Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0004

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:56:55 AM

Chapter 0004

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Integrating the soul jade of silver liquid jade worm king, Zhang lie took out the core of silver liquid jade worm king and began to devour it one by one. It tastes very good and tastes like a huge QQ sugar.

With the last bite of QQ sugar into your stomach, there was a void will in your mind: "you devour super gene creatures and get ten super genes."

Zhang lie: fan life.

Skill: basic skill - extreme

Number of genes: basic gene 20, variant gene 0, super gene 10

Soul jade: silver liquid jade worm Wang soul jade (weapon type)

Silver liquid jade worm king is a super life and a treasure. The base has an ice warehouse dedicated to storing genetic biological meat and bones. Each ice warehouse is like a storage room in a supermarket to keep genetic biological meat that is temporarily unavailable. Zhang lie collected everything and took it back to the base,

Of course, this kind of behavior has been ridiculed by the people around us again.

"The bottom king put the white liquid jade worm soft core into the freezer again?"

"Others put the meat of genetic organisms into the freezer, and he put it with them, but is that crap worth 100 points per month? I really don't know what's on my mind?"

"If he had a normal head, he wouldn't be at the bottom of the ten thousand year gene list."

Zhang lie ignores it. Although he has to pay 100 points every month to rent the ice warehouse, Zhang lie doesn't feel sad at all. After the basic skill is found to break the limit in the future, the white liquid jade worm soft core in the ice warehouse will become a huge wealth. Even now Zhang lie is considering whether he will detonate the news.

Bring back a little more knowledge from the future. After the cultivation of basic skills, the insect core reserve will be enough. Later, I don't plan to spend time collecting insect cores. The information that basic skills can break through will become worthless.

It is perfect to exchange useless news for great wealth.

However, with his own strength and contacts, the news can't come out of his mouth, otherwise it will lead to unnecessary trouble. It seems that it needs to be considered carefully.

After storing the important white liquid jade worm soft core, Zhang lie rented the cheapest room in the base with ten points.

Because it is the cheapest, the environment is very general, just like a fully enclosed cell with an independent toilet.

Sit cross legged on the bed, complete the final breakthrough of basic skills, and finally carry out the next step of genetic martial arts cultivation.

As for the cultivation method of gene martial arts, Zhang lie was already ready.

Speaking of this skill, the story is long.

To put it simply, Zhang lie spent a lot of means and efforts to obtain a genetic martial arts skill in the ruins of the third world in his previous life, but the process can be described as a narrow escape.

What's more depressing is that after spending a lot of money, Zhang lie in his previous life has not been able to practice, because the initial aspect of this genetic martial arts skill is water, which is called "nine changes of fish and dragon".

When he got the skill, Zhang lie had entered the third world and practiced the fire sign skill for many years. He couldn't directly practice this set of magic skills.

For this reason, he almost broke his kung fu and rebuilt it. After many confirmations, he found that even if he broke his kung fu, he might not be able to practice this wonderful skill. So he gave up the idea.

Even so, he often sighed in his previous life and failed to meet this skill earlier.

Fate makes people. After rebirth, Zhang lie has the opportunity to practice this skill.

The level of skill is not high, but it can be called peerless skill, because it is a skill that can evolve.

The first level of skill is equivalent to every level of gene skill. This level of skill is simply selling goods on the ground. Anyone who wanders through the void and has a little status can buy it.

However, after entering the second level, it will be advanced to the lower level, and the third level will be advanced to the intermediate level

With the improvement of the skill method all the way to the ultimate state of nine to one, it can theoretically surpass the divine level skill method, turn fish into dragon and reach the supreme state, so it is named "nine changes of fish and dragon".

Of course, the conditions for the advanced level of this skill will become more and more stringent as the level increases.

However, in his previous life and this life, Zhang lie focused on this supreme growth space, and immediately began to practice according to the skill memorized in his mind.

The basic general skill method is only functional, which is mainly to accumulate the gene source force in the body. After Zhang lie breaks through the limit of the skill method, the gene source force in the body can be described as massive.

At this moment, Zhang lie guided the source force to operate in the body along the line of Kung Fu. While baptizing himself, he engraved the gene code on the gene source force, led them to operate for several weeks, and condensed into a water blue gene core at the Dantian position.

The aqua blue gene core is the size of a Buddha bead, which makes Zhang lie's face smile.

Most people's first condensation nucleus is the size of mung bean. As for Zhang lie's abnormal gene nucleus, he is naturally proud of the breakthrough of basic general function method.

The size of the initial gene nucleus has a great impact on the increase of body strength and the resonance of gene source force.

To learn gene martial arts, you need to engrave it on the gene core. The first level of skill is the lowest level, which can only accommodate five gene martial arts skills.

The water system also coincides with the silver liquid jade, the king soul jade of the insect, and after adding the water system gene martial arts, the power can increase by 3-5 times.

The first priority of Yulong's nine changes, that is, the first change of the nine changes, the "swimming fish change", has two basic genetic abilities after successful training. The first is called aquatic.

The so-called aquatic is the most basic ability of life in the water, underwater breathing and flexible and rapid action ability in the water.

This can be achieved by most of the water system gene function methods. The difference lies in the degree to which it can be achieved.

The second genetic ability is called swallowing fire. As the name suggests, that is, swallowing fire. According to the introduction of the skill method, the top level can be immune to or even absorb the fire damage of the same level, and its power can be seen.

Zhang lie is a reborn person after all. For him, everything is equivalent to repair. The engraving speed is very fast. In a moment, there is a light red swimming fish in the water blue gene core.

The first change in the nine changes of fish and Dragon - swimming fish change, the operation route of the skill, and the engraving is completed. Then the next step is genetic martial arts.

There is a close relationship between genetic skill and genetic martial arts. The aspect of skill is water system, so martial arts can only be water system.

This is a martial art, but you can't waste it in the world.

There is a martial arts exchange version in the base. You can exchange martial arts for points, or directly exchange martial arts for martial arts. You rarely exchange martial arts for points, and more people exchange martial arts for martial arts.

Even the cheapest rooms have tools to link to the Internet.

Zhang lie's martial arts in the last generation include burning flame Jue, fire fierce sword, blazing fire fist and explosive fire step, as well as the advanced martial arts obtained in the third world, flame divine armor and Jiuyou Yanming chop.

The attack defense and dodge are complete. There is no problem selling the first three.

The latter two need to be considered. Flame God armor is a martial art of a famous martial arts school. Taking it out now will cause unnecessary trouble.

Jiuyou Yanming chop is Zhang lie's favorite skill and his unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box. In addition, there seems to be signs of changing the fire system after the nine changes of Yulong. Zhang lie will never spread it out if it is not necessary.

On the trading page, Zhang lie began to pay attention to the exchange of information about water and fire martial arts, and soon he found one.

"Water softens strength" is a defensive chemical power gene martial art. The opponent wants to exchange fire sword.

After the fire fierce sword is engraved, the system checks that there is no problem, and the transaction is completed soon.

After that, he browsed it again, but did not reach a deal again. Later, Zhang lie simply put the remaining three fire department martial arts profiles on it and put them on the trading section.

The rest is waiting. Although the room is small, it is enough to practice and obtain new hydration strength.

It's a little difficult to practice the strength of softening water. It's necessary to practice the flexibility of water. With the accumulation of martial arts experience in the last life, Zhang lie spent half a day and finally mastered it.

With new skills and martial arts skills, Zhang lie plans to leave the base and go out to hunt genetic organisms to expand the number of genes.

But as soon as he got out of the gate of the base, he met a nasty person.

"Zhang lie! You can make me wait!"

At the moment, the person who stopped Zhang lie at the gate of the base was the childhood sweetheart Wang Xiaohua, who seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

Zhang lie said with a dark face, "are you so anxious that you can't wait until the end of the month?"

Wang Xiaohua's eyes revealed resentment and said, "the house is one thing, and it's another thing for you to slap me. Don't think I'll let you go easily. If you don't kneel at the gate of the base and apologize, don't want to leave."

Just out of the base, I saw Wang Xiaohua blocking Zhang lie's way. A group of people stood aside in high spirits to watch the excitement.

"Go away," Zhang said. "I don't have time to play with you."

"There's arrogance at the bottom of the gene list. I really think of myself as a character. My mutant gene now has 20 o'clock, and one finger will crush you."


Zhang lie was too lazy to talk nonsense. He slapped Wang Xiaohua directly and fanned her out. Then he left for himself.

Mutant gene 20 is awesome? Zhang lie is sitting on the existence of 10 point super gene, but no one knows it.

The melon eating people at the gate of the base were shocked one after another.

"God, the bottom king really dares to start first."

"God, the king at the bottom is tired of living. He will die with his ability."

Wang Xiaohua regained consciousness, got up from the ground and jumped at Zhang lie like a vicious dog.

"Zhang lie! You dare to hit me. I'll tear you up."

In the face of Wang Xiaohua who pounced like a vicious dog, the corners of Zhang lie's mouth tilted slightly. He had just learned martial arts and was worried that no one would test the effect. Wang Xiaohua came to the door.

The strength of soft hydration is displayed, and the hands turn into a mass of water in an instant. Drag, take, pull and caress, cloud and water, and the action is gentle.


Wang Xiaohua turned over Zhang lie's head and fell to the ground like a piece of shit.

Zhang lie was afraid, clapped his hands, looked at Wang Xiaohua mockingly, and then walked slowly with his hands in his pockets.

This time, Wang Xiaohua came back to her senses for a long time and climbed up from the ground in a numb way.

With her mouth full of mud, she can't believe that the king of the gene list she laughs at all day is so powerful?

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