Published at 24th of April 2022 07:13:29 PM

Chapter 1499

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From this furnace, Luo Bi's refining was completely crooked.

There are small baskets and bamboo baskets. The pattern layer is not strong. They are all gadgets. They can't fight with the eight poles of the array. Wen Xiao took a look at the door. If he was struck by thunder, his handsome face turned green.

Unable to withstand repeated blows, Wen Xiao stood in the yard and walked away without saying a word.

Back to the headquarters of feizhuxing, Fengling, Qin Yilang and Roger are having a meeting.

Qin Yilang saw that Wen Xiao went fast and came back quickly. He asked, "what has Luo Bi refined?"

Wen Xiao leaned weakly on the chair and held his forehead: "you don't want to know. Just be her fryer."

Well, Fengling is not interested in asking. It must be a crooked building.

As for the degree of skew?

Don't ask.

Luo Bi refined a pile of gadgets, but she was so happy that she got into a pile of small baskets, climbed around, grabbed this roll, grabbed that hug, and couldn't pull it out.

Robbie is not rare. She is unconvinced and continues to toss.

Then something more magical appeared and refined into a furnace of small pockets. It's for children. Wear it when eating. Rice grains can't touch your body. It must be rare for anyone who has children.

Go to special! Luo Bi raised her foot and kicked the furnace tripod. She was refining. As a result, she was angry with her furnace by furnace.

Who's to blame? It must be Luding's fault.

Luo Bi kicked again and took a long breath. What's wrong with refining? Just get out a small pocket. The cloth is very good. It's brocade. Who's so rare!

Wu Cheng was puzzled. He shook his small pocket and looked at it. He was stunned: "what is this?"

"It's for you. Put it on! Your mother must be happy when she sees it." Luo Bi's eyes are out of sight. She sits on the chair and doesn't move. She's worried about her bad temper. She's angry for good or bad. She takes it slowly first.

"I don't want to." Wu Cheng excited, like throwing hot mountain, and quickly threw it to the coming gale.

When Li Feng caught his hand and saw what it was, his face turned green: "why don't you throw it to me?"

It's not certain whether he has children in his life. Li Feng's combat power has improved a while ago. It's sensed that he may also belong to the kind of difficult offspring. At the thought of this possibility, the small pocket is in his hand, and the fierce wind is not bad.

As soon as he changed his hand, Li Feng stuffed it into Wucheng again.

Wu Cheng jumped high and wanted to cry without tears: "I can't use it!"

How old is he? Robbie gave him a small pocket? It's too bad.

"Don't pull it down." Luo Bi grabbed the small pocket back from Wu Cheng and shook at Wu spoon: "Wu spoon, come here and give you the small pocket."

Wu Shaozi didn't know the small pocket. He thought it was a nice new dress and ran over. Luo Bi's eyes flashed a smile. It's better to use a spoon. You can wear it if you see more support.

The small pocket put on Wu spoon from the front. Luo Bi took a detour and tied the belt behind. A cute little spoon was born in the air.

Wu Cheng was softened by Meng's heart. He rubbed the five spoons in a small pocket and kissed them: "Oh, my five spoons are so cute. Go outside and let everyone have a look."

Wu scooped down the small bamboo basket and aimed at Luo Bi: give me one.

"OK, here's one for you. Carry it out!" Luo Bi smiled and advised Wu spoon: "go to the headquarters and let Fengling and Wenxiao fill you with a small basket."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!