Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0060

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:55:38 AM

Chapter 0060

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After that, directly deliver points and start designing styles.

On this forging machine, there are many design styles of armor. What Zhang lie has to do is to choose the one he likes

Soon, Zhang lie finished these super battle armor things, but it was a success.

Next, all he has to do is wait.

Wait until 12 hours later, come here directly to get armor, or directly through the optical network to send the transmitter to your location.

It's rare to come to the central area. Tension didn't rush back, but began to wander around.

Along the way, there are all kinds of shops in the city, which is no less than the prosperous area in the present world.

Most of these shops belong to the base, and only a few belong to the industries that six people spent a lot of money on.

Zhang lie finally stops at the door of a yunmengze bar.

The void world is not a peaceful world. Most of the guys who struggle here are wearing their heads on their belts.

The pressure to survive here is several times greater than in this world. Alcohol, the ultimate decompression tool, is naturally very popular.

In fact, this street is full of bars.

When you stop at the door, you naturally find that this looks like a cloud industry.


Seeing Zhang lie in black, two charming women greeted the guests and leaned over quickly.

"Have a drink. Our store has recently launched Lei Jiang wine. It's very strong. Real men say it's cool after drinking it!"

Try it, "ha ha, you have to smile!"

When the two welcoming sisters saw that Zhang lie was on the road like this, they were very happy and immediately welcomed him in.

Entering the bar is like entering another world.

The noisy music made the whole bar vibrate.

Countless guys in strange clothes, even in battle clothes and armor, are located in all directions.

Colorful lights flash these guys like ghosts and monsters.

Welcome Zhang lie to a corner and then give you a list.

But Zhang lie didn't even look at it. He said loudly, "have a drink first. What thunder pulp wine do you say!"

The two welcoming girls were stunned when they heard the speech. One of them immediately attached it to his ear and said, "Sir, Leijiang wine is a new product. Yes, but the price..."

Hearing his sister's words, Zhang lie immediately glanced at the list.

Thunder pulp wine, 800 points for a cup!

I'll go, we won't grab it?

Zhang lie almost yelled.

What are you doing at night? It's a big injustice this time.

But I've gone out. I can't take it back now.

Immediately waved his hand and said, "go!"

Seeing that Zhang lie was so forthright, the little sister asked loudly, "OK, do you need a drink?"

Hearing this, Zhang lie turned around and found that many table tops were sitting with very enchanting wine companions.

Some curiously asked, "how many?"

The welcoming sister smiled vaguely, "black rope 500, red rope 1000, you..."

"Well, what black rope and red rope? No, I'll make a scene!"

Zhang lie refused the so-called accompaniment and sent the two guests directly.

To tell you the truth, he has been to the bar in the base of the void world. It's his first time to come.

Unexpectedly, there are so many ways.

In the bar, the distance between the two tables is generally not too large. Coupled with the sound of music, Zhang lie's order is naturally heard by the adjacent table.

One of the guys in a black-and-white suit couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhang lie's appearance and said, "it's killing me. Now yunmengze is getting lower and lower."

"Welcome guests have no strength at all!" this mysterious woodlouse also pulled in. Even he did not know the black rope and the red rope, and he came out to go to the bar.

Zhang lie didn't expect that he would go to a bar at will, and some people would go to the pole to find trouble.

He was so angry that he came up slowly.

"Boy, quite superior?" Zhang lie has some fun.

When the people at the next table saw that he dared to answer back, they immediately turned on the shelling mode.

"Oh, Hello, does this woodlouse have a backbone?"

"At least who is this young master? He is one of the ten members of the base and the second son of the Qin family."

"Woodlouse, you still have time to apologize, or else you don't want to get mixed up in the black iron base?"

"Yes, I don't know what to say. Qin Shao thinks highly of you and dares to show his teeth?"

Hearing the bombardment, Zhang lie was happy. "Ten people in the base? Isn't it six people? Is it the Qin family in Qin Xiao?"

As soon as the words came out, the adjacent table was completely boiling.

"What are you talking about? You don't know the ten people in the base and the Qin family?"

"You stupid green head, please apologize, or I promise you can't even get out of the base door!"

"Yes, if you want to die, you have to find a good home. Fight with the Qin family. Not only you, but your teammates will be implicated and killed by you!"

"Hurry up and get down on your knees and apologize. Qin Shao just hunted a super mutated soul jade today. He's in a good mood. Maybe he'll let you live!"

The second round of shelling began, but now Zhang lie looked at them like a clown.

Don't say it's an apology. He's not even interested in talking.

This Qin family is not the other Qin family, so in Zhang lie's eyes, it is like shrimp.

At this moment, Zhang lie regretted paying attention to them, which was really a loss.

Seeing that the boy ignored it, the next table went out and led by Qin Shao. All the others stood up, as if they meant to do it.

"Boy, you really want to find..."

"Qin Feng, you are so capable. How dare you offend this one!"

"Don't blame Miss Ben for not reminding you. If you don't want your Qin family to be destroyed, kowtow and admit your mistake!"

Qin Feng threatened the boy in the corner, but a female voice came out from behind.

As soon as the female voice came out, Qin Feng couldn't help shaking. It was obvious that he recognized the other party.

Chu Xun, why is this little witch here?

But anyway, since the little witch is here, it's necessary to say hello.

If you don't, you can't end up annoying each other.

It doesn't even matter if the other party asks to let go of the boy in front of him.

Qin Feng turned his head with flattery on his face, but the whole person was a whole at the first time when he saw the visitor.

"Master Chu, Yun... You... Why are you here!"

At this moment, he was frozen.

Chu Feng, the eldest daughter of the Chu family, Yun Bing, Chu Xun, the little witch of the Chu family, and Yun Meng, the second daughter of the Yun family, came to him at the same time?

No, it's not him. It's definitely not him!

He Qin Feng, He De, is worthy of Chu Yun's two lineages to come and find him in person?

When a message comes to their family, the family can't send him to pick his skin and cramp?

At the moment when the idea was just surging up in my heart, I was immediately rejected by myself!

Instead of looking for himself, Qin Feng's pupil suddenly shrinks when he thinks of the words before the little witch

"Is it..."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!