Published at 14th of February 2022 09:45:17 AM

Chapter 1693

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The equation nodded to him like a pacifier, then turned to look at the river and shook his head to him with some regret!

Seeing the equation shaking his head, Jiang Jiang was surprised. Then he took a step forward in the direction of the equation very anxiously. His hands seemed to grasp the hand of the equation, but he felt something wrong when his hands were extended to half, so he took his hands back angrily and looked eagerly at the face of the equation.

"Lord Fang, my nephew, he..."

Halfway through, he seemed to realize that he was in full view of the public, so he quickly changed his statement.

"I fell in love with the Lord at first sight. I really want to have a drink with you and talk about the future!"

After listening to Jiang Jiang's words, the equation's heart was funny. The big animal trainer in the trapped animal territory was really interesting, and the conversation turned a little fast. However, the rescue of Mrs. Wan and miss Wan was more urgent at this time, so he could only politely refuse. When he came back, he would talk to him in detail about Mo yuan and Lord Mo Jiang!

So the equation pointed further away from the crowd, indicating the river to say a few words to itself!

"Big trainer, please come here. Fang has a few words to tell you!"

The river nodded at once, and then followed the equation to a corner farther away from the crowd to talk!

"I'm going to assist the chief escort of the beast escort agency to deliver a escort to the cheetah forest!"

The equation is straightforward.


The river looked slightly surprised at the equation.

"The cheetah forest is very dangerous. You, Lord Fang..."

But here, the river suddenly reacted. He subconsciously turned his head and looked at the master beast statue held by his bodyguard. Then he clearly turned his head and continued to look at the equation.

"Yes, it doesn't seem too difficult to go to the cheetah forest with the skill of the leaders of the frontier!"

After listening to the words of the river, the equation is not tangled, just go on!

"The wife and daughter of escort leader Wan have been kidnapped. This escort... Asked the villains to send them. Since the big animal trainer has heard about Fang's fight with the ghost faced spider in the beast escort agency, he must also know what the escort is!"

When Jianghe heard this, he first thought about it, and then nodded.

"It's the cub of the ghost faced spider!"

Jianghe is a great animal trainer in the trapped animal territory. When he hears this, he can think a little and know what's going on!


The equation nods,

"I think... Maybe someone wants the cubs of this ghost faced spider, but I don't know whether it's for security reasons or whether they are inconvenient to show their face and directly transport the cubs of these ghost faced spiders. Anyway, the other party kidnapped the wife and daughter of dart leader Wan, and then threatened dart leader wan to deliver the escort for them! But the cheetah forest... The great animal trainer must know that not everyone can pass safely, so... Dart leader Wan found me to help! "

The equation simply tells Jianghe the general of this matter. Of course, he will not tell Jianghe what he doubts and deeper things. For example, he suspects that the kidnappers of the other party are those who have been setting up obstacles for himself. Naturally, there is no need to tell Jianghe!

Jianghe couldn't help nodding after listening to the equation! He sighed helplessly, shook his head and nodded again!

"I see! This matter is more urgent than the disappearance of Mo Jiangzhu... They have been missing for so long. I don't know where to find them, and there is no specific clue, so... "

The river glanced at the equation with a little worry.

"Then the leader of the frontier will help lead escort wan to deliver the escort first. When you come back... Let's talk about it in detail!"

Looking at Jianghe, he seemed very worried about his nephew Mo yuan. He also understood the equation. He patted Jianghe on the shoulder at will.

"Don't worry, my people are already looking for it, and... There are no clues. The big animal trainer will talk about it slowly when I come back!"

When he heard the equation saying that the disappearance of the Mo family's father and son was not completely without clues, his eyes flashed. Then he nodded immediately and said he was willing to continue to talk in detail when the equation came back!

"Good! Then it's settled! "

The river nodded and agreed.

"But... Although Jiang knows that the leader of the frontier and the young heroes can really excel, the cheetah forest is really dangerous, and the dangers described by everyone who survived are completely different, which proves that it is changeable. You... You should be more careful!"

The river said this very sincerely, and naturally he nodded his thanks!

"OK, thank you for reminding me!"


The river moves closer to the equation.

"Presumably, the leader of the frontier also heard that the forest is actually divided into the outer forest and the inner forest! The cheetah forest is the inner forest. There are still some people who go to the outer forest, but few people really enter the inner forest! But what we almost don't know is that there is another forest in the inner forest, which is different from the inner forest. It is a forest with basin landform, which is the real core of danger, because... The animal king in the animal trap is there! "

"Beast king?"

Hearing this, he was stunned. He had heard about the beast king before, but it was said that no one had seen the real beast king. They just said that the beast king was commanding the beasts in the mountains and forests to fight against humans, but these were all legends, but no one had really seen the beast king!

Now, if rivers, as great animal trainers, say so, it must exist!

"Well, the beast king is real, and it's right there! So when the Lord of the frontier passes by... Be more careful! "

The river whispered to the equation!

The equation looked at the river, his face looked grateful, and then nodded!

"OK, Fang wrote it down! Fang went back to the inn to prepare for departure. Big animal trainer... Please help yourself! "

"OK, Lord Fang is busy first. We'll meet and talk in detail after you come back safely!"

The river nodded, then stepped back and nodded slightly towards the equation!

Equation also smiled and nodded at him, then turned to Li Zhaowen and Wan Lin!

"Zhaowen, we're ready to go, young master Wan. Please go back and inform lead escort Wan. Let's go immediately!"

As soon as he heard that the equation said he was going to start, Wan Lin immediately took back his bitter gourd face and nodded excitedly.

"OK, I'll go back and inform my father!"

Then he ran towards the beast escort agency!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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