Published at 14th of February 2022 09:46:29 AM

Chapter 1606

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But... Qian Yuyang is different. He is a man of the Pantheon. Although the spiritual power in his body has been transformed by the equation, it is still the spiritual power system here from the root, so he may be easily affected by this array.

And although Qian Yuyang as a character dark guard is very powerful, but in terms of the upper level God, he is only the position of the second level God, so it is very normal to be affected! He thinks that he can't play so easily. It's time to rush out. Otherwise, if Qian Yuyang really gets into too deep, he may not be able to get out of his own karma even if the array is broken!

So the equation keenly looked around, and concentrated the spiritual power in his eyes. Suddenly, the chaos and nothingness around him seemed to be blown away by the strong wind. The scene around him was very clear in front of him!

At this moment, Xiaofei is fighting with several companions of that coquettish woman, while the others are continuing to support this array! The coquettish woman leans on the pillar of a house and sneers at Qian Yuyang, who is struggling in pain. Her face is cold and her mouth is slightly raised. With a little Schadenfreude, she seems to be watching a clown play and playing with the clown on the stage!

With a look of awe inspiring, he swung the breeze and smashed it hard at the array barrier in front of him, which was like a TV screen. All of a sudden, everything in front of him really seemed to be like a TV screen, slowly breaking into dense spider texture, and then falling to the ground bit by bit, slowly disappearing

With this loud noise, the coquettish woman's expression suddenly startled, and then looked at her own array as if she didn't believe it, which was solved by the equation! Several people who used the array were hit by the powerful spirit power, fell back suddenly, and then hit the ground heavily, with blood gushing out of their mouths, and they couldn't get up any more!

Seeing this, the coquettish woman immediately flew forward and dashed toward the equation, throwing out several cold arrows. After the equation resisted her cold arrows, she came to the equation and grabbed the heart of the equation.

He looked at the cold shining finger knife from the other's fingertips, and his face moved. He immediately stepped back, and then ran to her back at a speed that was difficult for the coquettish woman to understand, and patted her back with a light palm!


With such a light palm, the enchanting woman in red has already vomited blood, and only by holding the pillar beside her can she barely stop!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he ran to Qian Yuyang, who was still struggling. He grabbed his shoulder and shook it.

"Qian Yuyang, Yuyang, wake up..."

Qian Yuyang seems to be suffering from some severe pain. His brow is locked and his expression is painful. He doesn't call back his sober will even if he yells so loudly.

The coquettish woman stares at the equation angrily, but she is not reconciled. She feels that the Qi and blood in her chest seems to be better, so she immediately perches on the front again and uses her whole body to attack the equation! And the equation felt the linglie spirit behind him, suddenly turned back and flew the little wind in his hand towards the gorgeous woman in red.

With a bang, Xiaofeng collides with the coquettish woman's body and makes a dull sound. Maybe the coquettish woman doesn't know enough about Xiaofeng, maybe she overestimates her own ability and belittles the ability of equation, or... She's so angry that she's lost in her head. Anyway, when she rushes forward, she doesn't want to die, She was doomed to such a tragic result!

Xiaofeng hit her heart heavily. The coquettish woman only felt her whole body was stiff, and then a cold feeling spread all over her body. She flew out heavily, and her heart also stopped beating when she took a big mouthful of blood! Fortunately, she died very quickly and did not suffer any excessive pain. When her body hit the ground, she was already out of breath!

Equation naturally has no time to see her situation, but continues to call to indulge in his deep karma Qian Yuyang!

"Yuyang, wake up!"

"The equation, you kill me!"

A word from Qian Yuyang's mouth called out, let equation slightly a Leng. He immediately looked at Qian Yuyang's face, and saw that he was still closed his eyes, and his expression was painful. It was obvious that he was still addicted to the imagination and didn't wake up.

The president breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't, I didn't betray you! Equation, I really did not betray you! If you don't believe it, kill me, but you must understand that I didn't betray you... Never! "

It seems that Qian Yuyang is still worried that he will doubt him and choose not to believe him one day! So he gave up the tough decision to wake him up, but a hand to his shoulder, hard to pass his strength to him!

"Qian Yuyang, listen, I don't doubt you! As a person, I always have no doubt about the use of people. Since the day I decided to take them with me, I have decided that no matter what happens in the future, I will never doubt you! You are my brother, from the time you choose to stand with me, you are my brother, the one who enables me to walk side by side! So... Don't worry, I won't give you up, I won't doubt you, and I won't... Kill you! "

The voice of the equation was pious and gentle, and it came to Qian Yuyang's ears bit by bit.

Then, Qian Yuyang's expression really began to calm down, no longer frightened, no longer nervous, no longer sad, he slowly calmed down, and then at a certain moment... He slowly opened his eyes, after a moment of God shaking, his eyes began to become clear!


It seems that he can't distinguish reality from dream. When he sees the scenes around him, he reacts that it's just fake, and now it's real!

"Be careful..."

Two people are still talking, I heard Xiaofei yell behind them. Two people turn their heads to look at the past, only to see the coquettish woman's companion see the coquettish woman is dead, immediately anger rushed to the top of the head, holding a weapon toward the equation. But at this time, Xiaofei suddenly jumps, flies in the mid air, grabs the small wind flying in the mid air, and then directly smashes at the hands of those coquettish women!


Coquettish woman's companion was suddenly rushed out of the small fly knot solid swung, heavily hit back, and then worked hard for a long time, but can't get up!

Xiaofeng's attack power is beyond their comprehension! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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