Published at 19th of January 2023 07:23:42 AM

Chapter 2639

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Although Yuan Yue has her own spiritual power to withstand the pressure and buoyancy of the sea water, she still feels uncomfortable sitting in the sea water. She constantly adjusts her sitting posture, trying to find a more comfortable posture for herself.

"Moon, why are you here? Where's my brother?"

Suddenly, Xiao Qi's voice came from the direction of the gate of the inn, Yuan Yue looked up immediately, and saw Xiao Qi standing at the door, looking at herself with a smile!

"Eh? Xiaoqi, why are you here? Didn't you follow Zhaowen to another street?"

Seeing Xiaoqi, Yuan Yue was a little surprised, but she was also quite happy, because she was really boring by herself!

"Isn't this kind of city just a circle? Li Zhaowen searched every room very carefully. I was a little bored, so I walked forward first! In the end, I came here after walking!"

Xiao Qi bounced towards Yuan Yue, and when she got to her, she realized that Yuan Yue was sitting in a barrier!

"Huh? Did my brother set up a barrier for you? Is there anything here? Is he afraid that you will be in danger?"

Xiaoqi looked at the enchantment in front of him strangely, with some fear and vigilance in his eyes!

Yuan Yue didn't think much about it, she thought that Xiaoqi had seen the barrier set by the equation, and thought that there should be dangerous things nearby, so she became a little vigilant!

"Oh, there is an unknown thing that moves very fast and hides spiritual power. Neither I nor Equation has seen it! Now Equation is chasing that thing, leaving me alone. I was worried, so I set up a barrier for me!"

Yuan Yue looked at the spiritual power barrier around her, thought for a while, and then suddenly realized.

"It seems that only I can stay in this enchantment set by the equation, and no one else can get in! He just left in a hurry and didn't think too much. I didn't expect you to find it!"

Yuan Yue is inside the barrier, and Xiao Qi is outside the barrier. Yuan Yue will feel a little embarrassed in this scene! This situation is as if, in case of danger, Xiaoqi outside will bear the brunt, while Yuan Yue herself can perfectly protect herself!

"It's okay, I came here because I was bored, you stay inside, I'm right here, let's talk for a while, otherwise it's too boring!"

Xiao Qi smiled at Yuan Yue, looking very sensible.

"Besides, who is my brother? Is there anything in this world that can stop him? Don't worry, since he has gone after that thing, he will definitely be able to catch it. So in general, we also There will be no danger!"

She waved her hand, as if she didn't care at all!

"Well, you're right!"

Yuan Yue also nodded,

"Hey, did Zhaowen find anything? The houses that Fang Fang and I found were all empty, except for the frame of the house, there was nothing inside! It looked... very desolate Feel!"

Yuan Yue sat there and said lightly.

"Yeah, it's been more than nine hundred years, how could there be anything that survived? I guess... the fact that this city can be protected so well has something to do with the spiritual power that shrouds the city. ! Otherwise... I am afraid that even these houses will be gone, and there will only be some wreckage that can barely be identified as cities and houses!"

Xiaoqi sighed for a long time, her voice sounded a little sad, it seems... a little touched by the scene!

"Yeah, time is so terrifying, it can obliterate everything! This city is buried deep here, who would remember that there used to be such a big city here? And the people in this city, alas... ...Looking at those bones, I can still imagine the tragic scene at that time!"

Yuan Yue lifted her eyes and glanced at Xiao Qi who was sitting outside the barrier, and saw her eyes slightly lowered, her long eyelashes cast a shadow on her eyes, making Yuan Yue unable to see her clearly at this moment. What does his eyes look like!

" not enough to describe the scene at that time..."

Xiaoqi suddenly gritted her teeth and said, but then she seemed to sense Yuan Yue's gaze on her, so she immediately adjusted her expression to make herself look more relaxed!

"I must be like this. You can actually guess it by looking at the bones at the gate of the city! No matter adults or children, they were all killed!"

Xiao Qi looked at Yuan Yue and said, although the expression on his face was much more relaxed than before, but the heaviness in his eyes could not be erased immediately!

Yuan Yue frowned slightly, but still kept her original state, not letting Xiaoqi see that there was anything wrong with her!

"Oh, I'm a little sleepy!"

Yuan Yue stretched out her arms and stretched her waist, her eyes... inadvertently looked carefully at the little Qi in front of her! Clothes and appearance are undoubtedly Xiaoqi, but Yuan Yue always has a feeling of awkwardness, always feels... the style of speaking of Xiaoqi in front of him seems to have changed, and he really saw the scene of this city Feeling it, or... what other more terrifying possibility!

Ever since she came to the Realm of the Ten Thousand Gods, Yuan Yue has seen all sorts of turmoil, so..... such a thing that the person in front of her is not the person in front of her, she thinks it is not impossible for her to happen!

"Hey, when we went into the sea, Zhaowen yelled that the spiritual power in the seabed is very abundant, and there is a possibility that there are some treasures hidden in this city! But after coming down, I found that the reason for the abundant spiritual power in this sea area is that someone is using it. Lingli maintains this city, Zhaowen is not disappointed! He must have complained to you just now!"

Yuan Yue looked at Xiaoqi with a smile, and began to chat with Li Zhaowen as a topic.

"No, he was so pissed off! He said he was a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain, but it was nothing when he cooperated! The water on the bottom of the sea is cold and smelly. It is really not worthwhile to soak for so long without any harvest. what!"

Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing as he talked, as if he thought of Li Zhaowen's expression when he said these words, that expression...was a bit gentle, it was indeed like the one when thinking of a lover state!

However, Yuan Yue at this moment has already concluded 100% that the little Qi in front of definitely not the real Xiao Qi! It's just that she still doesn't know who is playing Xiaoqi and what it is for, so at this moment, Yuan Yue has to keep calm and continue to talk to this fake "Xiaoqi" without knowing the situation and the strength of the other party. Chat and stick around till the equation comes back!

"This can be regarded as an adventure, very interesting! Others didn't discover this ancient city, but we discovered it. This is also a kind of predestined fate! Very good!"

Yuan Yue continued chatting with Xiaoqi!

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