Published at 14th of February 2022 09:46:45 AM

Chapter 1587

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Listening to the equation, Nagasaki wants to cut in, but he doesn't know what else he can say. He already has no position. He feels that what he says at the moment is feeble.

"What's the difference between these two people's accusations of neglecting their duties and neglecting people's lives? What's the difference between these two people's accusations of neglecting people's lives and subverting the Changshan regime? As the leader of Changshan, don't you know that? "

The words of the equation were so sonorous that Nagasaki stood there, motionless and speechless that he didn't know what to say! He gradually found that the accusations of these two people were more and more serious by the equation. If he continued to argue with him like this, he might be surrounded by the equation, and he might be crowned as a leader of the Pantheon by colluding with the enemy and betraying the country and seeking power!

So Nagasaki quickly interrupted the equation and wanted to continue talking!

"That... Fang Jiangzhu!"

He was in a hurry to stop,

"It's... It's my carelessness! It's really not as long-term as you think. It's really serious. It's my shortsightedness and small stomach! "

With these words, Nagasaki looks at Yuan Yue, who is still indignant.

"Miss yuan... Miss yuan, I'm sorry for Chang. Just now, I'd like to thank you for your life saving. Miss yuan is brave and resourceful. She's really a woman

Nagasaki felt that his old face was a little embarrassed as he spoke. Just now, he was still there shouting that she wanted to punish yuan Yue. He said that she dared to kill her right men just like that, but now... He was laughing and saying that if the other party killed his men well, they should be killed.

Nagasaki felt that when he faced the equation, he was always suppressed by the other party uncontrollably. No matter what happened in kuohaijiang before, or what happened to his son, or now, he clearly knew that he was calculated by the other party, but he had no way to seek justice for himself!

Especially the rebirth of my son! Changfeng has been completely different from before since he woke up. He used to talk to him openly and secretly. He wanted to know why he was brutally killed and dismembered at that time, but Changfeng was also vague and didn't answer his question positively! No, it's not so much that he didn't answer his question directly, but rather that he didn't remember what happened before he died!

I once sent people to the black market to inquire about it. Only when I arrived did I find that the black market, which is famous for the underground black market in Changshan Xinjiang, was banned and closed by my son. All the businesses here used to come in anonymously and stealthily, and few of them can be found in the public. Now my son does not mention the things before his rebirth, He had no way to ask his son who the peddlers were, and the few he could find could not remember what happened on the day of his son's death!

Nagasaki's heart is like a mirror. This matter must have something to do with equation. So even if equation later saved his son, he didn't thank him so much. First, equation used his son's rebirth to exchange his right to open a spiritual Institute in Changshan. Second, the truth of this matter has always been a knot in Nagasaki's heart, So... He's not so trusting and even defensive towards this episode!

So today's matter, he also has some small selfish in it! He wanted to have a chance to put the equation together in other things, and let him plead for his own day, but in the end... He was suppressed by the other party, and there was no possibility of victory at all!

Think of here, Nagasaki long sigh!

After listening to Nagasaki's words of showing weakness, Yuan Yue's indignation was relieved a little! Because of the mistakes of his two subordinates, he almost killed them. Then he and his partner fought to save them, and they even dared to speak up.

She gouged out Nagasaki and ignored him. Instead, she turned her head and looked at Qian Yuyang.

"Yuyang, have the cannibals been burned?"

"Well, almost! There are still a few corpses that haven't been burned to ashes. I'd better watch them all burn up, so that I don't think they will come back to life suddenly. It's frightening! "

Qian Yuyang pointed to the small fire in front of him and said with lingering fear.


With that, Yuan Yue turned her head and looked at the bodies of some sharp bees that were left on the ground and not completely swallowed by the cannibal insects. Her face was a little sad.

In fact, it takes a lot of effort to cultivate these insects. This kind of bee needs to be trained for one or two years before it can fully understand the master's instructions and help the master to complete the task again and again! In the process of training and completing the task, Gu Chong and the host will also have some feelings, especially for yuan Yue!

Yuan Yue has been alone all the time, and these insects are not only the identity of insects in her eyes, they are also partners and bodyguards to protect her. Now... Most of Yuan Yue's sharp bees have died, how can she not be distressed!

Yuan Yue squatted on the ground, looking at the ground of those already cold sharp bee corpses, said nothing.

Seeing that Yuan Yue's expression was very sad, she could not help walking forward and squatting beside her, with a hand on her soft shoulder.

Seeing this scene, Shu Qing and Qian Yuyang can't help but look at each other, and then walk to the front yard with tacit understanding. There are still many corpses that haven't been disposed of. Shu Qing hasn't done her own work for so long, and now she feels a bit itchy!

Li Zhaowen is still looking at the ashes left by the cannibals in the fire. Qian Yuyang grabs his sleeve and pulls him towards the front yard!

"What for?"

Li Zhaowen was startled. Qian Yuyang didn't speak. He just pulled him to the front yard. But Shu Qing didn't give him a good look!

"How does a good girl like Xiao Qi like you like you so much

She muttered a word, Li Zhaowen this just understood their meaning, "hey hey hey" of smile.

"Don't tell me, I miss our little Qi a little bit!"

The three joked and walked towards the front yard. After a few steps, they realized that Nagasaki and his not so smart men were still in the yard. They turned their heads and looked at them. When they saw that Nagasaki and some of his men were still standing there, Shu Qing coughed a few times to remind them!


When Nagasaki heard the sound, he regained his mind. Looking at Yuan Yuehe, he suddenly realized that he was in general. He turned his head and walked quickly towards the front yard! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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