Published at 24th of April 2022 06:58:47 PM

Chapter 2493

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Zhu Xingshao sat on the suspension car and looked at the bamboo forest. He looked suspicious: "is there any green onion in the bamboo forest?"

Luo Bi's eyes made everyone know, but their eyes were not good-looking. Everyone stared and looked for it. He was stunned that he didn't see a green onion. He didn't believe Luo Bi could see so far.

"Don't know?!" everyone looked at each other and looked at Luo Bi.

The rain was hard to hear. Luo Bi probably guessed what several people said. She raised her chin towards the bamboo forest: "just see. I smell the smell of green onions. I don't see it with my eyes."

Zhu's child: "........."

Jiang Yixin opened her mouth: "... And..."

Wen Xiao and Hua ran: "?!"

It's terrible. No wonder they stare at me. I can't find the onion. I see. Luo Bi not only has good eyes, but also has good ears and nose. She can find a piece of land to climb the fork.

There's no way. I'm so angry.

God's own daughter, they can't envy.

There is no fantasy. The whole person is powerful. Wen Xiao believed for a few points, but he still had a little doubt when he didn't see the onion. The quarrel was boring. Everyone stopped talking. When they got to the bamboo forest, they saw a green land with weak willows and strong wind.

I thought it was grass before, but now I know it's onion. The plant is very small and big.

Zhu Xingshao was stunned and came to a sudden brake. Zhu Xingyun quickly grabbed and stabilized his body, but his eyes didn't move away from the green onion from beginning to end. He was quickly calculating the quantity.

"Mommy?!" Zhu Xingsu said. He was also calculating the area of the green onion field and the approximate output. How many green onions can we share together.

Luo Bi slowly stopped the floating sports car and looked at the number of shallots. She was slightly surprised. The area of this shallot was larger than her estimated area, but it was too small, almost as big as leeks.

It's too small!

Jiang Yixin lowered the suspension car, surprised and delighted: "Zhu Xingzhi, are these onions?!"

Zhu Xingzhi nodded vigorously on the co pilot: "it's green onions, but the plants are small, and they all fell down."

"It's good to have onions. It's too small?" Zhu Xingsu glared at him and opened the suspension car to go down: "it's busy enough for a while. Don't be silly. Hurry to dig onions."

Zhu Xingzhi jumped off the suspension car with a basket on his back, and the others got off the suspension car one after another. Luo Bi suspected that the defense cover was in the way, opened the sports car door and felt the flying rain.

Mom, no, hurry to open the small shield.

Hua ran picked up the bamboo baskets and the back baskets, took a small hoe and began to dig onions.

"My mother, we didn't see such a big green onion field." Zhu Xingshao was so happy that he waved a small hoe to dig the green onion, dug a groove along the edge of the green onion field, and pulled down a handful of green onions: "if Luo Bi wasn't powerful, we didn't know that there was a large green onion field in the bamboo forest. Luo Bi's ability to find food materials was too strong to refuse."

Hua ran touched a handful of rain and suggested, "we won't dig separately. We'll divide it into two groups. One group will dig onions, and several people will load baskets. We'll fill the suspension car and pull it back."

Jiang Yixin nodded and called Zhu Xingjie, Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingsu to dig onions: "dig through the big and small ones from the onion field and tidy them up together when you go back."

It didn't take too many people to load the basket. Zhu Xingyun and Zhu Xingzhi didn't have to give orders. They consciously held the onions and loaded the basket.

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