them to remain here to watch the plains. Sanso was making the tower stone with petrify spells and his earth elementals were building a wall? It was about 40 yards long and 10 feet high so far. I asked him about it. He had just thought it smart to put them to work rather than just guard all day. They were instructed to build a wall that was 20 feet high and 3 miles long, making an arc toward the river to encompass the town and closest farm lands. It would take months to complete but why not start now?

I opened my map and a yellow line flashed with what I assumed was the future wall. Could I edit it? I tried and I could! I increased the wall a bit and changed the area around the road. I was lost in editing when Sanso coughed to get my attention. I was being rude. I would play with this later. I got a few updates from him and then went to the tannery which was in full swing. Two elves, one an adult another a teen were working hard on a pile of skins.

Apparently, Galana had handed over her harvests to the tannery. The elf was smiling as I approached. We talked for a while and he loved the village, everyone was so kind, respectful and helpful. The tannery building was nice and I promised to finish it today though he could start his work on the first floor for now. I told him I planned to build a school and he volunteered his wife to teach, it was one of her passions.

We talked about the orc refugees, it caused a stir last night when he had just arrived. I told him if the alarm in the tower rang, he and his son should head to the village with all haste for protection. He shook his head no, "Sorry my lord. I will defend the town with my blade, as will my sons." He indicated the sword learning against the building in a scabbard. He would defend the village and his family. I liked this guy! I pulled out my hides and pelts and added them to the large pile for him to treat. I went to the second floor and began my work. A light rain fell and it felt refreshing. It was also the first time I remembered it raining in the game. I had a small worry that a flash flood could wash away my village. The river would have to rise about 20 feet to crest the banks though. I wondered if I could make a runoff lake in the forest as a ‘just in case’ option?

The tannery was finished by dinner. I had shared lunch with Curraen and his son and I was realizing I was losing myself in this game a bit. I was starting to forget this was not real. These NPC A.I. were becoming real people to me.

The orcs had not shown up today it seemed. I was fairly confident we could handle the scouting party. My concern would be if they decided to march on us but I was hoping the village would be a safe zone and marauding orcs couldn’t enter. I should see if Simba knew the answer to that. I checked on Galana and the soldiers before heading back to the village. She was planning to stay out here until the threat passed and planned her own ‘scouting/hunting’ party tomorrow. I told her to be smart and safe about it. The enemy would be mounted. From the info I had received last night the orcs in the scouting party would be a level equivalency of 15 to 25. My guess was Galana was equivalent to level 50 so I was not overly concerned. I made a spur of the moment decision and told them I would join them tomorrow so they should wait for me.

I returned to town and I was all warm and fuzzy on the inside when I saw a group of human, orc and elf children playing together. They were supervised by an attractive elf women. I approached and started talking with her. It was Curraen’s wife Vivale. I discussed teaching and she was definitely excited about the subject. We talked about what she would want in a school and the general interior layout. The conception we ended up with was a large stone building that was half library and half classrooms. I returned home after playing a game similar to soccer with the kids for a bit before the mothers called them away for dinner. They tried to get their ‘lord’ to overrule their mothers but I professed I was powerless before the will of a mother.

At my home I found Jaesmin cooking dinner. She must of known I worked hard today and was doing me a favor. The meal was ok as she was just a novice cook. I talked with her about her work for the day, she was starting to be more talkative. She had mostly done some work around the village. Doing upkeep on the main road and paving some paths for villagers. I praised her efforts. After diner I started to work on my designs for the school and didn’t notice Jaesmin leave.

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