Ultimate Gene Valkyrie - Chapter 1105

Published at 9th of May 2022 06:51:54 AM

Chapter 1105

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"As a fragment of the will of Xumi Kingdom, the king of keymen kingdom is very high in nature as soon as he was born, and his strength is already at the level of super world king!"

"He has been working hard to become a new Xumi community. Although it is said that the former Xumi community will endow the king of keymen with the goal, there is no specific statement about how to do it."

Zhang lie asked, "is it your own behavior to devour billions of worlds?"

The night devil shook his head and said, "a long time ago, after the will of Xumi kingdom was broken, a fragment of will was left behind. After the order was given, all the broken worlds were fused and reborn into a new will of Xumi kingdom."

Why is the king of keygate the oldest world.

It is because the king of keymen kingdom was born after the Xumi kingdom was broken. All the worlds were born after the Xumi Kingdom's will was broken, in a word.

The king of keygate was born at the beginning of the universe explosion, or the beginning of chaos. The super world emperors born in later generations are all after the king of keygate.

The king of the world born in later generations is naturally after the king of the key gate.

The oldest king of the world is not the king of the front world who died in 7788. The king of the key gate world is the one who can be the oldest king of the world.

The king of keygate is really the oldest one, and it is also a living history.

From the beginning, the king of keymen Kingdom has been a super world king. It's not too much to say that the king of keymen kingdom is the first king after the world is broken.

"The integration of the world does make the king of keymen stronger, but no amount of integration can improve the essence, and even affect the will of the king of keymen, and his will becomes blurred."

After integrating a large number of worlds, the king of keymen realized that he would not talk about himself until he absorbed the will of other worlds.

"In fact, at that time, the king of keymen Kingdom gave birth to a trace of human nature. He no longer simply obeyed the orders left by the will of Xumi Kingdom, nor was he just a fragment of the will of Xumi kingdom!"

"He began to think about how to retain his own humanity and at the same time become a new Xumi will."

Zhang lie thought of the state of the king of keygate.

"So, did it start at that time that hundreds of millions of worlds in the king's body of keygate kingdom were constantly born and perished?"

The night demon nodded and said, "it really started at that time. Later, the king of keygate thought that he would not devour other worlds any more, but also become stronger."

Zhang lie replied: "the king of keygate began to imitate people's ideas. Is there anyone's will?"

The night devil shook his head and said, "yes, after solving the problem of his own will, the king of keygate world realized that his own essence had leaped, and he was gradually approaching the Xumi world that he used to be!"

"In other words, it is slowly giving birth to a new Xumi world, which can be regarded as a real contact with the gate."

Although keymen jiehuang was successful, he only changed his own structure and could not directly become a new Xumi kingdom. From then on, he entered a state of stagnation.

"After seeing the birth of the king of the world and the king of the super world, the king of keygate found that the growth of creatures was so fast, and he began to envy the creatures."

Zhang liebai took a look and said, "it's ridiculous that Mingming is the supreme being, the oldest being, but he envies the living beings."

It is clear that the years of living are just a fraction of the life span of a living creature. Even after thousands of years, they still envy the living creature.

The night demon said: "it's more ridiculous to try to be closer to the living beings and begin to imitate the idea of the living beings. The king of keygate has made a new breakthrough in essence."

Zhang lie was not surprised and said: "after all, the complete Xumi world has a trace of human nature, or a certain degree of human nature, with its own essence."

The night demon nodded and said: "through this method, the king of keygate successfully broke through his own boundaries and really pushed the gate open.

Limit team people slowly listen, the night devil said the key door world emperor origin and essential change.

"With the concept of human nature, it is true that after imitating human nature, the king of keygate has become even worse!"

"It's just that the king of keygate has gone too far in this way. He has not imitated human nature, or even surpassed the human nature of living beings. He is more like living beings than living beings."

"What's the problem?" Yang Ze asked

After all, the king of keygate world opened the gate by imitating the living beings.

The night devil sighed: "the king of the key gate world thinks the same as you think. He thinks it's OK to go all the way!"

"But in essence, the king of keygate is not a living creature. It is the will of the world. It can have its own thinking and certain human nature, but it must not fall too deep."

The limit team didn't quite understand.

Zhang lie thought to say: "in Chinese words, the king of keygate is an immortal. The immortal who comes down to earth can be infected with the world of mortals, but can't move his heart."

Limit team for Zhang lie explain some don't understand, but how much or understand.

Zhang lie said: "listen to you, you want me to correct the king of keymen. I'm afraid you've got the wrong person. I haven't changed my goal from the beginning. I have to kill the king of keymen."The night demon said, "I'm not stupid enough to find a guy who has teeth imprint with the king of keygate to change a person who pretends to sleep. If I want to change, I will do it myself. There's no need for you to do it."

Zhang lie frowned and said, "it's too much for me to know more about the king of keymen."

The night devil didn't care about Zhang lie's doubts.

"After all, I'm more optimistic about you now. Since I want to tell you where the king of the key gate is, I naturally want to make it clear." Night magic.

Zhang lie held out his hand and said, "then you can go on."

"I hope you can understand, don't misunderstand the essence of it. The king of keygate is not planning to fight between the new super world and the old super world for the power of the super world!"

"As the oldest king of the super world, the king of keygate has no shortage of these. From the beginning, his goal was just to go further."

To plan the war between the new super world and the old super world and get the final result is just to refine human nature and get closer to a living creature.

Zhang lie waved his hand and said, "all these things are good. Almost tell me where the king of keygate is."

The night demon nodded and said, "well, now the king of keygate is under the management of the super king of scorching sun, and is integrating other worlds."

Zhang lie was surprised and said: "you said that earlier, wait a minute. Just now, didn't you say that if the king of keygate integrates with other worlds, he will lose himself and become no longer himself?"

The night devil said: "the king of keygate is doing this in order to deal with the next war. He knows that the four old super worlds are not your opponents. After that, he will try his best to strengthen himself while maintaining his will before the war!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!