Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0067

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:55:28 AM

Chapter 0067

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At the next moment, Zhang lie couldn't wait to call up his void gene data.

Zhang lie: fan life.

Skill: basic skill · research level, nine changes of fish and dragon · the initial stage of evil snake change, treading wave step · advanced, folding wave palm · advanced, soft water strength · advanced, wave fist · intermediate, towering sword · primary.

Number of genes: basic gene 160, variant gene 100 / 150, super gene 40.

Soul sea soul jade: Super silver liquid jade, bug King soul jade, super purple poison ghost scorpion soul jade, super bloodthirsty ant soul jade, super Changchun mirage soul jade, variant wind wolf soul jade, variant big belly magic frog soul jade.

To tell you the truth, if someone sees Zhang lie's data at this moment, he will be scared to death.

With this set of data in front of him, Zhang lie has been able to most people on the list of arrogant void combat power.

In addition to Yun Bing and Chu Feng, Zhang lie dare not surpass in the super gene point, all other aspects are true.

The advanced skill was completed, the medicine was configured, and the three-month retreat was finally over.

What Zhang lie needs to do next is naturally to fill in the spilled mutant genes, hunt super gene organisms and ingest super genes.

After leaving the hotel room, Zhang lie found Fang Yi, sun Mengmeng and others without much effort.

In fact, Zhang lie told them before he closed the door.

Therefore, they will have someone outside the black iron tavern every day, waiting for Zhang lie to leave the customs.

Goodbye to Zhang lie. Everyone feels that he seems to have changed. He has become more unpredictable in terms of momentum or source force.

Although they didn't know why, they also knew clearly that Zhang lie was bound to enter the country.

Of course, during Zhang lie's seclusion, they were not allowed to be idle.

Zhang lie added another task to them in the task of identifying super gene organisms, that is to fill in their own mutated genes.

This depends on Zhang lie's previous super gene foundation and the super soul jade of the two captains. Naturally, they can easily complete it.

"Boss, it seems that you have gained a lot from your retreat."

When the guest rooms of the pubs of both sides gathered, Fang Yi immediately habitually flattered them.

Zhang lie was so happy that he immediately nodded and said, "well, it's really a great harvest. You're also very good. If there's no accident, should the mutant genes be full?"

Sun Mengmeng said, "Captain, you have created so many favorable conditions for us. If we can't be satisfied, we should wipe our necks!"

The rest of the crowd nodded in agreement.

Zhang lie smiled with satisfaction, "well, let's talk about another task, how's the super gene creature search!"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi immediately said, "Captain, if we dare to neglect, just the pamphlet you gave us. It's basically 7788!"

"7788, don't bluff me. There are 40 or 50 kinds of super genetic organisms recorded in the previous book?"

Zhang lie can't believe it.

Fang Yi nailed the railway: "that's necessary. You're our beloved captain. How dare we fool you!"

"We did find a gene creature in your little book. Most of them have found their nests and habits, and we'll wait for you to go out and hunt."

As soon as Fang Yi said this, Zhang lie's face immediately filled with a smile, "well, what else do you say? Just start hunting!"

"Since you've been looking for a long time, it's up to you to recommend the first hunting target!"

Hearing Zhang lie's words, Fang Yi immediately escaped. Before Zhang lie gave him a small book, he opened one page and said, "boss, I recommend hunting the rising sun longicorn!"

"This soul jade is a rare sound wave attack, which can make up for your regret when hunting the soul frog!"

With Fang Yi's words, Zhang lie looked at the pamphlet. It was a giant insect that looked black and dotted with red Mars.

Zhang lie killed this thing in his previous life, but he still has some impression.

Asahi longicorn, a super genetic creature of fire, looks a bit like the earth longicorn, but its body size is more than 100 times that of the earth longicorn.

They have extremely hard insect armor, sharp pincers, the power of terrible fire, and extremely powerful physical destruction. Their calls belong to infrasonic attack, which can hurt the enemy invisibly.

Among the super genetic creatures, they are absolutely powerful.

Of course, no matter how strong this thing is, it is obviously not enough in front of Zhang lie at the moment.

"The sound wave attacks the soul jade. With several variant creatures around, it's also good to be the first kill target!"



Just as Zhang lie was preparing to shoot the rising sun longicorn, sun Mengmeng interrupted him.

"Captain, I think although the rising sun longicorn is good, it is not the best choice. I recommend Aoki werewolf!"

As the voice fell, sun Mengmeng picked up a small book and quickly turned to the page of the so-called green wood werewolf.

"Green wood werewolf, humanoid genetic creature, life sign, amazing body recovery ability and powerful physical attack. The key point is that the soul jade it produces is humanoid illusion soul jade!"

"It can not only turn into a werewolf, but also does not affect the display of genetic martial arts. It also has penetrating sound wave attack. It is absolutely an indispensable soul jade for the captain at present!"

Almost both of them stood from Zhang lie's point of view, and the recommendation was decent.

But of these two, sun Mengmeng is naturally the one who is more considerate and meticulous.

The rising sun longicorn and the green wood werewolf are better than the green wood Werewolf in terms of soul jade characteristics.

So far, there are many super soul jades in Zhang lie's hand, except for two kinds of super soul jades.

The first is the illusion type soul jade, and the second is the animal pet type soul jade.

The first is the magic soul jade. This soul jade consumes the source force very quickly, but it is necessary to explode. It has a high cost performance.

As for the animal pet soul jade, this is the rarest soul jade in the void world. It is the soul jade that is extremely unwilling when the super gene life dies and finally recondenses into jade, which can hatch the host soul beast.

The green wood werewolf is a soul beast. Zhang lie has never hunted in his previous life, but he has seen the guy with this soul jade fight.

To tell the truth, the man left him a deep influence.

Terrible recovery speed, exaggerated physical destructive power, and sensitivity beyond imagination, and equipped with highly accurate sound wave penetration attack.

This ability in all aspects is quite excellent. It is a rare soul jade among super soul jade. Naturally, Zhang lie has no reason not to.

Since the trace of this thing is found, its priority is naturally higher than that of the rising sun beetle.

At this point, Zhang lie naturally clapped his hands and said, "well, since you have found the green wood werewolf, it's natural to start with it!"

"Humanoid phantom soul jade is the existence of all soul jade, which is second only to animal pet soul jade. It belongs to rare soul jade. It is priceless and has a higher priority!"

"Target, Aoki werewolf, go down and decorate!"


With Zhang lie's final decision, people naturally withdrew quickly in response.

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