Published at 24th of April 2022 07:08:27 PM

Chapter 1867

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Luo Bi couldn't laugh or cry. She opened her mouth and said, "it's beautiful."

The orange spoon ran to Lin Yanchong, grabbed the robe with one hand and poked with the other. Is the orange spoon beautiful! Lin Yanchong didn't speak, so he poked hard and wondered why his adults didn't praise it.

Lin Yanchong's mouth was clumsy and held for a long time: "aren't you going to the Obsidian? Don't linger, let's go quickly!"

Orange spoon:... What are you talking about?!!

Luo Bi couldn't help laughing. The orange spoon was a talent. Lin Yanchong stared at Luo Bi. His face was as black as the bottom of the pot. He didn't worry about it one by one. It was a trouble to go out.

He shouldn't hesitate. It's good to have left early.

Here, the orange spoon showed off her new clothes. Luo Bi did what she said and took Wu spoon to change her new clothes. Before going out, the orange spoon moved a shallow bamboo basket full of seedlings fooled by it, covered with animal skin blankets, and moved to the Wu family to plant them.

The soup spoons left the Lin family and didn't follow Robbie.

Luo Bi breathed a sigh of relief. To tell the truth, she didn't want to take the smart spoon out to play. Without him, it was on the one hand that she couldn't fight, and on the other hand, she didn't want the Luo family to know about the spoons.

Most of the Luo family hold high and trample low. If they know that so many smart array devices have been opened, it will not be another fuss. I don't know how to boast in the future. Robbie saw it today, so she didn't want the spoons to appear in front of the Luo family.

When they arrived at the Wu family, Wu Shao was more thoughtful and much better than Lin Yan's pet. In addition, the brothers heard that Wu spoon came back to change their clothes, and immediately turned the basket to find their war robes and small coats.

Mrs. Wu commanded from the side: "it's nice to wear a war robe, and Wu spoon looks good in a war robe."

Wu Cong and the guards doted on the spoon no worse than the Wu Shao brothers. They scrambled to participate in the opinions: "the animal skin coat is beautiful and the animal hair is soft. It is most suitable for winter."

"Yes, in the little coat I just bought, the wings and rabbit hair are soft." Wu Peng squeezed and rushed to help.

Wu Cheng refused: "you go and add any chaos."

Robbie can't watch anymore. This trouble! She leaned over and said, "let Wu spoon wear a war robe! It's said that someone from the Obsidian robbed food materials. If there is a fight, the war robe is suitable for combat."

The Wu family's face changed. Wu Cheng picked a month white robe for Zhan spoon. If you want to fight, Wu Cheng certainly hopes Wu spoon to be in the best state. Luo Bi's robe has strong defense.

"Are you going with Luo's relatives?" Wu Cheng also wanted to go. He didn't trust Wu spoon.

Luo Bi nodded and said, "well," Wu Cheng stopped thinking: "I wanted to go with Luo's relatives, so I won't go."

If she doesn't go, Luo Bi doesn't want Wu Cheng to deal with the younger generation of the Luo family. Why should her classmates get involved with the Luo family. At this moment, Kung Fu doesn't know whether the orange spoon is finished. Luo Bi asks Wu Shao, and Wu Cheng goes to call for the orange spoon.

Just as she was about to leave, several soup spoons came back one after another. She changed a spoon into a new dress. Needless to ask, she made up her mind to go to the Obsidian together.

Robbie: "... And..."

Mrs. Wu said, "take them all! Look how handsome they are."

The children of the Wu family agreed: "no, the new clothes are beautiful, and the spoon is also handsome."

Robbie: "... And..."

Look at the Wu family. They are so good at praising spoons.

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