Published at 24th of April 2022 07:24:31 PM

Chapter 1012

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Xue Yue took 20 combat members. Master Zhu greeted the children. Luo Hang and Hua ran hesitated and then went. The stream is very shallow and narrow. The thunder flame soldiers can jump to the other bank with one jump, while the children step on the pebbles in the middle and jump over.

Whether adults or children, their movements are very sharp. They urgently want to know what fengguanshe wants to trap when she gives up the little imperial concubine pig? Don't be curious. You can't move fast!

Luo Bi didn't follow. Fengguan left the little princess pig and ran to the other side of the river. Nine times out of ten, she went to set the bird again. She doesn't care about the Jieyu bird. What are you going to do? No. She didn't go, neither did Fengling. Wucheng wanted to go! He looked at the jade bird in his hand and couldn't leave.

No one expected to catch Jieyu bird. Naturally, no one specially prepared the fairy bird nest where Jieyu bird lived. Wucheng asked one by one, and the 30 second combat team members left to protect shook their heads.


Jieyu birds belong to immortal birds. The combat team members have seen living creatures except on the Star Internet. What they have never seen before, how can they prepare the fairy bird nest in advance.

Fairy bird nest is that a cheap appliance? It's so expensive. Who will buy one with you? It's impossible, okay. Wu Cheng grinned and knew that he had asked for nothing, so he had to honestly hold Jieyu bird and look forward to the other side of the river.

After a while, Wu Cheng suddenly remembered Luo Bi and asked, "do you have a fairy bird nest?" Luo Bi had many good things in her hand, which Wu Cheng always remembered.

"No." Luo Bi is not angry. She doesn't have to raise birds. What are you doing in the fairy bird nest? That's one more question.

Wu Cheng finally realized that Luo Bi really didn't like Jieyu bird. He touched his nose and turned back. He didn't provoke Luo Bi. The Lord is not easy to provoke. It looks OK at ordinary times, but she likes to make a little bad. Luo Bi doesn't like to see Jieyu birds so much. It's bad to pull out the birds' hair if she makes a bad one.

Jiang Yixin shot quickly and quickly killed the little princess pig with a small spoon array. After putting it away, he rushed to the other side of the river.

Xue Yue and Master Zhu searched the tree for more than half an hour and finally found the Phoenix crown on an ancient emerald tree. Fengguan probably prefers Jieyu birds. This time, he caught another one, still emerald green, squatting on the branches and being suppressed by Fengguan.

Xue Yue grabbed the Jade Bird, jumped down the ancient emerald tree, and stared at the Phoenix crown with bright eyes. Xue Yue has always been introverted and steady because he came from the Xue family. At this moment, he can't help but show his emotions and hide his excitement.

He qizhengui, a Jieyu bird that can repair the damaged strong gene of Lei Yan warrior, not only caught two at one time, but also a phoenix crown specially for dealing with Jieyu bird. His blood is surging when you think about him.

There was more than Xue Yue's emotional exposure. Master Zhu, who had lived for hundreds of years, was so excited that his eyes lit up. The others were boiling directly, and a group of people went back to the other side.

Now those who stayed in the tree also came down. Women and children, together with a group of thunder flame soldiers, stared at Jieyu bird in surprise. They were very rare.

At this time, hang Yifan and another hunting team came after successfully killing the little princess pig. Wu Cheng and Xue Yue didn't have time to hide the Jieyu bird, but they were looked at by the other party.

The Lei Yan soldiers of the two hunting teams had red eyes and came forward to ask. They didn't find out anything. They didn't want to leave. They also came to the forest to try their luck tomorrow.

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