Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0098

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:54:39 AM

Chapter 0098

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Zhang lie sighed with emotion.

Anyway, Wu Zun of eclipse moon is indeed the most amazing among the first batch of gene soldiers.

In addition to the eclipse of the moon, he left seven peak martial arts and two peerless martial arts in his spiritual vision.

So far, the inheritance of moon eroding Wu Zun is completely over.

As a wuzun, the moon eclipse wuzun is actually very poor.

Aside from Kung Fu, a decent genetic weapon has not been left.

However, for Zhang lie, Wu Zun has gained a lot in the eclipse of the moon.

After all, from beginning to end, there was only one thing he liked, that is, eclipse of the moon.

Now that you have achieved your wish, you will naturally be happy in your heart. It's time to leave.

At this moment, the clock tower guarded by Fang Yi and others is already full of crisis.

Eclipse Moon Castle, under the bell tower.

Five in Kyoto, six in Qingcheng, five in Liaocheng and the federal heritage Control Bureau, with a total of more than 200 people, gathered under the bell tower.

With their sharp eyes, everyone looked at Chu Feng, Yun Bing, and even the owners of Yun and Chu.

At this point in time, we almost turned the ruins of the eclipse moon upside down.

But I didn't find anything except some very low-level weapons for practice.

In this way, they naturally turned their attention to Chu Feng and Yun Bing.

After all, they are the first to enter the ruins, and their behavior is the most suspicious at present.

From the beginning to now, no one has left the clock tower for half a step.

Moreover, not only did he not want to leave the clock tower for half a step, but also organized other families to enter for various reasons, even close to the clock tower.

Such behavior naturally leads to suspicion.

Finally, under the joint efforts of Zhang Quan of the federal control bureau, Chu Feng, Yun Bing, Fang Yi and others were directly blocked at the gate of the bell tower, trying to find an explanation.

"Miss Chu Shao and miss Yun, both of whom are our children, should understand the rules of this relic?"

"The federal control agency has always been fair, and I won't say much nonsense!"

"Please get out of the way immediately. You have no reason to stop me from entering the bell tower to search!"

"I must warn you that this is Huaxia Liao City. This relic comes from our Liao City, so it should be searched by our Liao City relic control bureau first!"

"If you stop me again, I will arrest you for obstructing official duties!"

Zhang Quanyi's words and tone are quite tough.

"The hat is well buttoned and the momentum is good! However, please make sure that our two families are not frightened."

"Are you sure you want to do this high sounding thing in front of us?"

Chu Feng is still fooling around. He doesn't take it seriously at all. His words are full of dandies of aristocratic families.

At this moment, the outside of the bell tower was completely forced.

Zhou Hong, the Zhou family, was the first to say, "Chu Feng, it's all here. Don't pretend to be crazy. Get out of the way!"

"Today's gate is not only for the heritage control bureau to enter, but everyone must enter!"

"Besides, you must tell me exactly what the bell tower has!"

"Otherwise, you Yun and Chu families will not want to bring anything out of this relic today!"

As soon as he said this, Hao Feng immediately said, "yes, what Zhou Shao said is right. I Hao Feng put my words here today!"

"If you two don't give an explanation today, I, the Hao family, won't agree!"

Hao Feng's words fell, and Qian Hong of the Qian family immediately took up the conversation, "Chu Shao, think twice. How can we say that we are all the five people in Kyoto! Is it really necessary to be so stiff?"

"The three of us, together with the relic Control Bureau and many families in the Qing and Liao dynasties, still have no weight in the eyes of Chu Shao?"

"Don't you want to give this thin noodles?"

As soon as Qian Hong's voice fell, other families also expressed their positions one after another, although they didn't dare to use threatening words. But also all surface positions.

Obviously, at this moment, if the cloud and Chu do not compromise, what awaits them is the common crusade of all parties.

Even not only the external forces, but also their internal clan uncles winked at their own little masters, obviously trying to make them change their words.

However, something unexpected happened to everyone. Even in the face of such pressure, the two young masters of Yun and Chu did not compromise as expected.

"Qian Hong, what do you mean? You three want face, but we don't want Yun and Chu?"

"Come on, you try. I'll see what you can do!"

"I can't guarantee anything else. If the fish die and the net is broken, we'll have no problem after playing together!"

The voice fell, and there was already a black ball on Yunbing's hand.


As soon as the ball came out, everyone on the scene almost sucked the cool sound together.

"Absolute darkness!"

Zhou Hong and others couldn't help crying out.

It is absolutely dark, and there are few unique genetic weapons produced by the ruins.

The terror of power can directly act on the gene level.

Once the explosion is activated, colorless and tasteless gene rays will be released immediately, and all the surrounding biological genes will be classified as the initial.

What is the concept of "initial"? Instantly degenerate to the single celled biological level of Paramecium.

"Miss Yunda, calm down and be careful. This thing is really not fun!"

"Yes, everyone will be stupid when this thing explodes."

Under the absolute darkness and terror, everyone was frightened.

After all, no creature with higher intelligence can accept the instantaneous degradation to the level of single-cell organisms.

You know, that kind of change is always irreversible.

"Hehe, don't worry, you're afraid of death, I'm also afraid! Don't push too hard, I won't kill myself!"

"To tell you the truth, above the clock tower is the entrance to the heritage treasure house!"

"But my people have gone in. If they can't say it, no one will want to go in until he comes out!"

"As for how to arrange people to go in after he comes out, that's what happens later!"

"Believe me, then sit down and wait!"

"If you don't believe it, just come up and try!"

As soon as Yunbing said this, the whole audience calmed down directly.

To tell the truth, everyone was very surprised. Unexpectedly, Yunbing was not only so rigid, but also so good at calculation.

Of course, for Fang Yi and others, it is an unspeakable move.

They didn't expect that under such circumstances, whether Chu Feng or Yun Bing, as everyone's children, they would die to protect the captain.

This completely broke Fang Yi's and others' understanding of the children of the aristocratic family.

It turns out that among the children of real rich families, there are also heroes with real temperament.

Several people suddenly felt that they seemed to have to stand up and do something.

But at this moment, Li Feng on the roof rang the bell again.

The surging sound waves and interlaced light and shadow once again attracted everyone's attention.

After the bell rang, there was suddenly another person on the clock tower.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!