Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0013

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:56:41 AM

Chapter 0013

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"Ah... Scorpion! A lot..."

After a flash of consternation, Wang Xiaohua screamed.

Yes, that's right! scorpion! Countless purple crystal scorpions are drilling out of the cave they came in before and climbing out of the flowers around them, like a group of small ghosts.

These scorpions are made of crystal stone. Most of them are only the size of a palm, but they can crawl very fast. The tip of their tail is strange black and purple. Qin Xiaotian can't recognize what kind of scorpion it is. They surround everyone in an instant.

Strangely, many ghost like purple scorpions also appeared around Zhang lie, but these little things were like domesticated ones. Even if they climbed over his body, they showed no sign of attack.

"Ha ha, it's finally here. The purple poison nether scorpion hates fire the most. Are you ready to die?" The killing game has been completed. Zhang lie's eyes are full of killing opportunities, and there is no concealment at all.


In the jingling sound of gold and iron, Qin Xiao's celestial body was as golden as cast, and his long sword was more airtight. Wang Xiaohua, Fang Qiong and others also began to meet the enemy and shot down all the purple poison Youming scorpions jumping down from the rock wall.

Strange purple blood was sprayed, and a faint purple mist rose in the air.

"Oh, kill with a knife. These little things are your last resort?" Qin Xiaotian scorned to shoot down several purple poison netherworld scorpions easily.

"Hahaha, can you survive and talk big?" Zhang lie laughed and no longer ran away. He was comfortably located in the hill. How leisurely he looked.

Qin Xiao fights with cattle in the weather, but now they have been surrounded by countless purple poison nether scorpions. Zhang lie is quite far away and he can't touch it at all.

The scorpions swarmed and squeaked. In an instant, they turned into a sea of insects.

Qin Xiaotian shouted loudly, "boy, wait, I will make your life worse than death! Fang Qiong, the four spirits array broke through!"

Put down a cruel word, Qin Xiaotian immediately concentrated on commanding the team.

The source power of Fang Qiong and the other three members of her team immediately broke out in an all-round way, activating the phantom soul jade in her body and turning into lava tiger, thorn snake, wind fire bird, rock turtle and four strange genetic beasts respectively.

For a moment, the tiger roared, the snake hissed, the bird roared and the turtle roared.

After the illusion, although they lost the flexibility and skills of human form, the sudden increase of body size also represents the sudden increase of power.

At this moment, they all have extremely powerful power.

The four spirits riot killed and injured countless purple poison nether scorpions, but these scorpions seemed to have no brain at all. No matter how many died, they still went on and on without retreating.

The four spirits also immediately formed a strange square array, kept Qin Xiaotian, Wang Xiaohua and other team members in the array, and began to rush forward slowly against the scorpions.

Purple poison netherworld scorpion, most of which are just ordinary genetic life, a few mutated genetic life, and the highest have super genes.

But no matter what kind of genes they have, as long as they are purple poison nether scorpion, they have only two core abilities.

First, the invisible mimicry of the nether world.

Second, poison! Extremely terrible poison!!

People have seen the ghost like invisible mimicry before, even Qin Xiaotian, who has super gene, has not found it.

As for this poison, it's even more terrible, because poison is the housekeeping skill of the purple poison nether scorpion.

The poison of purple poison nether scorpion is divided into two kinds. The first one comes from the poison bag, which is released through the tail needle. After entering the human body, it runs through the blood all over the body, and the middle one will begin to collapse rapidly from the cellular level.

If there is no antidote, or if the gene source of the strong is suppressed, it can kill people in ten seconds.

As for the second, it is the blood poison of the purple poison nether scorpion itself. These guys' blood is very strange and can volatilize into fog at a high speed in the air.

Then through the contact of other biological bodies, it infiltrates from pores and epidermal tissues, and finally to human paralysis.

"Beware of poison!"

At this moment, under the wanton destruction of the huge four spirits phantom body, the purple fog in the air is becoming more and more intense. Qin Xiaotian held his breath and couldn't help but make a sound to remind him.

Qin Xiaotian is a second-generation character. Yes, but he is not stupid. For scorpions, whether ordinary species or these genetic life, it is always inseparable from the word poison.

Unfortunately, it's too late to notice these poisonous fog at this time.

Since Zhang lie led them here, he naturally thought out the script for them.

The team fought and entered and tried to break through, but the resistance was too great. The impact of scorpions can be described as madness.

Especially on Fang Qiong's side, even if he knew that his whole body was full of fire, he still rushed to him and poked his purple black tail.

Of course, at the moment, under the blessing of variant magic soul jade, the purple poison nether scorpion with ordinary gene can't cause damage to it at all.

Under the four spirits battle array, although their breakthrough momentum was blocked, the purple poison nether scorpions could not break their defense in a short time.

But this magic soul jade consumes the most resources, and they can't fight for a long time.

"Xiaotian, we can't make it. Let's go back first. These scorpions are crazy. Under the impact of such a large group of scorpions, we can't last long!"

"Yes, boss, this boy is a dish of chicken. Trouble him anytime. There's no need to knock here!"

The four spirits battle array center, Wang Xiaohua, and the rest of the team began to persuade Qin Xiaotian.

It means that Wang Xiaohua even has a certain tone of begging.

From seeing these scorpions, she had a premonition of extreme danger. This premonition was even stronger after seeing Zhang lie's murderous eyes.

At present, she doesn't think about anything. She just wants to leave this place immediately.

"Hum, you dare to calculate me. It's not so easy. Hold on for a while and don't teach him a lesson. I really think I can't take him less!"

The golden curse still appeared in Qin Xiaoguang's hand.

"King Kong subdues the devil spear, die for me!"

In a low voice, Qin Xiaotian suddenly burst into a bright golden aurora on his hand.


The golden light was so fast that it almost came to Zhang lie in the blink of an eye.

To everyone's surprise, the golden light on Qin Xiaotian's hand twinkled, and the latter's fluorescence flashed in front of him, and a thick glazed wall stood in front of him.


With a soft sound, the powerful throwing spear, like a streamer of light, shoots into the glazed wall at a high speed. It can pierce half of the way, and then it turns into a golden light to escape.

Don't mention hurting Zhang lie. He didn't even lift his eyelids.

Now everyone is confused and forced, and Qin Xiaotian is also confused and forced!

"How is this... Possible?"

"What I use is a variation level one-time throwing spear. I'm afraid the attack intensity can even break the defense of ordinary super creatures. How can I not break the thin glass wall?"

"Is that..."

"Impossible, impossible. With the ability of that guy, how can he have that level of soul jade.. wrong, there must be something wrong!"

"Xiaotian, stop whispering. Get out of here and stay. We'll die!"

"Yes, boss, look at the wind Firebird transformed by Zhou Ming. It's a little numb. Something's wrong, boss!"

Qin Xiaotian's heart is surging. Wang Xiaohua and several of his subordinates, after a short period of consternation, persuade him to retreat again, like an ant on a hot pot.

The poison fog has achieved initial results. Qin Xiaotian knows that it will be really dangerous if he doesn't go again.

After a hard look at Zhang lie, Qin Xiaotian was very unwilling and said, "withdraw, withdraw from the previous hole!"

He thinks pretty well. He goes out wherever he comes in. Purple poison nether scorpions don't think so.


It seems that they also feel the other party's change of formation, and the scorpions send out passionate calls. The originally extremely crazy scorpions are even more crazy.

What's more, the mutant purple poison nether scorpion, which was originally hidden in the scorpion group, began a sneak attack.


The wind roared, and under the blow of the short wings like an ostrich, the sharp wind blade blew all the purple poison nether scorpions in front of them.

However, just as he thought he had cleared away the obstacles and stepped forward, a little purple light flashed under his feet and shot at him like a little firefly.



A shrill scream suddenly sounded in the so-called four spirits array. Behind Zhou Ming, who was incarnated as wind Firebird, a member of the team spilled his strength and fell straight down.

"He Feng!"

"Ah Feng!"

Qin Xiaotian and a member of his team called almost at the same time.


The guy named He Feng didn't respond at all and fell to the ground.

On the right side of his neck, there was a purple blood hole with thick fingers, and the ulcer was spreading rapidly.

"Be careful, a mutant scorpion has entered the array!"

A member on the left was lucky to avoid a little purple fluorescence and immediately sounded a warning.


As soon as he said this, the purple light burst into a blood mist in his ear.

Qin Xiaotian's face was gloomy and his exquisite alloy sword flashed a dazzling arc. "Be careful, there's more than one in!"

I have to say, this boy is really good.

Except for the moment of attack, the mutant purple poison nether Scorpion will never show any flaws. This guy can cut and explode with one sword at the moment of attack, and his super gene number must be at least around 20 o'clock.

Otherwise, his source strength will never reach the second kill variation level.

Seeing this scene, Zhang lie is more thankful that he did not choose to fight with the other party before.

However, killing a mutant purple poison nether scorpion is nothing. This is the nest of purple poison nether scorpion.

Killing one or two mutant purple poison nether scorpions will not have any impact on the whole battle.

It doesn't mean that Wang Xiaohua around him and even his team members can Gaodi.

Just because he can save his subordinates once or twice doesn't mean he can save them every time.


Another light sound, another member of the team fell down, the four spirits battle array began to falter, and the number of people in the array began to be reduced rapidly.

If we don't find a way to stabilize the situation, he, Wang Xiaohua and even the Xiaotian team he built will die here.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!