Published at 28th of October 2021 11:04:44 AM

Chapter 552: 552

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Yang Bo pressed Luo Yaohua with one hand and pushed him under the steering wheel. He also fell down!


A shot, Yang Bo heard a "crash" sound, the entire front windshield broken!

The sound of gunfire on the street scared the pedestrians, and everyone fled to all directions, which also gave Yang Bo time!

"Get out of the car and find a safe place to hide!" Yang Bo said in a loud voice. He quickly opened the door, looked around quickly and got off the car!

Because they are about to turn right, they are on the right side of the road. Yang Bo gets off the car and there is a flower bed next to him. He quickly turns over and hides behind the flower bed!

Yang Bo looked at the past and saw the killer wearing a black headgear and a gun in both hands. He quickly moved towards him!

"Bang!" Another shot, Yang Bo was scared, he watched the bullet fly past his eyes!

The pupils of his eyes moved, and Yang Bo could clearly see the trajectory of the bullet. Moreover, he could clearly feel that the speed of the bullet was not fast!

Yang Bo didn't know what changes he would make to himself after practicing Qi drawing. However, this scene made him understand that maybe he couldn't cope with the firearm!

Yang Bo flashed out, but the killer suddenly stopped. There was a flower bed between them. Yang Bo even heard the other party beating violently!

Yang Bo's heart is also very nervous, he is not sure whether his guess is correct, but the killer is in front of him, can't tolerate him to hesitate any more!

The killer's face in the black cap seemed to smile, showing his white teeth and raising his gun! Shooting!

All of this, in a very short time to complete, killer action smooth, such a set of movements, seems to temper countless times!

Yang Bo's eyes are fixed on the muzzle of the gun. Sparks burst out. A black mark flies out. Yang Bo quickly moves his body!

Bullets in a short distance, along a straight line, just a moment!


That's the sound of the gun!

The killer stares at Yang Bo in a daze, even forgetting to react!

In the blink of an eye, Yang Bo has rushed to the other side. He grabbed the gun. The killer is just reacting!

Yang Bo put his gun on the killer's head, "who asked you to kill me?"

Yang Bo suddenly felt a palpitation. He quickly pulled the killer behind him. A low burst came from his ear. Yang Bo saw the killer lying down slowly!

And a sniper!

Surprised, Yang Bo ran to the mall.


There was another gunshot, and the bullet hit the ground!

According to the gunshot, Yang Bo quickly determined that the sniper should be in the southeast. He looked back and saw a tall building with thirty or forty floors in the southeast. It was difficult to determine the specific location!

Yang Bo's eyes were shining, and his sight was more and more clear. Yang Bo saw that there was a reflective spot on the sixth floor. He couldn't help smiling at that position and flung the pistol in his hand!



Two shots in a row!

Yang Bo moved his position and saw that the bullet fell from his side. The bullet hit the ground, smashing debris flying, and raising a cloud of smoke!

He turned his head and saw a little red heart in the middle of the sniper's forehead, slowly sliding down!

Yang Bo heard the sound of the siren in his ear. He quickly wiped the handle of the gun with his clothes, unloaded the bullet and threw it on the ground!

Yang Bo walked towards the car. Luo Yaohua hid behind the wheel, shivering. Seeing Yang Bo, he asked, "what's the matter?"

"Two killers, one in front of the other, and the other behind is a sniper!" Yang Bo Dao.

"Lying trough, this is to kill us!" Luo Yaohua angry way.

Yang Bo nodded. He turned around and saw that the police had surrounded him!

This afternoon, they arranged for a bodyguard to protect Yue Junyao. Unexpectedly, such a situation happened. The police surrounded him. Yang Bo had to take out his mobile phone and make a phone call!

Yang Bo's hand can pull up the relationship with this side, is really not many, he was not willing to call home, but now it seems, is not to call!

Yang Bo called the old man and said it again.

When the old man heard it, his voice was a little cold, "OK, I see."

Then he hung up.

Yang Bo's heart is cool, do not know how to deal with this matter!

Soon, the police gathered around. They quickly arrested Yang Bo and did not even give them a chance to defend themselves.

When Yang Bo heard them speak some local dialects, he couldn't understand them at all, and the other party didn't understand their meaning. Instead, he directly tortured them and took them to the police station!

After getting into the police car, Yang Bo just remembered one thing. He forgot to inform Yue Junyao. She should be OK there!……

Yue Junyao has nothing to do in her room. She and Yang Bo live in a suite with two bedrooms and two bodyguards in the other room. The bodyguards seem to be watching TV. They don't know what they are watching.

Yue Junyao cleaned up a bit. She saw that the time was almost up. She was going to go downstairs to meet big brother!

As soon as Yue Junyao opened the door, she heard a gunshot coming from outside. She turned to look at it and saw a figure running over and jumping.

"Miss Junyao, help me!" It's Yang Zhicheng who runs wildly. His posture of running over with one hand covering his buttocks is very indecent!

Yue Junyao looks over and sees a killer behind her. She raises her gun and is about to shoot!

Yue Junyao reaches out and pulls Yang Zhicheng in. The shot fails. The killer points the gun at Yue Junyao's head!

"Bang!" There is another gunshot. Yue Junyao has already stepped into the room. By this time, two bodyguards have already rushed out. They have guns in their hands and are lurking behind the door!

Yue Junyao is a little nervous. She has never been in contact with a gun, let alone fighting with a gun. She stands up and walks outside!

Two bodyguards quickly stopped her and refused to let her go out. Yang Zhicheng's wail came from the room. Yue Junyao shook her head slightly. She took off the gold hairpin inserted in her head. She did not know where to hold it down. The gold hairpin immediately opened and a gold needle slipped out of it. These gold needles were only thick and thin, and they looked frightening!

The two bodyguards are also stunned. They are about to continue to persuade when Yue Junyao has already gone out.

The two bodyguards quickly followed him. They only saw Yue Junyao take back his right hand. The killer can't raise his gun in the future, so he has fallen to the ground!

What a miracle!

Yue Junyao slowly breathed a sigh of relief. "He can't die now. Catch him quickly!"

Two bodyguards rushed up, tied up the killer and sent him into the room.

"Ah! Forget, big brother, they may have met the killer now Yue Junyao exclaimed.

PS: Recently, Qibao is very tired. I feel uncomfortable. I have low immunity and allergies on my arm. I go out for a walk. I'll be late. I'm sorry , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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